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Everything posted by GirlieMedic048

  1. I also have met a lot of arrogant EMS persons, of every level, however as mentioned in a previous post, if you have the skills and ability to back it up, rock on, if you don't knock it down a peg and grow and learn some more from the others around you who can make you a great medic/emt someday! I would like to see us unite as much as we can! But you know what matters to me the most, anytime I have been on a scene with other companies, even those who are territorial with us normally, we all have each others back when it matters most! We need to show the world that we are not "ambulance drivers" thrive for as much knowledge as you can pack in that brain, provide excellent care everytime, make the world stand up and take notice! You know in your heart what you are made of and what you can do, be proud of that and do your best everyday, thats all we can do! Just my thought!
  2. I am so stealing that to tell my fire friends! Good one!
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