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EMSPROFESSIONAL last won the day on September 2 2010

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  1. They do have a lot of meds but not near what he told you. There is close to 100 meds carried on the ambulance including the controlled medicine. They have about 10 meds that are control and must be kept under lock. I no longer know anyone there so I can not get a current list for you. Keep in mind they are a small very remote location where nearest help is more than an hour away. Remember every thing in Texas is bigger, including the tall tales. @DFIB The great thing about Texas is services with a good active medical director all levels receive more education and thus are allowed to do more to benefit the patient prior to getting them to the hospital. There are also a number of services that practice a treat and release program rather than transporting all patients. But there are also some medical directors that really just make the ambulance be not much more than a mode of transportation.
  2. Seems some get their feelings hurt then just post negatives for no reason.

  3. Seems some get their feelings hurt then just post negatives for no reason.

  4. Seems some get their feelings hurt then just post negatives for no reason.

  5. If it turns out to be something bad then the accident may have been a blessing in disguise as it allowed early detection. But do not fret yet as it may be something of no concern. Do not worry about what you have no control of. Worry about stopping smoking, something you do have control of. Hang in there I am sure all are hoping that these findings are invalid.
  6. Seems Dr Tober has had this battle for some time. Perhaps they should just fire these individuals for being so lazy.
  7. I applaud Dr Tober and hope this idiotic attempt to avoid education and practice keeps this group of fire fighters from having access to advanced procedures.
  8. Tremendous ideal mate. It saddens me to see so many "so called educated" people that are so afraid to learn a new language that they choose to ridicule rather than attempt. In my travels many poor third world people speak multiple languages yet in the US most do not even speak one language properly. I guess the riches here just take away the motivation to advance our minds. I hope all take advantage of this great free opportunity to improve themselves and their patient communications.
  9. The ignorant arrogance displayed on this forum has caused me to not post here often. I post now because the idiocy has overflowed the river banks. To continue to condemn the actions made by individuals during a disaster situation that you have limited knowledge of is a view of the pomposity that is your supposed higher ethical standards. The bits and pieces displayed by some as some supposed evidence of dereliction of duty is nothing less than laughable. It is time now to move away from your imperiousness and acknowledge you are of limited knowledge of this incident thus in no position to stand in judgement. I bid you adieu.
  10. It is unacceptable that fellow professionals would degrade one another even if in another specialty.
  11. This is some very disturbing discussions. A professional has to live up to higher standards. They must be able to understand that their actions reflect directly on their service even when off duty, but especially when easily identifiable equipment is involved. All that went outside and did not try and stop this photo from happening should be fired and stripped of their peace officer certification.
  12. I saw a name that I think all posters and lurkers such as my self have gotten familiar with on another site contemplating leaving EMS. So is this the contraversial spenac from here or another spenac? http://www.911ace.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&a...mp;p=2497#p2497 [web]http://www.911ace.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=426&p=2497#p2497[/web]
  13. The obvious solution is stop this waste. It benefits no one. It places the public at greater risk. Fire should only respond when need for extrication. All these responses are not good for the environment either. I am sure many areas will start putting an end to the stupidity due to high fuel costs.
  14. My dear friend is it not obvious that this would never have been a problem had EMS received a proper budget rather than being an after thought. It also occurs to me that if they transported her in a fire truck there may have been some patient transport laws violated. If only patients were the priority rather than property funding would be greatly shifted. But sadly in the day we live in many value property more than life, thus fire will always be overly funded while patients and EMS suffer.
  15. Threats. That is totally unprofessional.
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