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Everything posted by mccord911

  1. [/font:4f9554c112] Good Morning (and it will be someday)....First off look at company policy. Your company should have a policy book that has some type of info about continuing education, some places will even give financial assistance. Second, sounds like a fairly large company with a number of supervisors. Find one that is sympathetic to your situation and have them give advice and support. DO NOT PISS OFF YOUR PRESENT SUPERVISOR !! That will only make things worse. From a legal stand-point, if you REFUSED a call they can terminate you without any hearing but don't think just because you are not on the schedule you have been fired, a company must notify you, usually in writing if you are fired. Sounds more like you and your immediate super are in a battle of wills. Third, if nothing else works and you truely want to be a paramedic (which you would love), move on, don't burn your bridges and make people mad because you will need them in the future. Someone posted Welcome to Business 101, well it works both ways as well, you can probably do better and if you are wanting to better yourself and your service and your super is standing in the way, then your super has the problem. Disclaimer: This is only my opinion and you know what they say about opinions :-) Hope it works out
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