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Emergency response back to Hospital
Dixieladyff replied to FireGuard69's topic in General EMS Discussion
Before I put in my .02 I would like to say I have worked both BLS & ALS trucks, I have also worked both city ambulance company and now rural ambulance company. As a EMT-Basic I have to agree that the main problem was miss communication. The person who is in the back with the patient makes the call if the driver runs L & S or not, or if during route to hospital you upgrade or downgrade from L&S or non-emergent. Communication is important and vital in the field. Yes, if I am driving I like to know what the patients condition is before we leave, I like it when I have a partner who keeps me informed, but at the same time I also know that there is no way this can always happen. When I am getting out of the truck the last thing I do is look at my medic and say, " (name of hospital) & emergency or non?)" I get my reply and the rest falls into place. Now with that being said, I know a few medics who take everything to the hospitals emergency. Even BLS calls, do I like it nope, but as a Basic working a ALS truck its my job to get them to the ER safely, its the medics job to let me know if the patient needs to get there a littler faster but still safely. -
Here we are required to have our EMT license on us while working. Our county did all fire department members paid & volunteer 2 plastic photo ID cards. One for our wallets & the other with a clip for our uniform. On the front along with our photo and name it has our fire department and our call number. On the back it shows what level of firefighter, EMT, and hazmat you are, along with any other special training. This is not something for whackers as some would say. It helps in many different ways. When mutual response is needed, many times it is just for man power, firefighters show up turn in their ID card to the IC, so it works as countability system, also giving the IC instant information about the person skills, depending on the call IC will know immediately where we can be most useful. We are required to have them at all public service events. Although I have never been asked to show mine other than for scene accountability or when purchasing something for our fire department along with department paperwork. If a patient or their family member ever ask for a photo ID, it will provide them with what they need, knowing I am with the department. We are very rural in our part of the woods, and this system might not be good for everyone, but it works for us. This does in no way take the place of my state EMT license and our state number is not printed on the ID card. But a system like this might be what you are looking for. The cost was fairly cheap since we did it as a entire county, and when a member leaves the department the cards are returned to the department and stored in that members file.
It only matters who beer is it when it comes down to who should get the Axe. Alcohol is not right for this kind of work place, doesn't matter what the excuse is. If its not reported immediately then those who do not report it will also end up in trouble. Who ever it belongs to pays no attention to the rules, and that makes them a hazard to us in the field as well as our pts. As far as it being the Chiefs. Then that is even a better reason to report it. A officer should and is held to being a leader, what does that kind of leadership say. I am all for supporting my fellow crew members, they are my family. But I wouldn't let my own husband (who is also one of my crew members) get by with something like that. Nor would I show him any special favors. Not when it comes to safety of my fellow crew members, my self, and my pts. If one of the crew members has a problem with drinking then they need help and support, and by covering it up, they are not going to get better. They are just going to expect you to continue to cover for them. Just how I feel on the subject.
1. More people who not only had the skills and knowledge for the job but also the heart. To many good EMT's get drug down in the EMS drama & BS, they seem to lose the love of the job. 2. A "EASY BUTTON" that could remove annoying pts family members or even that stupid driver (Car included) who is talking on the cell phone, etc.... and not paying attention that we are behind them trying to get by. 3. The ability for all EMT's and those in charge of the EMT Service thought with Common sense clearly. I also agree with the other things posted. This is just what I came up that I don't think had already been posted.
I agree with RID on this one. And the sooner it is reported the better it is for everyone.
How I hate thee firefighters, let me count the ways....
Dixieladyff replied to hammerpcp's topic in General EMS Discussion
I'm a firefighter and proud of it. I am also a career EMT, and a soon to be medic student. Just wanted to point that out so you would know at what point I am speaking from in life. The rival between firefighters and EMTs have been going on for way to long. There are to many times we have to work together and count on each other to have the others back. We as EMTs are constantly talking about how our profession generates no respect or little respect from others. Respect is something that is not handed to you. And showing respect for someone else is the second step in earning respect. The first step is showing respect for yourself. Others have made most of the points I have thought about making so I will not repeat them. But I would like to add this. Pt care should be the most important goal after personal safety. Considering that most of your 9-1-1 calls will not only include a ambulance crew but also a crew from the fire department in some form, and police. Maybe we should try working together as a team instead of trying to tick each other off. Educate each other as to the proper needs and skills that must be applied. Sure there is always going to be a rookie in the bunch, there is always going to be someone who thinks they know more than anyone else. However we only make ourselves look worse when we try to cut someone down in the kind of manner this thread was started for. Just my .02 Dixie -
For the most part looking at it as entrainment I rather liked it. It wasn't the best I have seen but I can see it as what it meant for. As far as picking it apart even mt 9 yr old picked up on the empty NRB bag, no gloves, and the unprofessional uniform style. With that being said, I guess it proves a point already made on this thread, most of the public watching the show are not going to think that is exactly how we do things. One thing I noticed and was happy to see on there not I don't believe anyone had mentioned yet was the hospital diversion scene. Not sure about the rest of you, but we get the crappy nurse who yells at us for bringing them a pt when they are on diversion. Maybe the show will help shed the light on the diversion system so more folks will understand it. I have to admit I was surprised to see it in there. I do hope they will show us in a more professional light in the near future, but I think that is building. I'm going to keep watching and see where it leads.
We work on call shifts at my EMS job. It works out pretty well for us. Here is how it works. There are A, B, & C shifts, on call hours are from 0800-2000/2000-0800. Those on call can be anywhere in the county they want to be. (Our company covers the whole county for 911 + some of the county next to us.) We are paid 2.00 a hour to be on call, if they call us in we are paid whatever our hourly normal salary would be for at least 2 hours. (This is usually overtime for most of us who work full time) If you work longer than the 2 hours you get however many hours you worked, if it is under 2 hours you still get at least the 2 hours. This even goes for the times they call us in and we get canceled before making it to the station. We have a 1st on call crew and a 2nd on call crew. Usually they try to pair us up according to where we live in the county. That way we can take a spare ambulance home at night and not have to use our gas up. Usually the medic I work with on call, lives on my way to the main station, its just a matter of picking him up at the end of his driveway. For me I love it, I get to get extra hours but get to spend time with my family. Since my hubby and I work for the same company but not the same shift, I usually try to take on call on his shift. That way I can go hang out at his station until I am needed. So my thought is where else can someone pay me to hang out with my hubby. (LOL) They supply us with a 800 radio that we have to listen to. These are ours to keep as long as we are employed with the company. That is how we know when we are called in. The last crew on the regular shift that goes out calls in the 1st on call crew as they are headed to post. If the 1st on call crew goes out then they call in the 2nd on call crew. They also make sure they have sleeping quarters for the on call crews for those times when we are to busy working and know there is no use in going home just yet. Or if your 24 hr shift was busy and you didn't get to sleep. Most of us like to work our on call shift following our 24hr shift. That way we have 36 straight hours off. Like I said you can be anywhere in the county that you wish to be. So you are free to go pay the bills, grocery shop, etc..... We are a small company and live in a small rural county. The company is very much family. We support each other, and know each others kids by name. Pitch in and help each other out when needed. Its a great place to work for, and I am happier there than anywhere else. We do have the occasional times when the county decides to go crazy and we end up rolling up our sleeves and creating a 3rd out and sometimes a 4th out crew. That happens rarely, but most of the employees are there because they know the company is not like most companies, they actually care about their employees.
Here is what I am trying to decided, what would you do? And if I need to ask myself anything I have left out please let me know. I work for a big corporate ambulance company. The pay is good 10.00/hr which for where I live is great pay. I have a job offer for a smaller company at 8.80/hr. The smaller company is miles closer to home so mileage is really not a problem. Nor is the insurance because I am on my husbands insurance. The bigger company, I enjoy working with my partner and will be sad to leave him. He is a great guy who has stood behind me and taught me much. However I get tired of the company playing partner swap game. (whenever someone doesn't show up for work they usually take my partner and use him to fill in for the missing medic.) They also do not offer any holiday bonus, of course we get holiday pay but I am talking Christmas bonus things like that. The big company also has a habit of doing things that only benefits them. The big company lied to me saying they would give me a work shift that worked around my going to medic school, in result that didn't happen and I had to put off medic school until next go around. (Grrrrrr this really made me unhappy) Big company is more transports, I work a ALS truck but seldom have a ALS call, most of what I do is nursing home totes and discharges from hospitals. On a 1 hr shift I usually have about 13 or so runs, do not get to report back to the station at all, We are under staffed which we have been that way for a while, more and more of our employees are leaving because of things. In short the company is flying by the seat of its pants, and giving us a good line so we will come in and work for them. The big company also is more city, covers all major hospitals, and major nursing homes. The reputation of this company has become one of a laughing stock. Also the trucks for this company are old, wore out and known for breaking down. I have been broken down on the side of the road in 4 different trucks on the same day before. (No lie, I swear.) Company offers a 300.00 clothing allowance a yr. The smaller company, my hubby works for them and has worked for them since the day they opened the doors 11 yrs ago. We would be working at different stations and on different shifts. It is very family orientated, I know most everyone who works for them and already know who the bad seeds are. The offer a 500.00 gift card to walmart for a Christmas bonus for full time employees, and has been there in the past for me and my husband both (even though I have not been a employee with them yet). They work in the rural part of the country so transport time is longer, however they do more ALS work because of this. However the call volume is much smaller, on a average 24 hr shift the usual call volume is 8 to 10 runs. They only do discharges from 1 small hospital, and only cover 3 to 4 nursing homes. They also have the reputation of only hiring the best. Because they are smaller, the BS is usually dealt with in a quick manner. The oldest truck this company has is 5 yrs old and will be replaced in 4-6 weeks, the new truck is on order. They do not offer a clothing allowance but provide the uniform just not the boots or belt. In all honesty I was going to work for the smaller company to start with, but I wanted to prove to everyone that I could make it without my husbands name backing me, which is why I went to the big company to start with. However, I have accomplished that goal and have medics from both companies asking to be my partner. The only other thing I can think of is at the bigger company I can also work a BLS truck which gives me the chance to do more pt care, but at the same time, at the smaller company I already know they will hold to their word about working out a schedule for medic school, and have agreed to make sure that I have at least 1 off day every 3 days that matches with my hubby,(he works a 24 for them and a 12 for a local fire department. Which in all, will be more than we have now sometimes, my schedule is 3 16s (tuesday, thursday, & saturday) which brings me to another point if I go with the smaller company I will have some saturdays off they work strictly A, B, or C, shift. Also, if one of us is sick or injured the other can cover and we do not loose any pay, also good since we have 3 children. Also, posting is a issue. When we post for the big company it is either at a hospital or a gas station. Which can be very dangerous at night considering the city. At the smaller company you post at another station, never in a dangerous area. So what would you do?
The company I work for requires both EVOC and CEVO. I would also like to add that although not the same state, I work for the same ambulance company that you mention in the above post.(Different State but same company) Rural Metro, and it is a company wide thing that both class are not only taken and passed before getting behind the wheel we also have to keep them up to date. Just having them one time doesn't cut it.
In the career choice I would say that FR should not be on a ALS truck. The company I work for does not allow it and I can clearly see those reasons. However I am sure there are some folks who have been FRs long enough that they have a vast amount of knowledge and could handle themselves very well. On a BLS truck I don't see any reason why not. As long as they have their EVOC. However the FR is not allowed to be the care giver in the back. That is how it works for our company and I think it is a good idea. BLS trucks have strict rules and only take pts from hospitals to nursing homes, or doctor appointments, etc..... I have ran emergency on a BLS truck only because the pt became combative, and we needed to return back to the ED quickly. (I would also like to add that the nursing staff at the hospital stated the pt was not violent when we picked him up.) I don't have a problem with FRs in the field, I think it is great because most of the ones I know who start out as a FR on a BLS truck are just working up the ladder to medic. They gain a vast amount of knowledge by experience and are easily able to connect what they are learning in the books with the real EMS world. We have them do ride along with us all the time, and it is nice to have a ALS truck show up with a FR, Basic, & medic. In the volunteer field, I think FR are a big asset. I also run with a volley department. I think they are a great asset. More to the point I think each step in the field has its place and I think as long as we are all working together as a team within our own scope of practice, giving the pt the best care we can provide that together we make a kick a?? team! Anyone who has the heart to get out there and do the job, is going to be putting their all into what the job is really about providing the best pt care possible. Just my .02
Dixieladyff replied to THE_DITCH_DOCTOR's topic in Funny Stuff
We have a elderly lady in a neighboring department that responds to fire base with statements like this. "fire base I can't respond right now, I'm busy getting a perm in my hair." And my personal favorite. "Fire base, we need that flying trauma unit in the air" -
It is hard at times but then again marriage is hard anyway you put it. My hubby and I are both firefighters and EMT's. It helps having someone to talk things out. I think it depends on the people involed and how much they are willing to work things out with each other. Dixielady (Deb)
What kind of vehicle do you drive?
Dixieladyff replied to rossco_79's topic in General EMS Discussion
I wouldn't drive anything else but my Jeep Cherokee around here. Its big enough to get all the kids in, plus handle all our stuff in the back. Besides that my jeep has come in handy a few times on calls, getting into bad spots that the big trucks can not. Living in the country most of our roads are not paved so that is another reason. -
What would you & handle this situation ?
Dixieladyff replied to Ridryder 911's topic in General EMS Discussion
I would first talk to the person, they may not like what I would say but that is okay, if something is impairing any ones judgment in this field it could mean someones life. If that person didn't won't to go home or take another action to solve the matter at hand, I would then take it up a higher step in the chain of command. If that person needed help in dealing with something I would do all I could to help them. However the safety of everyone is the most important thing. No matter what the reason is, if they are unclear to function like they should then they need to step back until they are clear headed and function properly. This even goes for cold medicine or anything else.