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Everything posted by MedicRN

  1. MedicRN

    On Top

  2. MedicRN

    On Top

    Wrong answer................... It's me!!!!!
  3. MedicRN

    On Top

    Pelts Mediclease with snowballs and shoves her off the top.................
  4. I liked them until they made me sick!!! TPBM.... likes being on top...........
  5. MedicRN

    On Top

    Sweet dreams, Michael...... dream of being on top.................
  6. MedicRN

    On Top

    nope..... my turn
  7. MedicRN

    On Top

    Michael.... where are you getting all these time consuming sites? You're just trying to stay on top longer by distracting us..........
  8. MedicRN

    On Top

    Alright, you little princes and princesses...... Stand aside!! The Queen is on top!!!
  9. MedicRN

    On Top

    Geez!!! I leave for 6 hours and ya'll add 7 pages to this thread!! :shock: Ya'll can't all be on top at the same time!!! So therefore, I am assuming the upper position!!!! :headbang: :bootyshake:
  10. MedicRN

    On Top

    Ha Ha!!!!! It's mine again!!!!!! :icescream:
  11. MedicRN

    On Top

    This top thing is a ball............... :bootyshake:
  12. MedicRN

    On Top

    There's only 2 people with the key.......
  13. MedicRN

    On Top

    Nope..... now me...............
  14. When I worked for XYZ Company, we were gigged for scene times > 10 minutes for traumas and > 15 minutes for medicals (>20 minutes for codes). If we had prolonged scene times, we'd better have very good explanation (acceptable = extrication from location; unacceptable = IV attempts > 1, extremely short transport time). Transport times (6 facilities to chose from) ranged from 2 minutes to > 45 minutes depending on where in the response area you were and where the patient wanted to go. We also had hospital turn-around times to meet (20 minutes to have the unit response ready and paperwork completed and hospital copy left with the patients chart). The only exception was clean up from codes and level I traumas. All these numbers (plus several others) figured into your evaluation and shift-bid ranking.
  15. I can't seem to last more than 5 seconds :? What's ya'lls secret??
  16. Yes, you definitely had too much time on your hands :clock: BTW..... KS has a First Responder level. Didn't know if you wanted that.
  17. Why do that sound like something PRPG would do.......... :shock:
  18. Have you been watching?!?! :shock: [-X Guess I'll have to make sure the curtains stay open :toothy1: TPBM...... Is just as much a perv as the rest of us............
  19. naked in a shopping mall???? Are you nutz???!!!???? I hardly can take my clothes off in the dressing rooms!!! TPBM..... can't stand NASCAR.
  20. This is very new. Do you have any other information about this?
  21. Things have changed that much in the last 10 years??? :shock: I tried years ago to CAS 91B (old nomenclature) with EMT-B and they wouldn't. As of 20 yers ago, they said I could CAS with EMT-P only (which I eventually did). Last I knew no state will not accept a 91B as a civilian medic. BTW......What is the new MOS nomenclature these days for an Army basic and paramedic??
  22. The only thing an Army medic can carry back to civilian life is NREMT-B. When they have completed their training at Ft Sam Houston, TX, they take the NREMT-B. While they (91B or whatever they are called these days) can do more than a civilian EMT-B, it doesn't translate to EMT-P. However, it will translate the other direction - civilian EMT-P can CAS into military medic.
  23. I'm with chbare........... Having spoken with a few of the local 'transition' RNs, I'd recommend taking a complete course - ADN or BSN (your choice). They are feeling like a lot of information wasn't covered as it should have been - information/knowledge that was assumed from paramedic education. Talk to your local transition RNs and get their opinions. Like chbare said, make sure the program is accredited. Also check with the state about their pass rates. PS..... I was a medic for 8 years, when I chose to complete a full ADN program (had/have no desire for a BSN.......).
  24. Please correct me if I'm wrong..... if you are EMT-P certified (non-NREMT) in another state and apply to KS, don't you still have to take the KS state test (in addition to having all your other ducks in a row)? I also thought KS was pulling out of NR at all levels......
  25. No..... my significant other has farted in line and we've BOTH walked out leaving eveyone else to deal with the green cloud. TPBM.... finished a 4 year degree in less than 3 years :shock:
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