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Everything posted by emsambulance

  1. On July 3rd, 2009 while working in my backyard shop I suffered a major heart attack. For almost 30 years I was owner of several private ambulance companies the last being in Houston, Texas. I was boxing up a couple of used Ferno stretchers I had sold to a MIssissippi company. After retiring disabled I have been buying & selling ambulances, stretchers, lightbars, & other EMS related items. We live 12 miles west of Alvin on CR 1462 & in a different EMSD zone. So my mother and sister drove me to Alvin & called ahead to have an ambulance meet us at the new fire station on CR 1462. I was sti9ll barely conscious when we arrived at the VFD. An Alvin Police officer was standing in the parking lot with an AED. As we pulled to a stop the Ambulance also pulled in. My memory of the trip is very blurred but I remember the ambulance had multiple sirens one of which sounded like a fog horn, and the stopping at traffic signals, then the sound of the diesel engine roaring off again as we took the 25 minute ride to SE Memorial Hospital in Houston. It is the nearest hospital to Alvin. I do remember after arriving the doctor said we must stop your heart & restart it. I was then defibrillated 3 times. I do not remember the first 2 times I was shocked, but the 3rd time worked & I remember the ER physician asking me if I could hear him. I said yes, but for the next few days my memory is a blurr. In & out, here & there I have some brief memories of things and people. 11 days later after spending 10 days in MICU I came home. Then 2 weeks of bed rest. BUt I am now doing well and my strength is coming back. I wish to thanks those that helped to give me a 2nd chance at life, this includes Alvin VFD, Alvin Police Dept., Alvin EMS, Memorial SE Hospital ER staff, Memorial Hospital MICU staff, and Doctors Robert DeWitt. May God bless you all! Louis Bernhardt
  2. I pray for the team members and their families affected by this tragedy. May the Lord keep them now and forevern in His love and peace. Amen! Chaplain Louis Bernhardt
  3. Being a private operator for almost 30 years, I handled mutiple county EMS 911 contracts, plus the VA Hospital, and other major contracts in Metro Houston area. Being private we fought for our dollars. I would spec out two(2) type Sprinter 2 ambulances for that money, ALS with the new Power Stretchers. You got a six wheel ride, and extra headroom, for less money. This would be "HIGH COTTON IN TEXAS" for private EMS. My opinion, Louis Bernhardt
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