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  1. How about ,"Gentlemen, gentlemen, gentleman, as Station 17's official toastmaster (--Santos-and Bull$*&ter), Thank you Santos, did I happen to mention you were cut out of my will? I think it appropriate that we recognize the two A$$wipes. . .sorry "Probationary Firemen" among us today who were officially babtized into the world of Old Man Fire. From Backdraft
  2. Not privy to budget, sorry Dust, but they run 2-3 paramedic units out of base a day, plus 1-2 transfer units--think the personell fot transfers are called in though. The home units cover at least 32 miles outside of town, because they picked up a pt. 200 yards from my house. Let's see substation in Jasper, that's a good 40-50 miles from base station, and I think at least 1 or 2 others. Come to think of it, they cover at least 3 counties, maybe 4. They work in conjunction with the local hospital, but outside the municipality they do overlap with the units from St. John's Hospital.
  3. I probably should have clarified that that happened in a town of 2,000+ citizens. The medics that I was thinking about are some of the most knowledgeable and willing to teach, but got moved out from the central office. They were shunted to substations. I also should have acknowedged that your point does take place. I think I fell victim to the mentality of the people here, and forgot about my experiences in the outside world. The local service here is very insular and (for lack of a better word) inbred. Thanks for your point, and reminding me that there is a world outside the 100 mile radius of where I now live. Thanks for replying. Have a great day. Stay Safe.
  4. If you'll accept a couple of observations from another newbie, 1. I found this thread using the search function to figure out how to set up my Avatar. I believe the search criteria was "updating profile." So the search function doesn't always work as well as it should--sorry. 2. An opinion on the original line of thought. I have noticed that the medics and basics who are gung-ho EMS all the way are the ones getting backstabbed by more "relaxed" EMS personnel (didn't want to use lazy). The thing is that the hard charging attitude when not tempered by wisdom can lead to mistakes in the field or overstepping protocols. I hope when I get my medic I can keep my "teach me, please" attitude. Thanks, Steve-the human sponge. . .so got anything to teach me? LOL
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