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Just Plain Ruff

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Everything posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. Promising but very far off before human use. but id love to be an initial investor in the final company that will put a stable product out. the finsncial implications are huge Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  2. i second that mikey Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  3. my next piece of advice is that with an INR of 5.1 that you dont go anywhere near a needle. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  4. no dont go. you need more help than we can give you here other than a couple of good ears to listen with. my advice, take it as you wish, reach out to a crisis line for help. that crisis line can put you in touch with resources that can help you get out of the abusive situation you are in. you can also call 911 and file assault charges against mommy, get her out of the house for a short period of time, get step dad to help you get all your meds and get to a place of safety. You are responsible for your oen safety and you have to start the process of removing yourself from the bad situation. No one else as you have found will do it for you. I wish you luck. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  5. me thinks that shes gonna do whatever the heck she wants and shes not gonna listen to us no matter what good advice she gets. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  6. I heard again today that it was time that all Americans paid their fair share. Just who determines what my fair share is and just how much will my fair share be. It seems like my fair share seems to have gone up today.

  7. good to see that you came back, thought you had gone on walkabout. have you given any thought to a response to any of our suggestions other than mikes? Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  8. Day Three down in project management boot camp. Two tests tomorrow. Have submitted my application and playing the waiting game just seeing if I get audited or accepted to take test. Then the real studying takes place.

  9. Well Kiwi did provide of the material for his essay. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  10. so if you are only going to volunteer and not do this for pay, what are you going to school to be? i really dont like competing with those giving their services away for free while my colleagues out of work are competing with those who do it for free. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  11. Of course there were no bath salts. That was just the media putting that out there. Just like the media to make bath salts the culprit when they had no proof. But now those of us to do use bath salts for relaxation at home after a long day at work, can't find a single store that stocks these harmless chemicals anymore. now I've said too much.
  12. No worries. but Yeah with my Google search skillllllz, I found absolutely zero hits on volunteer ops for anywhere in chicago area. I did find some hits outside chicago but that was not his original question and he clarified that he was only interested in volunteering in chicago due to school. So I think he's out of luck. So my advice, stay in school, your skills won't deteriorate to the point where you will forget your bls stuff. Then once the OP is out of school he/she can go and do the save the world one volunteer job at a time.
  13. I am living proof that anyone can get through a online degree program and do quite well. I spent 2 years in a hybrid class/online program. The program consisted of 15 classes. The first 8 classes I spent in the traditional model of classroom and then I began the online class format. I found that the online format was much more difficult (and expensive) than the in class format. I spent a lot more time online because I was having to post more online because that was how the instructor guaged how we learned the material apart from testing and weekly turn in assignments. Now I am embarking on a new phase of my career where I'm doing a self directed study along with a boot camp style (think condensed in class beat it in you in 4 days) class which will get me my certification as a project manager. This I am finding to be one of the major challenges that I have had to undertake in my life in a very very long time. So I think that the online format depends on how well you can self direct yourself. Online medic school does not make you less of a medic.
  14. Is this exactly how you submitted this to class? Wish you would have had someone review it for you from here. What grade did you get? Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  15. hey, if you work for one of those telemarketing companies who keep calling my cell phone im going to find your phone number and im going to call it at 1 2 3 4 5 6 am every day and never stop. YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.

  16. methinks this just might be ome of those my volunteer can beat up your career guy thread. this isnt a volunteer over paid, its a thread on whether there are any volunteer ops available in chicago Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  17. Ok, here is what I found in a google search for you. Not sure how much you searched not how far you are willing to travel to keep your EMT up. Chicago is a no go as far as volunteers so set your sights grasshopper away from the city of Chicago - as you will not see any volunteer opportunities in Chicago. It seems that you will need to start to look way outside chicago, into the rural areas. The best place to start would be to contact the state office of EMS and ask them for a list of ems providers which may also be online. Then take a look at a map and see how far you are willing to drive from where you live. Then call those agencies and discuss volunteer opportunities with them and see what they can help you with. So why are you trying to get volunteer jobs over a paid job? Good luck.
  18. 2nd day of Project management bootcamp done. Have 3-4 hours of homework ahead of me. Yay!!!!!!!!! I just submitted my application for PMP certification and if approved I can schedule my test for next month. I need that much time to study for the test. I cannot believe how much the test will cost to take.

  19. First day of Project management boot camp. Information overload. 3 more days. 2-3 more hours of homework. Listening to Blackmore's Night on the computer. Soothing Baroque/Midieval style music.

  20. Truth, we had a significant poser a couple of weeks ago and some of us here were hurt big time. We all are a bit skeptical after that. Ok, now don't take this the wrong way but...... You really need to stick with the stainless medic alert items as you have found here that there might not be many providers that are going to look for the goth jewelry style medic alert jewelry and stick with the goth style stuff for your other jewlery. Most providers if you ask them if they would consider looking at a goth style bracelet or necklace as a medic alert tag I'll bet that 95% of all providers would say they would never consider that medic alerts would be found on that type of jewelry. So to be on the safe side, I would seriously for your sake consider biting the fashion sense bullet and go with what we as providers are going to look for and go with the tried and true jewelry we are used to seeing. The life you save will be your own. If you go with the Goth style medic alert jewelry be forewarned that you take YOUR LIFE in your own hands and take ALL The risk if a provider does not recognize a non-standard medic-alert style jewelry. If you decide to go with a leather style or some other style of medicalert that I can't identify in 5 seconds or less that it's a medicalert then I'm going to move on to saving your life and if I miss the tag then that's not my fault because YOU chose to go against the conventional style jewelry and not the one that we all recognize as the standard piece of jewelry. I will do all I can to save your life but if you make it impossible for me to quickly identify that you have a medic alert bracelet or necklace then how am I supposed to do my job. I really don't have the time to do a detailed search for some off the wall medic alert dog collar or leather bracelet that is something I'm not used to seeing being used as a alternative to a medic alert bracelet. So do yourself a favor and get off this "I have to have something Goth or unique" cause it might just delay your treatment and that's gonna get you Killed or at least delay me in treating you and I'm going to be pissed that you basically hid it from me and then when I'm done saving your life or maybe not, I'm going to let you have it and tell you to get rid of that crappy piece of jewelry and go get the right kind. Sorry to sound so mean but this is your life we are talking about and to have such a significant medical history and to cover it up with what every single EMS provider in america is not used to seeing is doing you and me a dissservice that is likely going to kill you.
  21. Forgive me if Im the least bit skeptical but why do you sound like you are talking like you are still in high school. Some of your wording makes me think that you are still either in high school or just out. Or am I just misreading your wording of your threads. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  22. Day 1 of PMP boot camp which begins at 8am sharp and the instructor is no where to be found. Not a good start to the day. Oh,he just walked in.

  23. I"m not going to be looking for a medic alert tag on a goth style bracelet. But since they are out there I guess that I will start when and if I ever work on the rig again. I suggest that we as ems providers start especially if we get called on someone who is a goth or dressed as one. But I agree with MObey, this designer stuff is getting old and I, before this posting would not have looked. I know of no ambulance service in the USA that carries penicillin on the ambulance. If anyone knows of a service carrying penicillin speak up now but I'll bet that there is not a single ambulance service out there carrying it.
  24. Updating my bucket list. Adding some career goals that I didn't realize were so close to being completed and only needed an employer to pay for them. I think I might actually have two bucket lists, a personal one and a career one. Can you have two bucket lists?

  25. Ok, I just got asked by my company to pursue a project manager certification. I'm not saving lives I'm running a project. In order for me to get certified I have to go through the following. 1. Go to a 40 hour course this coming week 2. Document over 4500 hours of project management experience stretching back over the past 8 years 3. Take a 200+ question online test I'm not saving lives. I'm running a project. 4 months to save a life or 4500 hours documented to run a project. Quite a disparity.
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