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  1. LOL "skid marks"
  2. a drunk driver, he was a passenger & had no idea the driver had been drinking was killed by a drunk was killed by a drunk driver. was killed by a shark was killed by Blue Velvet (WTF)? was killed by a mall Santa was killed by terrorists was killed by his own negligence was killed by were wolves was killed by Michael
  3. Days off? WTF is that? LOL :?
  4. It depends state to state, in Ga. if your license expires for a year you have to go through the class again.
  5. Nope, I treat pts. and have no desire to go into a burning building. The person below me has been abducted by aliens and admits they enjoyed the ANAL PROBE. :ky: :alien: :ky: :alien: :ky: :alien: :ky: :alien: :ky: :alien:
  6. What is your name? Jamie Cooper When is your birthday? 01-28 Eye color? blue Hair color? blonde What nationality(s) are you? american Any piercings? no Any tatoos? yes You have three wishes, what are they? love, health, money What sound can you not stand? train horn Special talents? ? What is the first thing you do when you wake up? make the bed What is the last song you sang? honky tonk badonka donk Do you play any instruments? n Do you know any random facts? too many BE HONEST- Do you listen to show tunes? n Do you want to go to college? still there Whats the first thing you do when you get home from work? undress Is there anyone you are desperate to meet? n Do you dance around your house when nobodys home? n Favorite quote? "may the force be with you, always" Main source of exercise? ems work...lifting...etc. Yay or Nay Diet Pepsi? y Kids? y Bread? y Hair cuts? y Hiking? y Black and white photography? y Coffee? yyyyyy What C.D.s are in your sterio right now? ? Guilty pleasures? sex daily If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? fish Speak other languages? n Favorite song (as of right now)? must be doing something right Favorite flower? rose Contacts, glasses, or neither? none Hometown? vidalia, LA Favorite Drink? tequilla Have you ever been in love? (depending on what your concept of love is) y Have you ever been skinny dipping? y Assertive or passive? both Sing in the shower? n Any regrets? y Do you swear? y Do you have any pet peeves? y Favourite Ice cream flavor? chocolate Member of the red light club? n
  7. Limbstruck and I get along great on a personal and professional level, the director is just looking out for our children, if something was to happen to both of us on scene or a call in general, our children would be without both of us.
  8. 2 jobs(emt-I, 911 dispatcher), school, 4 kids, and wife who is a paramedic.......never ending stress!!!!!!!!
  9. I would keep on after them or advise law enforcement!
  10. I think this should be the least amount of time required.
  11. 1989 Lincoln town car........my pimp ride. LOL Smooth ride and will haul @$$.
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