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Everything posted by Jeep_911

  1. ALS vs BLS.....There is a lot a paramedic can do for a trauma patient. Advanced skills that is out f my scope...so are we talking strickly intubation and airway management here or in the diffs in scope?
  2. O2 tank at the back of the head.......
  3. He was an average sized guy, maybe leaning more towards heavy. I cannot remember what the breath sounds were like but I'm sure they must have been clear or I would remember otherwise
  4. Thank you for posting the online outcome of the clip. I also have this video on my computer after a friend sent it to me and had heard thru a random conversation during a course, the pedestrian had lived but wasnt sure if it was true or not. Thanks again for posting that Ryder
  5. a lot of the songs off of the new nickleback cd makes me think of the last service I worked for. I used to always drive my Jeep into the bay while listening to that cd and I would clean my truck out of shear boredom....
  6. excellent....
  7. ak.....I have a serious cardiac problem and because of it have ALWAYS warn a medic alert both off and on duty :wink: I'm sorry you got offended by my last post. This post is for me to see what are the opinions of those of you who are in the field. Take Care
  8. I agree with what has been said. If you have a health concern that might require addressing if you end up unsconcious then thats fine. What happens if you end being a patient but as your medic gets ready to start an IV you notice that he/she is wearring a medic alert...what would you think about that? I think if it were me I might wonder why the heck they are in the field if they have a medical condition that would require attention.... I have never been in that position but it makes me wonder. :?:
  9. ....played Mario Party7 and ate junk food til 5 in the morning....
  10. What are your thoughts on that one. Started this convo in the chatroom...what do you think about that?
  11. I forgot to put in the first post to also give credit to OzMedic for helping me put the video together! I was able to use multiple shots that are seen in the slideshow. Thank you Oz!
  12. I made one last video for you guys. I was up all night making it because I got a little into it. I hope you enjoy it. Any comments or thoughts on it are appreciated. I wouldnt mind knowing what you guys think of it. Thank you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFql90GVbGE
  13. EMT in AB, Canada WOAHAHA Having our own forum us just not good..... 8)
  14. :wink: Thank you very much
  15. LMBO!!!! "Will eat you not poison you"....Its hilarious because its so true! I LOVE THAT COMMENT!
  16. lol....does depression count?
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnk6oteJ5tg
  18. Here is an EMS slideshow I put together a few months ago and finally posted it. Let me know what you think.
  19. No meds, I think he did say that he has had that happen before and it was a very similar experience as the one we went for...and I believe it was an SVT on the monitor
  20. I can relate to a part of that call but halfway down thru your description of what happend you lost me. I dont have enough background to understand half of what you have.... ... very interesting tho
  21. Chicken and rice or something like that earlier that afternoon.....maybe 5-6 hours ish before we got there
  22. No there was no obvious use of alcohol or drugs. Insects....thats a good point, but I dont know of anyone in our area who has had a call for bugs...but I guess you never know. Very intelligent thought....He had no known allergies and the temp outside was very pleasant....t-shirt weather. He was outside hanging some clothes when it started and he said he suddenly started to fill dizzy. He said he wasnt sure if he fainted (made me wonder because he was by himself and half his clothing was wet, it was wet outside form recent rain....thinking he might have....)
  23. sorry forgot to say where the pain was. It was in the left mid axillary area
  24. so....this is another one of these calls that makes me wonder. Had it about 8 days ago....actually it was a really strange call for me but here is how it goes. Good call. First party caller from a campground. The only info the dispatcher is able to get is caller feeling unwell and requests an ambulance then before they are able to get more info the other end of the phone goes really quiet. I request RCMP as well...not really sure whats going on and I dont want to be caught off guard. We arrive on scene and find the campground spot where we find our patient, a 28 yo male sitting on the passenger side of an old motor home, half of patient's clothing appears wet. He doesnt look well, a little diaphoretic but doesnt appear in obvious distress. There isnt anyone to get history from. My partner start talking to our patient as I'm getting vitals. Chief Complaint: Feeling unwell, some dizziness earlier, 6/10 chest pain constant, no radiation, does not get worst on inhalation/movement, no pain in face/neck/arm. No trauma Hx. No other problems. PMHx: Nothing pertinent, some cardiac problems but patient unsure what they were but is aware all the test that were done were normal. No family cardiac history. No unusual events in pt's Hx. No meds or recent health concerns. Breathing:20 Pulse:160 rapid/weak Skin color:pale,cool,moist BP: 132/90 SPO2:98% ECG (partner does 12 lead in ambo): Sinus tach. (patient states not seeing anything other than tachycardia) Tx:I believe vagal maneuvers were attempted but produced nothing. O2 via NC@ 4lpm. 18g needle started in left AC. No meds were given on route to hospital. En route to hospital pulse did come down in the 130's but as soon as patient would move position pulse would go back up and remain in the 160's before going back down again. *patient did state chest discomfort going away approx 5-6 mins after O2 administration. No other changes in vitals. What do you think was going on? (what other info would you like to have I may have forgotten to put up?)
  25. Hey guys! I am finally back and very glad to be able to catch up on the posts! In about a month's time I am going to be spending a week taking my First Aid Instructor's course to teach first aid. I know how dry first aid courses can be and looking for any advice or tips on how I can spice my courses up (while still following the teaching guidelines)? Also trying to figure out how to create a more friendly and fun atmosphere at the beginning of the course when the students come in (and they are really nervous because they dont know anyone, new territory...etc). Maybe a fun way of going around and have students present themselves etc....I honestly have no idea. :?: Do you guys share EMS experiences that are directly related to what you teach? I dont know if putting that in would be a good idea, I'm thinking it could make some people mad as they didnt sign up to hear my stuff. Any advice appreciated Thanks
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