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  1. thanks for the input I'll keep this all in mind. Hopefully I never have to be in a position like that again but if I am then I'll know what to do.
  2. I tried not to correct them but he was not paying attention to the pumping of the bag. As for the patient I don't know what was wrong with them. But I know the are currently in CMC hospital
  3. Since the paramedic didn't let me help or told me what was going on I only could watch.. All I know is that he was unresponsive, a blocked airway so he did the head-tilt-chin-lift and used a BVM to get air in and out. I didn't learn anything because the medic was acting the way he did and the EMT-I took his side so I was left out of the loop..
  4. Currently I'm a student for EMT-B and we are in the stage of internship (riding with a EMT team) The squad I was with had a medic and a Intermediate on board. We go a call to a patient that was unresponsive. The patient had and upper airway occlusion. The medic started ventilation with a BVM using the one person technique (don't know why he didn't have me on the bag) Anyways a family member of the patient was there asking questions about what was going on and the medic would answer. While this was going on the EMT-I was going to get the cot, he was going to have me help him but before I left I noticed that the medic was distracted and stopped pumping the bag and it was like 10 seconds since the last pump. I tried to tell the medic to keep pumping but he was focused on the family member. I said "Sir your not pumping the bag anymore" in a louder voice. He must of not heard me because he just snapped at me telling me that I'm only a student and I am just there to watch. By this time he hasn't pumped for 30 seconds and I can see the patients tidal volume not so good. So I just reach for the bag so the pumping can start again and the medic see me and yells at me again to tell me to back off. But he starts pumping again few seconds after that the EMT-I comes back with the cot and he's upset at me because I didn't help him out. Once the call is over the medic just goes off on me and doesn't give me a chance to speak. I just want to know should I handled that some other way? I didn't want to yell or manually take over to make the paramedic look like he didn't have it under control since the family member seemed to have little faith in EMS already. So I tried to deal with it in a way to help him out with out letting people really know even though it didn't work. But in all honesty if I did the wrong thing and should of done something else? Please be honest I just want to know so I know what to do if this ever should happen again.. I still have a few more internships but not with that team the medic doesn't want me with him. Sorry if I put this in the wrong forum I wasn't sure where to put it. And since I'm a student I just put it here
  5. You cant blame the destroying of EMS image on the age. I personally study hard and take things seriously when it comes to EMS and so does the rest of my class. It may not be like that everywhere but you really can't blame it on age. I've seen with my own eyes a paramedic forgetting how to take a BP and having an EMT-B do it. It's really has more to do with the dedication the person has to his/her job to be as professional as possible. If anyone is to blame for this it is the people who made 120 course. Just because we have a short course doesn't mean we can't carry ourselves as professionals. Which brings me to my next point. EMS being recognized as a health care profession doesn't hang on how short our course is. Anyone could make a longer course and just string out what we are already learning to satisfy anyone looking for a time spent in a class. What it really hangs on is the content of what the course offers and what we are allowed to do. If we could handle smaller calls and not have to bring them to the hospital on ever instances then we would be better off. So in the end it comes down to what we do. Just look at it we stabilize a patient until the "Doctors and Nurses" can have a look making us look less knowledgeable in a outsider perspective. Just had to put my 2 cents in here
  6. My question is since you have no training for changing her and they don't expect you to preform that duty or have a CNA that can, couldn't that be considered neglect of ethical responsibilities referring to "serve the needs of the patient with respect for human dignity"? Personally I would feel embarrassed if I went to the bathroom on myself and couldn't have it cleaned up till I reached the hospital I could be wrong I'm only a student
  7. In my book there is a section about Pulse Oximetry and the readings of an oximeter are in percents of SpO2 now I can tell what the O2 is for but whats the Sp for. I'm guesses but is it for saturated percent??
  8. I know the first responder thing kinda rubbed me the wrong way but just thought I'd say it ...O_O
  9. I was checking out Jems site so read up on the new articles.. and saw this.. http://www.firstresponders.com/products/credit_cards/ We have a credit card.. thats cool its one way we can get recognized for being EMTs and medics. Just thought I might put it out there because of the recent thread about not being recognized.
  10. well then I guess I'm in the right place lol
  11. O_O
  12. I'm in a EMT-B course over here in manchester NH and I was wounder whats it like as an EMT here? If there are no manchester EMT's I'd like to know how it is in other cities.. Like is it overwhelming because its a city? Do you think a new EMT should be in a city?
  13. I'm a student for EMT-B right now all I have to say is use EVERYTHING they give you. It will help alot
  14. Hey I'm a new student in EMT-B and I just got done with the chapter about DNR's. Is the DNR in effect once the person passes away or does the DNR go in effect as soon as we arrive? and we do nothing at all?
  15. oh dont worry about hearing from me again I come here alot I just never had anything to really post about but now that school has started and I'm getting into all aspects of EMS I'll have lots to say :-)
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