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wasted rider

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Everything posted by wasted rider

  1. Never went to any english school.... lerned by my self reading and listening !! Thank you
  2. Well just reply in french, and will see how's worst !!!!!!!
  3. Little hint... when a proby is seen lifting a cot with is back instead of is leg....we kick is ass out... period !!! Lots of medics like to compare there paycheck with firefither's or LEO's, do like they do, get fit !!!!!!!! Take 50,000$ and build a gym at your station..... at my station, that money would cover only 5 trucks out of 35 with those stretcher. The bottomline here, you dont get your back hurt with stretcher lifting, you get hurt when you free a 200 pounder from a rollovered car or somebody that is pined between is toilet and a wall, place's that your not able to work properly. These are situation's where you get hurt...sometime with micro trauma to your back. Hours later, or the next day, you may feel a little discomfort in the back...... next effort......bang there's the big stuff. Again just get a little fit, every single medics that I know of, that are working out ..... they dont EVER GET BACK PAIN !!!!
  4. I work in a 35 trucks service, and we only have one power-pro, guess what... its on my truck. Yes it is a back saver for sure, the 40 extra pound IS a pain. When you have to drag it around the house or something, with equipement on it.... sometime in the snow IT IS A F.......G PAIN. This cot have been tried by every single medics at my shop 2 years ago and the members had to vote on the mass purchase to fill the fleet with it .....the answer to that was ... no thanks !! Thats democracy. My own answer to that.. get in the gym and workout a little, and you wont need electric toy !!!
  5. Probably one of few frenchy's in here.... Quebec city !! :wink:
  6. Just to let you guys know, millenium scrap is almost dead. Im working in quebec city, we dont have any in our fleet, but for those who have some of em, its only a good looking rig. This millenium project was born few years ago to be replacing type 2 trucks that most of ems are riding in quebec. The now have had so much complains about those plastic toys, that they are now replacing type 2's bye type 3's 140inch's on GM's !!!
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