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  1. lol...funny funny
  2. I absolutely put any SPITTER on a NRB mask at 12 lpm....whats it gona hurt?? Not a thing!!! Pillow cases not so good, and NO pt goes prone on my stretcher!
  3. When we run on psych patients, and not all psych pts are combative or wanting to harm anyone...actually let me rephrase; When we run on any pt that has the outward propensity to become or is already combative or threatening, they will be "assisted" to a backboard already placed on the stretcher with 4 point soft restraints waiting close by. At that point, the 4 straps on the backboard, additional 5 straps to secure them to the stretcher (we have 4 point shoulder straps on our stretcher as well), head blocks and then the 4 point soft restraints attached TO THE BACKBOARD so as not to hae to fight with them a 2nd time around to transfer them to the hospital bed, this pt isn't going to do much. And if that all does not work, we will have fire ride in as a "restraint" and pd to follow. we generally don't bust out the chemical restraints. In our system we have to call for orders from our doc, and since we have 12 hospitals in our county chances are we will be in the ambulance bay before the meds are drawn up. Thats how we roll...lol
  4. I thought NREMT testing was all adaptive computer testing??? :? Mine was...
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