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Everything posted by Trauma612

  1. How are you guy's pushing Amio across the pond and what dose? W/pulse here it's 150mg in 50-100 ml/NS over ten minute's
  2. Palm TX w/bluetooth gps reciever and streetfinder 2007 work's great. I can just grab my Palm when on a call and use my epocrates, etc.
  3. Transported three amputated fingers (pipe bomb explosion) P-1, to the Mass General after they were recovered by state police bomb squad 30 min after the call....good times!
  4. Bumping this thread because Im a newb and thats what newb's do :wink: About 4 years ago we were dispatched For the "Eagle Attack" Myself and my partner both chuckled and called Dispatch to give them the "very funny" thinking they wanted chicken or sumtin for dinner. We called and the dispatcher was serious... so off we went ..arrived O/S and found a 12y.o. with four large lacerations to his right shoulder... the "perp" was a juvenile bald Eagle that was found injured in the area the fall before and was rehabbed and released down the coast about 800 miles.. he flew back up to his turf and went after a football that was thrown to him thinking it was lunch and got ahold of his shoulder in the process. It took the enviro. police and fish and game 2 or 3 days to finally catch it.. it had no fear of humans and was chasing people down on the beach that threw any kind of object football, frisbee, etc. It was an interesting call to say the least.
  5. We just voted them in recently (AMR east coast) w/a pending strike due to their contract being shut down, AMR folded at crunch time, got us a lil more money and few other perks..so all in all ... a little rough ride at first thinking I was going to be out of a Job (19 years in EMS) but it's all good now.
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