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Everything posted by arcticff

  1. what about him...did he kill someone on videotape...did anyone witness it? Nope..and today, with DNA testing, he would never have been convicted. Reread what I said...absolutely beyond doubt...irrefutable proof1
  2. arcticff

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  3. arcticff

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  4. I guess that would depend on one's definition of nuts. I woudl like to hope no truly sane person would perpertrate that kind of horror, however the detail in which she appears to have planned and carried out the murders would certainly indicate that she knew what she was doing. I suggest you read some of the related stories to get more detail if you want to, of course, so much is protected from public disclosure by the fact that she is a minor. Perhaps the largest issue of all is that in less than 10 yrs this girl will be free, with no record, able to go where she wants and do what she wants, while her mother, father and little brother are dead by her hand.
  5. Correct me if I am wrong, but there are actually sentencing hearings, one of those places that Judges and District Attorney's (Crown Prosecuters) make decisions. The "crown" does not always go for the death penalty in all murder cases, that is why we assign different degrees of murder. The system could be revamped if it was already being changed, to include the death penalty, such as in the case of my home and native land, to include clauses to permit the death penalty, quickly and immediately, in the case of 100% absolute guilt, such as the aforementioned Paul Bernardo case. As for the second statement you made, no she did not kill a cop, but truly, though a cop killing may shock, outrage, and get twice the press of any other murder, and though for us in EMS it may hit closer to home (I knew and had worked next to Doug, the fallen RCMP officer) is one life worth more than another? This girl, in pre-meditated and horrifying fashion, killed her entire family, she should be a poster child for changes to young offender laws and death penalty laws.
  6. Hey Anthony, I believe this is the slap on the wrist to which Courage was referring FY!. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/edmonton/story/20...ce.html?ref=rss
  7. "As stated before the best argument against capital punishment is of course the possibility of killing an innocent. No matter how good the forensics or DNA, there is always the possibility, albeit slim that a mistake could be made ( this is the government were talking about folks)." What about Paul Bernardo? Murder on videotape! Absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt. What about multiple eyewitness murders? There are times when the punishment should absolutely fit the crime.
  8. arcticff

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  9. arcticff

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  10. I work in the closest neighboring community, Iqaluit, and had met Constable Scott in the course of duties several times when he was here training. Doug was eager and excited to be an RCMP officer and happy to have the chance to do some real good and to help people, he was also one hell of a nice guy. There is no sense to be made out of such a tragic and abrupt loss of life.
  11. arcticff

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  12. arcticff

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  13. arcticff

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    ice cream
  20. arcticff

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  22. arcticff

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  23. arcticff

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  24. in both provinces you will need to apply for equivalency. The links below will get you on the right track to explore it online, and both will provide phone numbers to learn more. Both provinces have examination processes (consisting of written and scenario testing). Have a look around the forum here..there is some information on the process in other threads. BC - http://www.healthservices.gov.bc.ca/ema/oop.html AB - http://www.collegeofparamedics.org/registr...of_province.php
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