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larry 1745

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  1. maybe we will see her on judge judy or one of the other court Tv shows :pottytrain5:
  2. maybe thats why i didn't get hired at the local service because I told them i wouldn't be a gerital taxi service because thats all they want the B level people to be so they higher trained personal dent have to be bothered with them, so far i keep going back to them to see if they have any opening and they have treated me like i shouldn't have the certification to work on their service
  3. the thing about scuba diving is that is that they can add what ever gasses you request into your tank depending on what qualification you are and what you intend to do with it, like nitrox diving which alows you to have a longer bottem time than the regular diver but you have to have a certain level of training and cert to do that.
  4. all i have is one word OUCH ! ! !
  5. you know i've been told to go somewhere but they never give me directions to hell :shock:
  6. right you are both aussiephil and terri but it only takes a few bad apples to ruin it for the rest of us, been there and got treated like an idiot when i tried to get on the local service where il lived and they saw me as one of those people that are not worthy to be one of them, so i ended up letting my cert go, since i moved i decided to get beck into it because it is what wanted to do is to help people in need, even if im a volunteer, paid or not
  7. just remember what you were taught in class, if it comes down to it document, document, document, so you don't get taken to court about what happened, been there and seen it happen and know the feeling that something more could of been done to save a life if it were in danger but sometimes our hands are tied
  8. good one jesse, i only wished i could of done that with my class but the school would not allow it because of the insurance and the director of EMS was gonna go and buy an ambulance at his own expense and do ride alongs for the students, but the state shot it down because of all the BS involved in getting it started
  9. why couldn't you use a short back board for a peds back board ?
  10. i agree with offshore too, its sounds like george orwells 1984 !!! everyone spying on everyone like they do in the U.S.S.R :shock:
  11. larry 1745


    really good game
  12. know what girlie medic been through i spent the time and effort trying to be an EMT in my home town only to be treated like a piece of trash when i i got my certificate to work on the ambulance, then letting the training i had go to the way side because as they put it i was not one of them. Now that i moved from there and have gotten back into the interest of being an EMT, i just want to show there is more to saving lives than a paycheck or status on a service, it means thee are people out there that want to be part of something for the community and giving something back
  13. hello there just found this site and will let my instructor know about as well as the rest of our class, i hope to get my national cert in a few months and getting on a service
  14. il be taking the test in a few months, so far i have been doing good with my class room studies and hands on skills which i know that i am weak in but im going to do my best, almost have all my clinicle time finished, when i do the test i will let you all lknow what i think about it :shock:
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