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  1. Great Ideas, and a few years ago I was given the option to take the local test but that is after I got my national registry number, now they said it is in history, not sure what that means. I agree with a lot changing I was studying the book about 4 years ago and noticed how much had changed since I took my EMT coarse in Georgia. I would love to do part of this online, only because I am laid off now and have nothing to do, and have always been a self motivator and do well with online studies. However, would the above link require me to go to Texas for the practicals etc?
  2. I live in NW Pennsylvania, our state will take any states certification. I live on the NY state line so closer to Jamestown, NY than any Pa city. I will eventually get my Paramedic, but believe I have to get my Basic first, need to double check on that. Thanks guys and looks like the local training is the way to go, The online way have to go to TX for the practicals etc. Will just have to be patient, its just that I have all kinds of time now. Denny
  3. I was an EMT in the US Air Force for 2 years before I got out and because my state did not accept the National Registry, I ended up getting side tracked and took another career route. I now want to get back into EMS, I always loved and missed doing it, I was very good at it and was prepairing to take ACLS when I decided not to re enlist. It has been over 20 years since I was a Registered EMT so have to re take the entire coarse from what I understand. My problem is no one in this area is offering any class for a while. Is there any way to do this online and do the testing and practicals at a EMS facility. Also most of the classes around here are over an hour away, and if I take it in the winter weather can be a problem also some saturday classes will be imposible to make, are you allowed to miss X amount of classes, or make them up. I am not wanting to bypass all the work and learning, just frustrated that its only offered annually around here and the class is just winding down now. Thanks in advance for any information on this. Denny
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