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Properly Valved

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Everything posted by Properly Valved

  1. Hi Tammy, Congrats, you are about 4 months ahead of me (round 2). I had my cert for 4 years about 9 years ago and let them expire. Do you already have a job or are you looking? I think you will find lots of great information on this sight. Congrats again and welcome aboard. Paul
  2. Hey, Welcome aboard. I just want to warn you that this site is very informative, but VERY addictive. Best wishes and welcome aboard. Paul
  3. Hello to all, It seems that a common theme of all EMT's and Medics is that the pay sucks. I would have to agree, but you don't get into this line of work for the pay. There is no amount of money (sometimes a few million would help) that can compare to the feeling you get when you save someones life. There is no greater feeling that having someone walk into the station and see you after you have saved thier life. Some jobs is all about the money, but this is not one of them. If it is in your blood, there is nothing you can do about it. Best wishes to all, Paul
  4. Sorry to hear about your boyfriend dieing. That leaves us with lots of emotions and feelings of wonder of what we could have done if we had the proper training and knowledge. You are doing a great thing by getting the training to help others. You may be the one to make the difference in someone elses life. Good luck.
  5. As they told us the first night of EMT class, if you think you are going to get rich doing this job, you need to be somewhere else. It does stink that we don't get paid more than the people that work in a controlled environment ie hospital, doctor offices. We risk our lives everyday that we climb on a truck to save someone elses life and are among the lowest paid in the health care profession. We do it for the joy of helping others, not the pay. I love being outdoors and the run-n-gun pace of the profession. You never know what your next call is going to be. This field keeps you on your toes and always makes you think. I love reviewing each call and seeing what we could have done better or different. It challenges your mind, body, and soul. Looking forward to getting back into it!
  6. I agree, burnout is what put me out about 7 years ago. Most guys take the belief that you can't show emotion, you shouldn't need to "talk about" how you feel, you should be tough enough to handle it or this job isn't for you. I am in a stressful job now but have a group of people around me that I can talk to and be open about how I feel and what is causing my stress. If anyone ever tells you to "suck it up and deal with it", they are probably one of they people that don't know how to deal with stress and probably close to burnout. We all need people we can talk to and be open and honest. Once things are brought out in the open, they no longer have control of us. Food for thought, Paul
  7. Hello to all, I guess I am the "official newbie". My name is Paul from Louisville KY. I went through the burnout phase and got completely out about 7 years ago after 14 years in fire and 4 years as EMT. Sometimes you have the one run that puts you over the top, for me that was going out to pick up my best friend from high school that was drunk and dead. I decided it was time for a change. I have just signed up for an EMT class starting Sept 17 and have a meeting with the local fire dept. I guess you can say once it is in your blood, it never leaves. Best wishes to all, If ever in L-ville look me up. Paul
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