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About Kim_Possible

  • Birthday 06/25/1968

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  • Occupation
    Paramedic/Renaissance Woman

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  • Location
    New Hampshire
  • Interests
    Swimming, Music, Making others happy

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  1. I just wanted to know, is if recertification exam is just like the same exam you would receive when you get your initial certification. I want to recertify by exam this year. I just want to know what I should go over to be prepared. I took my initial exam in 2001, and wondering if there is anything different that may help me out. Thank youj
  2. Does anyone know if there are any contraindications with transferring blood with the Medsystem III infusion pump. I know the pump can, but is there any contraindications with the tubing. I'm not talking respiking with primary set. I just want to add the secondary extension set and continue. I've been trying to research online, but haven't found anything saying no or yes. Kim
  3. As to quote my niece "I'm not weird. I'm just a limited edition."

  4. Cough cough sniffle sniffle.....oh cold please go away


  6. Merry Christmas!!!!

  7. Sitting at work, harboring over posts in the city.

  8. Finished the 24, now I feel finished. LOL

  9. Congratulations, on your decision to return to school, being a part of EMS is being part of a special society. Once you begin it becomes a significant part of your life. I have been in EMS for 18 years, the last 11 as a medic. I am at a crossroads, finally want to continue on in my education. Don't know where to go next. Nursing....still doesn't thrill me, would like to stay in EMS. Would like to progress with the branching out EMS seems to be pursuing with Community/Preventative Paramedicine. I have no degree, but tons of credits all over the place. Yet, somehow I am determined not to give up. Keep us all up to date on your progress.
  10. Has anyone ever had the issue in position of comfort come into view. We do our best to secure properly, but what do we do if the patient feels better in a fetal position or recovery position because of pain. Now I loved the pedi mates because they can secure onto cot, child seats good for infants as they get bigger becomes more difficult, and if child is bigger restrain seat in jump seat might be too small. As for securing child seat onto stretcher, we rearrange the straps and put head of stretcher in full fowlers position. Torso strap goes behind seated and can be thread through two openings in the back. The hip strap gets moved up so strap can be secured to the front of the car seat. There are two slots on the front of the seat, that would go over the lap of the child. We do have our own child seats that were donated by Kiwanis or something like that. Just bulky.
  11. This is an area, I am very interested in being involved. Maine is beginning this concept in rural areas. One of the Maine Comm Colleges has started a program, you must have at least an associate's degree in order to participate in the program. Yet, I am a certified paramedic. I find this to be great for EMS. It gives another area of advancement in EMS, and a great outlook to its future. The use of EMS, in some aspects, has worn down the financial aspect of healthcare. I am not saying at all, do away with what we do now, or is unimportant, or is the reason for the current financial difficulties in healthcare. Yet, anyone who is involved in EMS knows that quite a few in the system, are illiterate to using it properly or know they are taking advantage of it. How many times on responses have we wanted to say, you don't need to go to the hospital. As a paramedic, my protocols state, I cannot insinuate to a patient not to go to the hospital or else it will end up in the revocation of my license. It would be wonderful if the practice was expanded that this could happen. I am not saying take medics without the proper training to do this. National Registry standards are looking to extend the scope of practice of paramedics in many areas. It just gives so many other options in EMS. I will be continuing into nursing, but I want to be able to pursue this initiative. The only reason I am continuing towards nursing is to give credibility in Community Paramedicine. Out of facility healthcare I believe is the future. It is not a replacement, just another tool that will help to educate and serve society.
  12. The Monkees Here We Come Walkin Down the Street We get the funniest looks from Everyone we meet Hey Hey We're the Monkees People say we monkee around But we're to busy singing to put anybody down Anytime or anywhere Just look over your shoulder and we'll be standing there Hey Hey We're the Monkees People say we monkee around But we're to busy singing to put anybody down
  13. Oh Dusty you ole devil you, that's what we get paid for. Lord knows its better than the alternative, Not getting paid. Been there done that, can't afford the t-shirt.
  14. Don't forget to vote. If you don't vote, don't complain.

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