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Everything posted by MedicRN

  1. MedicRN

    New Game

  2. MedicRN

    New Game

  3. What is his drug dosing schedule? Is he drinking grapefruit juice? Is he taking his Parkinson's med(s) with food? What was the 12-lead reading (sorry if I missed a previous answer)?
  4. Before we go telling you the answer, why don't you tell us what you think the answer is and why.
  5. Before we go telling you the answer, why don't you tell us what you think the answer is and why.
  6. In short, the heat injuried patient's internal thermoregulation is shot.
  7. What are her VS? Any neuro deficits? How do her eyes appear to the EMS provider? More questions later when I wake up.
  8. Is this ml/dl? If so, 12.5-25gm D50 and see what that does. What does DNR have to do with it? She's not in cardiac arrest.......... yet.
  9. EMT-B, 1987 = $175 EMT-I/D, 1991 = no cost EMT-P, 1993 = $2500, does not include pre-reqs (A&P, Psych 101, Eng Comp 101, Speech, Chemistry) taken during the previous 6 years. RN, 2003 = $13,000
  10. To sum it all up, treat/transport/AMA according to YOUR LOCAL policies/procedures/regulations. What is policy for me is probably not policy for you.
  11. Hypoglycemia (most probable) vs Absence Seizure or Absence Seizure as a result of the hypoglycemia Either way, he needs dextrose. D50 or D25 as per local protocol. Transport and let ERDoc make sure nothing else is amiss. Oh, and make sure the parents are aware and what they want to do.
  12. I didn't shoot the puppy!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Thought you were the bigger person here, but you just can't resist, can you.... :banghead: :banghead: You just have to keep responding. :director: Both of you need to grow up and LET IT DROP!!
  14. Remember, the search function is your friend. This topic has already been discussed.
  15. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! This 17th anniversary of my 21st birthday was a good one. :occasion5: My best present was seeing my DH for the first time in a week :love4: :love3: :love7: :love10: (unfortunately, it will another week before I get to see him again! :sad10: :sad2: :love9: )!! He and I went out to a movie :happy1: and Carrabbas :thumbright: . The girls took me out to Outback this eventing. Other than that, not much else. Terri...... Thanks for the eye candy. Didn't know you had a pic of my DH!!
  16. MedicRN


    EMS folks have been known to be wrong before. :shock: :shock: He's just covering his ass.
  17. This isn't exactly true. This definiation sounds like a watch with strong possibilities (something which catches a strorm chasers eye and starts them breathing heavy). I don't intend to be picky (well, yes, I do), but as a storm chaser, I know the critical importance of the correct terminology. Now, back to our regularly scheduled government bashing.
  18. It changes with which spelling of my name I enter The way I spell is = Village Idiot :shock: The common spelling = Airline Stewardess :?
  19. $385
  20. Does anyone have a listing of states which require an Associates Degree to obtain their EMT-P? I'm in a debate on another list about how many (and which) states do and don't require it. Thanks
  21. She said EMT SKILLS save paramedics. She said nothing about the person to whom they belong. Rule 41. The best paramedic remembers that three-quarters of their job (and title) is EMT.
  22. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  23. If you've never lived a farming or ranching life (or at least have an idea of what the life is all about) as well as one in the military, you probably won't get the humor. :dontknow: I think it's absolutely hilarious!!! :laughing5:
  24. If the 'guardian' is someone other than the parent and is refusing for the minor, the 'guardian' signs as well as an LEO witness and everything is thoroughly documented. If we can get ahold of the parents, all the better - signed off as 'parents contacted, refusal by phone.' I have yet to have to use the 'protective custody "clause"' on a severely injured (or potential for) minor. The 'guardian' is usually more then willing to have the minor transported if they are complaining of pain/injury. Also, here, only 18yoa (emancipated, military, pregnant (but only with regards to the pregnancy and related issues)) and older can 'legally' refuse of their own accord. However, I have 'refused' older minors (usually 16 or 17yoa) if the incident was relatively minor and they understand the gravity of the situation and potentials. As for in the hospitals, parents/guardians must sign all consents for minors.
  25. He is correct in the technicality of the rescue. However, your scenerio is not practical as I doubt any playground would meet code if it were to allow a child to reach a height of 30 feet. If you want fictional reality, keep it practical and within the realm of possibility.
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