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Everything posted by zonk7

  1. I don't think it would seem right for me to call a 9 yr old Mr.****, Would it be ok in a case involving a child to use the first name instead? I always have used the first name of the pt, never had a problem but I should start really be more proper when dealing with addressing older pts. :angel4:
  2. http://www.snopes.com/photos/medical/graph...brokenpenis.jpg this is the website link , i hope this works for those of you that can't see it. Thanks for the responses so far though!
  3. I don't know what to think . IF this was a real image (it could be but i think different), how would you handle this? splint?apply traction? hold it in neutral position? im curious on what others would do, not trying to be too funny here.
  4. oh my gawd! that guy in the picture is shexy! :ky:
  5. zonk7

    My MySpace

    Myspace is getting old, even though i have one. I prefer facebook :thumbup: the old verson of facebook though.
  6. damn well then ill just read the GaMeR magazines then.
  7. damn thats got to be true i got divorced at 19!! and It was all that damn magazine's fault! yeah your right there are topics in those mags that have the "how to tell if he is cheating".. ok you win. I'm going to start reading the national enquirer instead! brushteeth
  8. lonestar - yeah the whole size doesn't matter is a little fib. If its TOO BIG then it hurts...sometimes... lol you guys would have better skills if you just read a womens magazine. That way you will know what we are told by the zine like " How to Get your man to give it to you GOOD". no joke all men should pick up a cosmo or a womens world magazine sometime. lol :ky:
  9. I can't imagine what my next "blonde moment" would be on the squad :tard: , I dont want to think about imagining it! I'm going to end up knocking on some poor old guys legs to see if they are real or not, :violent1: especially now that I read all these great messages. lol
  10. Thats a great idea, but instead of a piss test -which potheads can do the "cranberry juice trick" to pass without a problem EVEN when random tests are done, some come clean because they will constantly drink cranberry juice daily, they should do the hair strand test. They are doing more hair testing instead of piss testing for employment around where I'm at. good post though
  11. hey michael thanks for that website link!!! Im now the newest pmsbuddy.com member! we get coupons of tampons and pads for joining! so thanks for saving me money michael!
  12. lol males! you can just put a bag over our heads if its that bad. geez, females generally close their eyes during sex and think about a sexy celebrity anyways instead of their man.
  13. lmfao!!!
  14. lolol ! nice topic...but some of us women rather have a dildo than deal with some of those typical men out there.Or those guys that just don't have the "skills"or the right size "tool". i do not include myself in "some of us women". I am a born again virgin. sooo yeah.. lil bit out of it today sorry.. :help:
  15. i showed my boyfriend (who lived in arkansas for most of his life) this discussion. he said he never seen an ambulance where he was (probably in the woods). :dontknow:
  16. Dustdevil... its not disrespecting yourself or the profession by volunteering. maybe for you and where your from it is who knows, but anyways congrats to those of you to pass the nremt-p! i hope to get that far sometime in my life. :thebirdman: to you dustdevil
  17. I fractured my exhusbands testicle, just kidding! He fractured it on his own. this post kind of reminds me of the "BME" olympics clip that you can find online if you google it. I'm glad I'm testicle free :D/
  18. my basic class was 140 hours, thats including 8 hours at a particular hospital that didn't do much except made me realize that I wouldn't want to be taken there if I wanted good care. but anyways, my 140 hours wasn't enough , I wish I knew more but thats why I'm in the IV class now. I passed the NREMT on the first take. not easy when I have an anxiety disorder and social phobia! lol :oops:
  19. wow..so anyone else have a myspace? lol :evil4:
  20. well, I wish I could have the skulls and crossbones on my facebook account. lol. :walk:
  21. I have a myspace page, had it for years actually. I just keep it set to private, just so people like you baby-boomers don't sit and complain about some young emt's myspace page having a skull n cross bones theme. Myspace is not what defines my skills as an emt. :thebirdman:
  22. I'm a sugar mama thats in EMS,.. yeah i wish.. state wage average for an EMT- B in WI is a little over $7.00 an hour. Kmart pays $7 an hour... But anyways couples in EMS at the same workplace have awesome sex.... can you imagine using the restraints, the cot and well damn theres the KY jelly in there also..oh and the shears for cutting off them clothes.. soooo much fun if you think about it.. as long as you don't get caught and don't forget to disinfect! :ky: :D/
  23. well my first year in college I was going for the lpn nurse degree, then after the second semester I thought it was so damn boring, no excitement for me there. Then I started working towards becoming a psychology major, put that on hold once I realized that EMS was the best way to go for me.. I at least finished the emt-b course lol :wav:
  24. Hard question to answer...it depends on the person really, so I'm going to say it's a tie. I'm a newbie EMT-B and I've been volunteering since Oct 2007, never really went out looking for a paid position since I got certified (busy w/ school & home issues to fit even a job in at the moment) :newb:
  25. During my flow time, I am too horny, even for my fiance to handle.
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