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  1. Thank you for your feedback!
  2. I am pleased to say that I am employed in the state of georgia. I don't know about the other states but it seems that most ambulances are pretty much have the same equipment and vehicles.. I wonder if they would ever consider perhaps creating a vehicle that could have louder sirens, more easily accessible for both paramedics and patients, and if they would upgrade the actual design of an ambulance van. I wonder if anyone could give me any feedback on their views especially if you reside outside of the Georgia area. Thanks!
  3. I would like to know why is it that when a patient who happens to be injured whether it be the fault of another or themselves, usually will not be seen as quickly as another who may be injured who is totally insured. I sometimes think that people who fall into certain income brackets and who live off a budget should only have to pay a certain percentage each month whether they be employed or not. Do I have any here that may agree with this? :?
  4. [/font:2274fb8718] Hi I am new to this Chat room and am very to get the opinion of other fellow ems employees. My question is which I still do not understand why when dispatchers give directions, and we are not familiar with the area, we alot of times have to map out the area in distress on our own?
  5. What is the ratio of male to female employment in the EMT fields?
  6. How many rescue dogs are used in the searches per year and how long are they trained? :?:
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