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Everything posted by Madrik

  1. Well, I didn't post JUST to join the chat room, but that didn't stop me from checking it out. Anyway, the chat room kinda sucks anyway. However, with the first reply... uh.. the fuck? I wouldn't want a medic with a head like that tending to me. Also, it was nearing the end of class and the instructor said whoever's on call to catch that one. With all said, if this is the shit that goes on in this community, then I don't wanna be a part of it.
  2. Not sure how old this post is, but I've had always things come up while I was on call as a student. I've only been on 3 calls total while other students were like, up to 60 or so. I will be get goin soon but what purposly want to be a 4th crew so I can keep my skills sharp since I still consider myself a student. Also, look at things in the street, imagine something happening that you'd be called to and go through your protocal in your mind as you imagining it happening.
  3. I was still in the EMT Basic class when I had the radio that night as a student. I ran off out of class to a call. The call was two 13 year old girls fell off the roof of a car going 55 M.P.H. When we arrived on scene, one girl was walking around with just a couple of scratches, and the other girl with a broken ankle. Incredible, eh?
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