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Everything posted by Stn2Emtb

  1. Unfortunately Emtb's are being replaced with Medics. Your standard run of the mill, "granny runs" are standard for emt's. So are transport runs still classified as "Emergency" medical services. Yes. The reason I say that is this. I was doing a "routine transport" from UPMC Presby to our local TCU in Oil CIty, PA. The older women maybe in 60's, was fine for most of our transport. Then about Zelienople on I-79 the pt started complaining of CHEST PAIN. Now normally this wouldn't bother me, but my partner and I were two EMT-B's (well seasoned). I called 911 and got Mercer Co. 911. I told them of my situation, turned on my lights and ran HOT to Grove City. The medic hopped in with us and we were good. The rest of the transport went without a hitch. We dropped the pt off at Grove City hospital and returned to quarters. My point is this a routine transport can turn EMERGENCY quickly. I hope this helps. Thanks for the question.
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