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Everything posted by LisaO925

  1. I better start seeing APPALACHIAN-AMERICANS on anything where I have to mark what my breed is! Otherwise, IM calling Sharpton :roll:
  2. Oh, and its not like IM a skinny barbie doll type. More like Barbies chubby sister from the trailer park..lol So, Im hoping I dont have to worry about any "scoring" during school, or out in the field.
  3. OMG OMG OMG I cant tell if this tread makes me want to run away from medic school, or look forward to it. I have absolutly NO idea what will happen when I go to medic school next year. I can only hope that my husband respects what I want to accomplish, and stands clear of my drive to get it. He works nights now as a floor layer, so school during the day isnt a huge problem. I will get the kids put back in the school closer to me (they were placed in the one closer to my work) so they bus to and from school. I hope things work out. I just want to get in, and not only pass, but be the top in me class
  4. Bwhahahahahahahaha Gawd, I LOVE sexual harassment jokes!
  5. How did you know I was born in Kentucky! :shock:
  6. Thank you everyone.. I really dont want to rehash anything, or start anything. I am sure this will all fall how its supposed too. I need to first get my EMT-B. I have to do that to even go to Paramedics regardless. So, I will just keep asking around, and talking as I complete my EMT-B. I found a good school through the link Dust provided... I will keep everyone informed. Again, thank you
  7. I am going to have to forward this to my dad and husband
  8. OMG 1st, I LOVE your avatar... Second, here is what my school offers, as a JC LMC-Medic Program I just want to get this right. I want to make sure that once IM on the path, that I dont have any set backs, esp. ones that were easy to avoid. I guess the best thing to do is set down with the instructor that night and tell him what I want, and where I want to be. I talked to my CPR instructor today whos a medic for my area. He mentioned a 20K paramedic program in a town near by that he went through. But, hes not married, has no kids, and could afford to do nothing but eat, sleep, breathe school. But he almost made it sound like it was the ONLY way to go. Ive herd of people going to adult ed classes to for EMT-B and working. IM sure that anywhere from EMT-B I can get into Paramedics. I just want to make sure that once I have eveything complete, said and done, that I will be able to work.
  9. LisaO925


    I have 6.. One on each forearm, one on my upper back, two on my lower, and one on my right calf. I've noticed that most EMS out here wear the jump suits. So, I should be okay. But, even if I wear short sleeves, my forearm ones are nice and not huge, no words, nothing offensive...
  10. At the time, I was just someone (kinda like now, just older) who was trying to learn everything and anything. Guess I just need to figgure out what and who to listen to, about what, and when. As if school isnt hard enough..lol
  11. Its my job as a newbie, to be annoying. IM happy to see IM off to a good start j/k Actually, I've been flipping around here and there so much, I got overwhelmed, and I didnt think to look to see if it had been asked before. I will next time look first, before posting. Thank you for your reply, again....
  12. Hahahahaha thats cute :twisted:
  13. This is my second time taking EMT-B class. Because I was unable to complete my first time around, IM starting all over again, vaccinations / CPR cert, etc. Here is where I am torn. I want to be a Paramedic. The school that I am going to is a Jr. college that offers EMT-B then you can take the medic classes and graduate EMT-P with some field time. I was told years ago that paramedics hate it when a fresh paramedic graduates out of school with very little field time. So, I thought ok, I will stop after EMT-B, work in the field for a year, and then go back to school either while working, or quit working and go back. But I am seriously in doubt if I will be able to do that given that I do have two kids, a husband, animals , and will do whatever I can to be the best medic I can be. What would be the best option. Go straight through, and hit the ground running as a Paramedic. Or graduate as an EMT-B, get some field time, and cross my fingers and pray that I can complete work, family, and more school to then become a Paramedic about a year later? Thank you
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