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Everything posted by dallasdame

  1. Lone, you're a nut!!!!!
  2. I make sure I have plenty of rest, eat right, and practice calming breathing techniques. (Sex does wonders too- honest fact). Good luck!
  3. It doesn't matter where you are from?!? Just make sure you know what you're talking about when you start work.
  4. BBQ
  5. I think drugs may have played a roll.....that's the only thing I can come up with.
  6. http://www.wusa9.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=82520
  7. A good book for any EMS worker to read is "When Violence Erupts". It tells you some of the things to look for and what to do when you are placed in a bad situation. I've read it and it has certainly made me aware of potential dangers when and where I would least expect them. Keep a good eye out there people. Safety 1st!!!
  8. We use Kenalog 40 at our clinic for many dermatological disorders. I have also used K-40 for asthma when I worked for a pulmonologist. It takes about 24-48 hours for the medication to really take affect (prob. why you won't see it on an ambulance) but it stays in the system for about 30 days. It's good stuff!
  9. I just had to come and take a look.....it was an interesting subject line......
  10. Everyone misses IVs, noone is perfect. Just do your best and everything will fall into place. Stay confidant!
  11. I'd buy you a beer if I could........Sorry you are having a rough time.
  12. hummmmm, so are they charging for the penis or are they giving it away free to boost their profits??? Coffee, Water, Penis? Got penis here! Get your hot penis!!!!!
  13. You're right...this film can't go unwatched. As soon as you watch it, it replays over and over and over again in your head! You can't get rid of it!!!!! I'm still grossed out by it and I watched it several days ago!
  14. Exactly. There's ways around it so why even bother getting involved? Wasted time and resources.
  15. OMG!!!!! That seriously made me sick to my stomach! WOW!
  16. Here is another fine story of government trying to impose themselves and take away the rights of the general public. http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Tanned-Te...ext-Winter.html As some may know, I've been a dermatological assistant for several years and personally disagree with teenagers going to tanning beds, HOWEVER, it is still their right if their parents approve. Now, Texas state gov't wants to take away the parents right to allow their kids to do what the feel is ok. They want the parents to take their kids to a doctor and have them sign a consent to allow them to tan. A 3rd person! Not only that, but what doctor is going to say it's ok? Certainly not any of the doctors I work with. Again...i'm against kids tanning, but MORE against the gov't taking away my right as a parent to say its ok for my child to do something.
  17. I wonder if he has a lil' pill for OCD somewhere in that backpack.............
  18. Humm.....and just what goes on in the back of your ambulance Crotchity? It seems you are pretty adimate about there contantly being questionable things happening....... Its common for people to project themselves and their activities on to other people to make them feel better about what they are doing. Usually for professional EMTs, the thought of being assulted in some way isn't the 1st thing that comes to mind when their loved one needs to be transported. It's who's going to be doing the job and are they good enough to keep my loved one alive until they make it to where they need to go. Not everyone has a sick mind.
  19. I don't want to lose your love- The Outfield
  20. I don't get on the road period with out a vest. I definatly want to be seen! It's always safety first.
  21. Who the heck thinks to put sheets on and act like the KKK??? And how hazes in EMS? For Petes's Sake!!!!
  22. :laughing3: Haha...I get it! *chuckles*
  23. Congrats. I also start back in my 18 month L O N G medic program this fall. I took two classes last fall and quit b/c I started a new job. Now I have to pick up where I left off. I think the long programs are good. You should feel confident when you graduate! Best wishes. Peg
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