That's why I don't like 'A Baby Story,' I agree that its teaching women that they can act like that and that its ok because they are pregnant.
You shouldn't make your co-workers suffer all because you are "pregnant". If one of my co-workers would act like that, I'd ignore them and not talk to them again, just because your pregnant don't mean that I have to deal with your bitchy ass. . I find it crazy that there are people out there that will give in just because she's pregnant, and they dont want to put her under any stress.. My response is, your showing her that its acceptable for her to act like this because people are going to give in to her, and then she'll think that she's able to act like that with everyone, and that's not the case. I can understand, somewhat if there was a problem with the pregnancy, however just to get people to do what ever she wants when ever she wants is wrong.
Not all people like kids, not all people want to hear about your kids, remember that. And there are people that dont care how many times little johnny went 'poopy in the potty.' Some people just don't care. Yes, I'm sure your proud of your kid. But that don't mean that everyone cares and wants to know the details. Infact, most people are probally just listening to be nice.