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Just Plain Ruff

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Everything posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. Fair enough Dwayne. But I still think that prior to his returning to this thread he should seek advice of counsel and then and only then should he return if his attorney says to do so. Now if he isnt going to sue then he can do what he wants on this thread. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  2. Admin, while I do not advocate the deletion of threads under most circumstances, Mike is right in this circumstance. Any chance you could delete this thread. This kid doesn't need our wonderful advice muddying the waters in his defense. But if not, I would suggest that this thread be locked for the OP's own good. Mike, stellar advice once again. But if I may be so bold as to give one last piece of advice to the OP, once you get done reading this thread, do not stop and collect 200 dollars, I would talk to your father and ask him who he would use as an attorney (dads give great advice seriously they do) and then go see that attorney. Retain counsel and lay out exactly what happened to that attorney. If that attorney won't take your case then he will refer you to one that will. AFter you read this thread then for lack of a better word "SHUT UP and DO NOT REPLY ON THIS THREAD" and let your lawyer do your talking. Be prepared for major fallout from your ambulance service like probably getting fired. Be prepared for that because that's probably going to happen. Have a fallback plan, flipping burgers during this time isn't a bad career plan for the duration because your skills won't deteriorate in the time your court case is going on. And remember, you DID THE RIGHT THING by this patient and sometimes doing the right thing gets messy. now stop reading this thread and go see your dad for the advice I told you to ask him. Good luck
  3. Calling all cars come in. we have a 401 in progress. You mean that kind of calling? Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  4. All I can say is holy shit and shame on BOTH the cops and your supervisor. Your supervisor should have busted his ass to get to the scene to be your advocate. Instead he was busting your ass. You need to think long and hard about how much you like working for a company who wont come to the scene when one of its crews are getting arrested. You need a lawyer and that lawyer needs to both hate cops and spineless ambulance services and their gutless supervisors. You need to figure out where you want your new house to be built. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  5. I've been told that Berlitz is awesome but others rave about Rosetta. I'm not sure about either one. That's the reason I'm asking for opinions. I know that for my job, I need to really know spanish and english even though computer speak is english but for my family possibly living in phoenix would require them to really become bi-lingual and our homeschooling our son and then our daughter we would need a spanish language program to teach them spanish unless we hired a spanish speaking tutor. The other option would be to hire a landscaping crew and put our two kids outside while they were working and then our kids would have a good grasp of the language before the job was over. (just kidding to my spanish speaking friends)
  6. ok, my trip to the library was a bust. in order to get the article I had to either be a KU Med student or needed to be dating a doctor or a med student and I'm not pretty enough or rich enough. My advice, find a doctor at the hospital of your choice down where you are at. Next ask them if they could check their library if they have a subscription to the Lancet. Then if they will be so kind to do a lancet search for Jennett as author and 1974 as year of publication and that will pull the article up. If the library has a subscription to the Lancet then the Library should be able to get the article printed out for you for no charge. The librarian at the KU med center was being a bitch and was following the policy strictly. Maybe if I went to the UMKC medical school library they might be more lapse but I'm not sure if you want me to expend that much effort for this. I will if you want. I'm in between projects and sort of out of work so it's not a big deal for me. Let me know what you want me to do. I even went to the link I supplied and it wont even show me the purchase article button anymore. Hey ERDOC or Doczilla, could you maybe help Bushy out?
  7. Hello guys and gals. Heres something new I'm probably moving to phoenix in the next 6-9 months and I need some help. This is for the entire family but more for me. I need to learn spanish. So does the family. I need either a book/dvd system or a computer system. I'm putting a request out there to the group as to what anyone might have heard was a good one. I already have looked at Rosetta stone and I know they say they are the best but I'm not ready to fork out +600 for all three levels. Not saying I won't but I'm not ready to do that quite yet. What are some other systems that others here have used? Thanks
  8. So thats whst causes babies. I thought it was texting. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  9. I will make a trip to the ku med center library tomorrow to see if they have a copy that far back. if so Ill make a copy and get with you to send you via email Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  10. Will this link work? http://scholar.googl...=en&as_sdt=0,26 Just a thought that it might be able to link you back to something in that era. I hope it helps. I'll keep looking though. How bout this link http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140673674916390 It will cost you though. IT's the complete article but it will cost $31.50 Michael
  11. Ignore your co-worker. If your co-worker has anything more to say, then make sure you have a supervisor involved so they know who they have working for them. OTherwise, go on with your life and don't let that "mouthpiece" as another said it ruin your day. Just let it go. You did NOTHING wrong by either going to the memorial service or accepting the gift. I have more to say on this matter but this is a public forum.
  12. Talking to a pharmacist in the next week or two bout both your questions. He may have a protocol for you. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  13. I knew it all along as well. I will respond to your pm as well. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  14. I have decided to boycott Chik fil a on Sundays. I will no longer patronize them on Sunday.

    1. xstreetsweeperx


      I think everyone boycotts Chick Fil A on sundays

    2. wlittle


      Good for you Cap!

  15. Ok gang, Is field hockey a guys or girls sport?

  16. Just Plain Ruff


    Ive talked to him via facebook. he says he needs to just give the city up for a time Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  17. Ok my raymore and Belton and surrounding area friends. Your wait is over and soon you wont have to drive to overland park anymore for self serve yogurt. I dont know the opening date but the strip mall that houses the radio shack and papa johns will soon have a Cherry Berry self serve yogurt shop. Please support this shop as the space it will be occupying seems to be a space that has been a bad location for food places in the past. I and my family plan to support this local shop. If you wan...

  18. Just Plain Ruff


    I got a much darker message from him. makes me very worried about what he might do to himself Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  19. Each time Chik-Fil-A is mentioned on Facebook a Star burns out. There's only a finite number of stars out there people. So just think about this when you post.

  20. I didn't mean to imply they cannot. But the amateurs are the ones who don't take many of the safety measure in hand and they often go out with a cooler in hand of alcoholic beverages. The pros at least will really try harder to make their journeys safer. Just like we have the ricky rescues, they have the ricky chasers
  21. Thus the reason why I asked if she was on metformin. My endocrinologist warned me about dumping syndrome when I first was put on metformin as that was a classic side effect of the metformin, loose stools and dumping effect. He didn't quite call it dumping effect but when I first started taking it he said, "Mike, make sure you aren't too far away from a toilet for the first week or so as this medicine until your gut is used to it, may make you shit your pants". Boy was he right one day. I didn't make it to the toilet on the day that I ramped up my dose to 1000mg in the morning, 500 at lunch and then 1000mg at night which of course was a mistake by me in what I heard the doc say. I misheard him say the 1000 at night. I was only to take 500 at night. so in other words my night dose was incorrect. So at 10pm I had a little dumping effect but it wasn't in the toilet but close to it. Personal story with TMI I know but I had all the ladies symptoms as well. my wife was quite concerned, she was checking my sugar, it was normal for me, she was checking the pulse and all that and we chalked it up to just a vagal issue. I went and lay down and it passed. Called the doc, he called back and said "NO I said blah blah blah 500 at night" so we adjusted. Long story short, Alls good that ends good. Patient seems to have done well on your end.
  22. Why no live coverage of the opening ceramonies?

  23. I think its more the uniforms the patches are attached to that mike might be concerned about. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  24. And here too. We've had our share of nutty professors here too.
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