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  1. I was looking into taking the RN program at U of Calgary and Mount Royal. Both said they would not credit EMT, but would credit paramedic. The best thing to do is go in and meet with the faculty of nursing advisor/counseller. Talking to them on the phone is crap. Im pretty sure they will credit you- I think you'll only have to do two years and maybe a couple spring/summer courses. Hope this helps.
  2. Being a female on the ambulance, I have to say I have never been in a situation were the patient would rather talk to my male partner then me. Older men seem to like a younger women working on them, older women joke about having a younger man being there tech- but I think they prefer having a women, young men and women also seem more comfortable with a women. I have been questioned for my age- being young (they never asked for someone else though) but that is it. As well the majority of EMT/Medics that I know are women. This is just my experience.
  3. I think age has very little to do with how well your an EMT/medic. As long as you know your shit, age shouldn't matter. So your partner has more experience, so what... If your passion is EMS then your going to put the time into learning, bettering yourself. There are great experienced EMS and great not-so-experienced EMS, just as there are crappy experienced EMS and crappy not-so-experienced EMS. So I would say review the calls that you tech and your partner techs- is there anything you should have done? or he should have done? If so then work on it, if not then next time your partner bitchs at you remind him that you know the same shit he does and can do it just as well (if not better). You may not have seen everything, but neither has he- so as long as your treatments are good, what difference does all his experience make?
  4. I have to say the general idea of having cameras in the back of an ambulance is fine with me, for security purposes, accusations, and if there was a question of misconduct, negligence, or the like. However looking on the side of this, I would have to say that if I was a patient, my privacy would be very important to me. We compare this to the hospital, which have camera's, but also have curtains. We cut off clothes and expose patients. So the question this brings up is - who would see these videos? Is this going against a patients right to privacy?
  5. You respond to the first call- and try to get back as fast as you can so you can assist if necessary. For the MVC, the crew responding- call assistance from other services, triage and do the best you can with the resources available.
  6. what are your suggestions to change? put some kings in the main 'jump' kit?
  7. hey marc what did you think of the response to your postings? do you think that the no lung sounds was from a silent chest? i thought the responses were very interesting. did you ever ask the doctor about using ventolin for this call as there was no bronchoconstriction that we could tell.
  8. Hey everyone, Any good thoughts on continuing studying/learning? I was talking to a friend about continuing learning and how hard it is sometimes to want to sit down and read your old textbooks- by yourself. Any groups that get together? or Chats? Any really good websites or textbooks? I do my own self studying and our service is starting to have in-service presentations- but any other ideas would be great!
  9. Hey mobey, so your recruitment worked- now a member! Nice rant- interesting point
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