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Everything posted by Freaknuggetz_chick
Hi folks... looking for some feedback from around the EMS world... each year, we do our credits/con-ed/however the system may be in your area. awesome, totally support con-ed/credits/growth/etc. So here's my query: What's your (state/province/country)'s method? and price? I'm a paramedic in Alberta, Canada. We're just getting in gear with a new CISM model. do courses, get credits. attend AGM, get credits. seems great, except that the scoring of things seems rather, um, skewed let's say... here, read for yourselves: https://www.collegeofparamedics.org/home/continuing-competence/the-continuing-competence-program.aspx so, 2 days at AGM is worth twice of 2 days PALS course. or ITLS. or NRP. you tell me, which is more useful to the practitioner!!!! and here's proof of our (exorbitant in my opinion) $425 fee https://www.collegeofparamedics.org/home/becoming-a-practitioner/registration/fees.aspx so, how do we measure up to you non-albertans?? please share links of proof if possible, i would like to compile information to take with me to the AGM that this year actually falls on my days off, and doesn't require me travelling half way across the province and paying for hotel etc (unlike previous years). However for many other practitioners, much gas and hotel and restaurant fees shall be paid to attend! sincerely, Bitter in Alberta!
has anyone found any credible research regarding this stuff? all i've found is (query) mephedrone as active ingredient, often poly-pharm OD's (shocking i know )... benzos PRN, potentially haldol for psychosis... suppotive care otherwise. have not seen this stuff up in my neck of the woods... just trying to find stuff out. tks N.
Today while on shift out in rural Alberta, I recieved a txt from brother telling me he's proud and loves me. This accident occured not far from where he lives on northern Vancouver Island. Thoughts and prayers to the two BC paramedics who tragically lost their lives this morning. http://www.theprovince.com/health/bodies+retreived+after+ambulance+plunges+into+Kennedy+Lake+Vancouver/3695197/story.html
how it all works in canada
Freaknuggetz_chick replied to jjslinkey's topic in General EMS Discussion
getting your qualifications in alberta wont be too difficult. I'd stay away from BC right now, they're striking and have many interesting labour issues going on right now.... hoping that some of the benefits will flow over the border to alberta since the province just took over the majority of services here... and if you are registered in alberta, i believe that can land you a job in saskatchewan.... anyways, there's still a tonne of jobs out here. decide where abouts you want to live/start... then start looking for schools in the area. edmonton and calgary are the 2 major cities, and both offer many schools in and around them. you will need to start with your EMR - emergency medical responder. if you have an equivalent experience/registration from ireland, check with the Alberta College of Paramedics to see if you are able to challenge the provincial registration. an EMR certificate can get you an industrial job. from there you can make the $$ (if you don't have it saved or it gets all used up in the move) to then go and do your EMT-A. with emt certification you can then get an ambulance job from some of the many places that are still hiring. http://www.collegeofparamedics.org/pages/home/default.aspx is the governing college website here, should be helpful for you. there's also a page just on job advertisement. -
T-minus 9 days for Alberta "take over"
Freaknuggetz_chick replied to a_shane2_go's topic in General EMS Discussion
well, i agree that there's certainly been a reduction in coverage stuff.... against all that AHS advertised and swore they would not decrease...... yes, AHS will be getting the new monitors so that BLS can do 12 leads. EMTs cannot diagnose STEMI's, so they will be able to give ntg prior to a RVI being diagnosed (or suspected). medics will have the chance to see initial 12's, and this is better for the patient in trending etc once they're at the docs.... and with Vital Heart, should be interesting for patient out comes. i am totally new to c-pap myself, so this should also be interesting. however there have been studies that support no intubation = better pt outcome... introducing an ETT increases chances of infection and longer recovery times.... all in all, there are alot of broken promises, and promises yet to be fullfilled by AHS. I wouldnt hold my breath for them for anything. -
you n the wife made a beautiful little girl congrats and all the best to you!
British Columbia Paramedics Need YOUR Help.
Freaknuggetz_chick replied to Ambulance Al's topic in General EMS Discussion
you have my full support! as well as my family on van isle. i'm a medic in alberta, and not a hope in hell i'd move to be slave labour in BC. -
T-minus 9 days for Alberta "take over"
Freaknuggetz_chick replied to a_shane2_go's topic in General EMS Discussion
it really shall be interesting to see how many medics/emt's leave. and what about emr's? havent heard about any positions for them.... well, here we are, 1 day away. looks like gag orders are NOT A MYTH. i will be signing one shortly. or i will lose my job. epcr's coming in too. not sure how i feel about those... i just know so many people that hate them passionately.... but i am a geek, and like computers and thanks for the midaz squinty-boy..... i was pissed when i heard about the raise the board gave themselves... however there are companies being taken over because their staff "is overpaid"..... frig. -
T-minus 9 days for Alberta "take over"
Freaknuggetz_chick replied to a_shane2_go's topic in General EMS Discussion
no i do not have a link, wish i did. i feel that AHS is really just bullying... not giving enough information to confirm what has been said offhand. sucks, and i do not want to get caught up in the 3rd party information.... but its difficult with the lack of actual truths coming down the line. hence my "supposedly" remark. i understand that as of april first, we are to get alot more information, however, do we want to wait for cinch, or beat the lynch? as far as things have gone thus far, i have no faith in a) the rumour mill *i've been a firm beleiver in the wait and see, no point is speculating* and that AHS will continue to be as tight lipped as possible. as of today, right now, with the *minimal* information out, i'm all in. push me, see how far i push back. i may be one person, but i am strong. and with others who are upset with the strong-arm of the province denying us our democratic vote for a union to represent us (which is the whole point of union, do NOT forget) we can be stronger. I personally do not beleive that there is any way that AHS can pull together 1000 ACP's to come to Alberta. Again it comes to strong-arm verbal tactics. If you have any information, positive or negative, that you would like to be made known, I have a friend outside the industry who is biting at the bit for confimred info to take to the press. This is tactics such as: 1. not allowing us to vote for our own representation 2. strong arm tactics (ie. gag-orders *non-confirmed*; contracts to be signed or you lose seniority and have to re-apply if you wish to have a job 3. short-notice takeovers as seen with Medicare and IHAS. I do not wish anyone to jeopordize their jobs, positions, voices. But if you feel strongly enough, send me information by PM only. I do no ask anyone to go outside any confidential information. this all comes down to our voices being removed. I strongly feel that we are purposely being left in the dark until contracts are signed by those above us and there is nothing left to do, and then all we can do is swallow the refuse and try to continue. you may feel small, insignificant. then think of how it feels to have a mosquito in your room. suddenly, your little buzz is much larger. -
T-minus 9 days for Alberta "take over"
Freaknuggetz_chick replied to a_shane2_go's topic in General EMS Discussion
well, finding people may not be so hard.... supposedly (according to AHS) they have apx 1000 ACParamedics ready and waiting to take our positions if we dont transfer over... the majority from ontario. with legislation signed earlier this year, allowing out-of-province practitioners to come without getting ACoP testing/registration.... this whole transition just keeps getting more n more murky, muddy, and unclear -
Hello fellow Albertan EMS workers. As you all should be aware, the province is trying to take over our profesion. This includes lumping EMS workers together in with other healthcare workers in union discussions. The problem is that there are very few of us compared to nursing etc, and we may be easily drowned out by their voices. If you feel that we should represent ourselves in union issues, please visit the following website: www.ourparamedics.ca Please feel free to use this thread to voice your thoughts on our future in union-land! I, myself, am not unionized, and am very curious at to what this may hold for me. Take care, stay safe N.
hmmmm didnt think this was something that wasnt taught! i prefer to use the sliderlock myselft rather than the roller lock..... less slippery when gloves wet/bloody etc. sure can screw up my partners though, seems i'm a rarity.
:shock: chick with the clap i guess. its treatable. but milano is way hotter...... a partner who snores tremendously, or one that eats noisily with open mouth?
i am spoiled bloody rotten with the marriage i have. but ems has caused strains. we've been together for over 10 years now, and he has seen me through school and now bizzare calls, death after death after death, bad calls, gory calls that make me laugh, and so much more. most of what we do he does understand, but can never fathom how we can do. he appreciates that theres people who want to work ems, just wishes at times that i wasnt one.... he worries, because our jobs often place us in danger (whether from patients or simply from road conditions), because i dont always get to sleep/rest well, because i dont always get to eat properly. and then theres the hours. i live at work 6 days in a row, and hopefully i get to live at home when i get my 6 days off. unfortuneately we dont live in the same town i work. communication is what has kept us together. there have been times where he's been frustrated that i get home and i'm just not romantic... but we talk, and he understands. and there have been times where i felt he didnt understand how i can be joking about calls, and i explain its because sometimes we have to, or we break down. either way, we talk. unfortuneately we moved in the last couple years, and all my good friends have been through work, which means when we get together we talk shop. bad bad habit. so, myself and my coworkers/friends try very hard to not talk shop when he's around, and he does appreciate it. we've had many other stressors throughout our relationship of course. but ems, and now i've joined local fire dept, are big ones. but he sees the passion when i talk about it. we also have a great deal of trust in one another, and do not have the partner/spouse issues that can arise. sit down, and talk. nothing can be resolved while in ignorance.
Ever Carry a Gun on the Ambulance ?
Freaknuggetz_chick replied to crotchitymedic1986's topic in General EMS Discussion
i'm not sure i could even work on a unit that has a gun in it, locked or otherwise. guns do not belong in ems. -
that is really fantastic. it drives me nuts knowing so many people are unable to access medical care, dental and eye care as well. it seems ridiculous that governments would make you pay to be healthy, when if they paid you could be more productive etc etc etc.... or maybe thats just the socialist in me my dentist up does clinics for homeless people in the city. completely volunteering his time. i often wish i could do more myself as far as volunteering my skills to those in need, especially overseas in areas of environmental and social disasters, but my hubby doesnt handle the idea well at all, and we're thinkin of starting a family soon. and my current job keeps me pretty well occupied. i have joined my local volunteer fire department though, at least i can give back to my town in one aspect.
enjoy! http://www.sockandawe.com/
well, i will have to come back and read this thread more thoroughly later.... i support the coalition, as the house has lost confidence in the government. as far as actual ballots go, the coalition has the majority (62% voted against the conservatives). *our current system only elects the winners, if you didnt vote for a winner in your riding, your vote didnt really count* i am dismayed that our GG decided to suspend parliament until the budget is ready. there are other things to do in the meantime. her job is to ensure parliament works. if it doesnt, then dissolution. parouguement was never intended for this use. i am a nationalist, i do not want to be part of a republik of alberta, or a western separtist party, and hate the idea that some quebecers want to leave canada
take it (oh and i'm feelin much better, amazaing what a good pee can do!) leave: 20 timbucks!
no point in takin em, but they'd be small, i dont celebrate....... leavin: urine. i need to empty my bladder anyways.....lol
lol cute vid. reminds me of a convo i had in the chat room a few months back.... regarding a lack of canadian cuisine well, i happen to love maple candies. and pancakes backbacon cedar plank salmon fried trout tails bannok (real bannok, cooked with berries or meat in it, fried in bear grease!) maple syrup poutine and many other things oh, and i do thinks i say begs instead of bags at times. i have never said about. i say flag, not fleg. and i am can-eh-dian
"happiness is being married to your best friend" "everything i need to know in life, i learned from star trek" "you can always re-take a class, you can never re-live a party" "MORON *over a pic of GW Bush*" all of these are magnets on my fridge also have a few strippers, some pizza73 ones......
leave it add: toenail clipping
Have you ever ............. be honest now.
Freaknuggetz_chick replied to crotchitymedic1986's topic in Funny Stuff
ya, i've done it on duty. but i was in my own bed! lol. and i know 1 dispatcher knew she interupted.... she was apologizing via txt to my cell phone! lol however, i know of others who have at the station, and i was quite shocked. i can kinda sorta understand the voyuerism fantasy thing, but, when anyone could walk in, when a call could come at any time, not to mention the whole sanitation thing (gag!) just drives me nuts. but, was it my place to say anything?? i didnt. one of my preceptors has a nice saying 2 things that should never happen in an ambulance are catching babies and making babies. the thought of sex in the back of the unit is rather disturbing. disgusting in my mind. -
Medic Hell ...........................
Freaknuggetz_chick replied to crotchitymedic1986's topic in Funny Stuff
i think i'd choose hell number 2. i can get along with pretty much anyone. and i know how to get them yacking about a topic i can easily ignore. eventually, i will adjust to the foul stench of the wench. and i have cats, and i love them immensly. so, we also have common ground.