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Everything posted by Arkymedic

  1. ICS does not require specific ranks for any position. ICS is initiated by the first person on scene. Once someone of a higher "rank" arrives that person can choose to take command or to let the original IC remain in command. There is nothing that says I must be a LT. Capt, Chief, Supervisor, Director/Owner, or EM coordinator or director to run an incident. Granted, the incident may be better managed by those with more experience; however, it is not required. I know of several responders that given a chance, would run an incident much more effective than leadership. A perfect example is usually SAR incidents. Most significant incidents require an unified command. Too often, most forget to check their badge and ego at staging/check in so this often does not go smoothly.
  2. Just about everybody in Arkansas goes to a community college based program. We also do it for less than 12/hr.
  3. Amen. Glad someone else feels the same way as I do about this question that has been asked numerous times, numerous forums.
  4. There is no way to make trailer lights look like strobe lights. A few guys on former depts here in AR used them as "deck lights" in the back window and a slow alternating look like the really old halogen lights are the best you are going to get out of them.
  5. So there is a whole shitload of even more cords to roll? lol
  6. Sorry Dust I did not mean to hijack the thread just got a little upset for a minute.
  7. Love the Oh brother where art thou cd. I play the mandolin and there is a lot of inspiration there. If you have never listened to it, you ought to also listen to the sound track for Cold Mountain. There are a lot of good songs on there cm.
  8. We do it here all the time. They are patients that deserve the same care as any other patient and that should be ALS. Sorry but to say that dialysis and transport are below medics is just shit. As a basic transporting a dialysis patient home, what do you do when that patient crashes? I also would love to be somewhere where 20 plus is a normal thing bc the most I have ever made was 17/hr and that was in an oil refinery in the middle of a flood in the middle of nowhere. 9-15/hr is the usual with 10/hr being the average for most medics in the area.
  9. I worked the dual medic model and it was absolutely wonderful. Two trained ALS providers that could get stuff done together quickly was truely remarkable. We could take turns running calls and when it was your turn for a call, you drove to your own call that way the other medic could finish all the paperwork from the last call. It worked very nicely. It also helped having a person who was thinking like I was and that could help if there was any trouble. We were a busy truck and ran avg of 10-20 calls/12 hr shift. It was one of the best experiences I could have had. I also have worked in several services with B and I partners as well and the right partner can be a reward but, I would rather have medic/medic.
  10. I would honestly say that most Basics do. I did wait a few years but looking back I do not know what I really gained. Sure I had a bunch of good calls, had stories, did CPR on numerous codes, but what did I really take from that? I did pay attention to my partner and asked a million questions. I eventually got frustrated and realized as a basic that I did not do shit for my patient and felt helpless in my role. Had I realized it earlier it probably would have helped more than my time as a basic did. What amazes me is the # of basics and students coming out of school that have not been taught ALS "assist" skills like spiking an IV bag, placing electrodes for the monitor, etc.
  11. Here in Arkansas all a Basic can do is drive. During EMT school EVOC is not taught and that is basically all they are allowed to do to other than assisting an Intermediate or Medic. As assbackward as this state is, almost all of it is covered with ALS. In OK a Basic can work with a NR 1st Responder and be the lead, or work with an Intermediate or Medic assisting. Truthfully during that year of waiting, what all have you learned driving that will continue over to medic school? I am not discounting Basics, but I would rather see ALS Medic/Medic. I also commend anyone that can work EMS and go to school because I could not. I worked my ass off with 4 part time jobs to make ends meet and to pay the bills to make my goal come true. I also wanted it bad enough to drive 60+ miles 3 days a week and over 100+ miles one way for the majority of most of school for my clinicals. It is very possible and you just have to want it bad enough to do whatever it takes to make it happen.
  12. Damn, I am having a hard one with this one...I love all music except for rap so its a pretty hard choice for me. I really prefer "classic" rock when you actually wrote a song as to the shit we have on the radio now days. I am 25 but know what 45s,33s,78s are, so not everyone in my generation is musically retarded (for lack of a better word) 8) . My choices are: 1. Lynyrd Skynryd- Greatest Hits 2. George Strait- Strait Out of the Box 3. Anton Bruckner- Complete Works and Symphonies of
  13. I think it is suppose to be the ejection fraction (EF) but I could be wrong.
  14. Yep especially since medicare and medicaid do not pay...was not one of my favorite policies either.
  15. Arkansas and Oklahoma do not require anything other than a normal DL. Most services do not require EVOC or CEVO but many take it when offered. My last service required everyone to maintain CEVO II or EVOC.
  16. Wow...this will certainly stir up some shit storms...
  17. A few services I have worked for required us to be in the ambulance before giving D50 and a couple of others did not carry glucagon.
  18. It also relaxes smooth muscle and can help with a FBAO.
  19. Same here. I worked for one of the bigger cities in AR but it was nowhere near like what the cities of PA, NJ, NY are. We have a level II trauma locally, but the nearest level one is Dallas,TX, Oklahoma City, Memphis, or Springfield, MO. All of which are greater than 3 hrs by ground.
  20. Any of that can happen just as quick in rural areas as well. I have had large family fights, weapons pulled on me, threats, and some of the same safety issues as well. Add in the joy of discovering a meth lab during a call and you have a party. Granted it does not happen on the frequency that it does in urban, but it happens. It does not matter where you work it can go bad anytime and NO one should or can afford get complacent.
  21. Is their takbir Allahu Quakbar?
  22. Federal made a G-1 model that was hand cranked. They also made a few that sat on a metal stand that were portable.
  23. lol Doc
  24. We use a SKED and OSS for SAR team and I absolutely love the device.
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