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  1. Hmm... I would not want a couple basics with 14 days of training evaluating me! *Referring to BLS unit. I don't know how they would even pass the test.
  2. Stay strong in your faith, pray for your marriage. Where theres a will there is a way~Divorce is never God's will.
  3. What a jackass. Seriously, in Arizona, illegal immigration is a HUGE problem, in the WHOLE state. This guy should move to Mexico and let the Federali's violate his "rights".
  4. Welcome! Look around the forums, chat with people, and get a feel for how EMS is. A word for the wise, you will NOT get rich in EMS! Most likely you will not get any appreciation either. You will work wacky hours, get abused by patients, and in general treated like a runt by ER docs. However, the payoff is making a difference in peoples lives, knowing what you do actually matters, and meeting a lot of generally good people who are very genuine in their love for their work. Also, everyone is right about how being a EMT-B is a stepping stone to Paramedic. If your hearts not in it, maybe you should take dustdevils advice and look into being a RN, less time, more money. Good luck.
  5. Tech217 Don't sweat it man, you'll learn sooner or later that most EMS folks like to eat their own. Don't make the same mistakes and let your pride swell and cloud your judgement. I'm sure you'll be great, ask a lot of questions, if you get a lot of crap for it from people there, your at the wrong agency.
  6. Who thinks this s*** is funny?
  7. I would have become a police officer. Still might the way EMS is for jobs.
  8. As someone who lives in MN and spent great a deal of time looking for a job in EMS before finding one, I can safely say that Klobuchar has her head up her butt. This is not just my opinon btw but the general consensus of most emt-b's and medics residing in this great state. We are in a recession, and we need a hell of a lot more jobs, not more people to compete with!
  9. Oh my. I hope and pray that your being sarcastic. Have you ever seen office space? You know, the bit on flair?
  10. "many should be on some form of antidepressant to mellow them out and prevent burnout. " Its just a job! It's not your livelihood or your life. Get a hobby!!! If your job is making you this emotional, it's probably time to check out a different field.
  11. Wow I almost forgot how creepy looking the Brain was. (As in Pinky & the Brain, not a brain.)
  12. Bellybutton ~ Veggie Tales. Gotta love your kids.
  13. Yes clearly the mom was so distraught by this creepy doll that she's still letting her son play with it, without even bothering to try and reprogram it.
  14. I'm only a 9% whacker, I thought I would be a lot higher.
  15. oooo! Too bad they grow up and shed everywhere.
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