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Everything posted by katgrl2003

  1. 3 (I lived 30 minutes away from NASA headquarters) ...When you realized money doesn't solve everything?
  2. Superglue!
  3. I agree with AK, calvert is very good. I was home schooled during 2nd grade, and that's what my parents used.
  4. I agree, I love kids. Especially the ones I can give back to parents when they start crying. :twisted:
  5. Note to self: Don't watch stuff that Kaisu posts when parents are in the room. That was flippin hilarious! -Kat
  6. Was that ever in question?
  7. No worries, Rich. I trust most of the guys here. And it's not a growl, short for girl (been using the nickname since I graduated high school).
  8. I've been hit on just about every shift I work, whether it's patients or partner. I got used to it, and can laugh it off. However, if they touch me (like a certain prisoner did), they will be handing a particular piece of anatomy to the triage nurse. :twisted: -Kat
  9. Welcome back, Cheeky! I'm hoping the baby comes home soon. Stay safe! -Kat
  10. Richard, I actually work with someone who uses the camera on his phone to take pictures of what he leaves in the toilet. We have all learned to be very wary of anything he tries to show us. It's a whole new ick factor. -Kat
  11. Ruff, the only thing I could think of when I read that was: OOOOWWWWWW!!!!!! Next thought: EEEEWWWWWW!!!!!!! Thank you. I now need to find bleach to erase the image from my mind. -Kat
  12. And I'm damn proud to be a part of that group. -Kat
  13. My best guess, have warm fluid running in one, and out the other. Warm him from the inside out. -Kat
  14. Actually had something similar happen to me a few weeks ago. Medic crew coming from an outlying hospital was asking for another medic because their patient just coded. My partner hopped in the back of their truck, and I followed in ours. Unloaded pt at ER, rode the rails into room. Weird thing #1: Pt's chest would not rise after compressions. Weird thing #2: Pt was pushing our arms away during compressions, but when we would stop, so would she, as she had no pulse, no respiratory effort. It was obvious she was trying to keep us away. Weird thing #3: Pt WALKED out of the hospital one week later. It's official. Patients are weird. -Kat
  15. I've actually transported a hospice pt that didn't have a DNR. THAT was a fun run. Long distance transfer, hospital, family, and the hospice facility once we got there all said the paperwork wasn't complete yet. And of course after the run, everyone told us they didn't expect her to survive the trip. Gee, thanks! -Kat
  16. Oh wow. That's gotta be one of the best ever. -Kat
  17. I have seen clusters happen in the field and in the er. It happens. I had never worked a code before two months ago, then we work three in one month, two in 45 minutes. One of our patients coded in the er, and the doc let my medic partner run the code. His reasoning? "You guys do this a heck of a lot more than we do." It ran smoothly. Screwups happen. Just make sure you learn from them. -Kat
  18. One of those reporters is from a local station in Indy. Great, I can now say Indy is famous because a reporter doesn't know how to drive an ATV. -Kat
  19. I had a shift like that last night. I kept saying things like, "I'm bored!", "We haven't had ----- run in awhile". I even took my boots off and got a four hour nap (impressive for night shift.) Nothing worked until 0630 (half hour til shift change). At that point, I didn't care I would get off late. I was bored out of my mind! -Kat
  20. Our medical director is all about pain relief. If someone has pain greater than 3/10, we can give them Fentanyl. He also wants to reduce the number of iv sticks we do, as it can lead to a greater risk of getting stuck. It's also great for peds. We can give them pain meds without terrifying them with needles. -Kat
  21. In our protocols we can given Fentanyl, Versed, and Narcan IN. I haven't seen Versed or Narcan given this way, but I've seen Fentanyl given twice. Both times the patient complained of an aftertaste, but they were relaxing by the time they finished talking. -Kat
  22. Thanks Brent! Now I'll never be able to eat frog legs again. -Kat
  23. Yup. Little cajun restaurant in Monrovia and I think Mooresville called Zydeco's. Frog legs, alligator, crawdads, poboys, gumbo, jumbalaya. Ok, now my mouth is watering. -Kat
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