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Everything posted by bbbrammer
Think you have a tough preemployment test ??
bbbrammer replied to crotchitymedic1986's topic in Funny Stuff
Right at four minutes. I liked that. Had to go and do it twice. Think I'll try more of them. -
Sadddest Call Ever ?????????
bbbrammer replied to crotchitymedic1986's topic in General EMS Discussion
Wasn't around the holidays, but it was still bad. Car wreck. Parents killed immediately. Small kids in back alive but trapped. Needed extrication. SUV fuel tank caught fire. Every fire truck in the city put H2O on fire. Nothing helped. All we could do was stand there and watch and listen to the kids burning alive. I can still hear their screams. Have had several holiday calls that were sad, but every single one of them was eclipsed by this one call. I think it was having to listen to them screaming and being absolutely helpless that got me. Worst thing I have ever heard in my life. -
Not. As bad as it sucks, I think all of it put together is what makes my life what it is. Next Question: Cop shoots bad guy. Bad guy shoots cop. Bad guy hurt worse. Do you help cop first in the spirit of 'we take care of our own', or do you help the bad guy first in spirit of medical ethics?
You are making assumptions Doc. I never said I was still in school. I have been on the streets for years as a matter of fact. I also never said I was 'shadowing' nurses and I did spend an entire year working specifically with a physician, not with nurses. I know why we do hospital clinicals, but just because we are supposed to learn about as many disease types as possible doesn't mean we should self-restrict our education to only that. During my clinicals I made an effort to get to know some of the nurses at some of the hospitals I was at, and because of that when I bring a patient in now years later the nurses don't treat me like some kind of nameless/faceless medic who brought them more work. They recognize me and what I have done for that patient, and I have found that the patient care transitions are better handled. Mutual respect is what I am striving for. I am sure that you appreciate it when the nurses give you respect at work instead of treating you like the only reason you exist is to get their patients out of there as fast as possible. I would appreciate it if fewer of them act as if I went trolling for that patient no one wants just so I could bring them to the ER to make their life miserable. I would also appreciate it if some of my fellow EMT's would take the time to look around and realize that the ER is overflowing and that they may have to wait a few minutes until a nurse is free instead of getting angry. Mutual respect. Not an impossible thing to work towards for all of us.
Nicely done ak. Smacks of an English or Creative writing class project, but I am glad to see that I am not the only adult in the world who still writes poetry or short stories in the literary style. Cookies to you for not falling into today's society of the blatantly crass form of writing.
I did four nursing home rotations as a matter of fact. That was after working for two years in one. I am very understanding of what it is like to be an employee at one of those locations. I have also met several nurses who were understanding of what we do. It is just that 'understanding breeds empathy'. Perhaps if we all spent a little more time trying to get inside of what each profession entails, there would be a little less bickering about how long something takes, or maybe a little less of the 'us vs them' syndrome. I think it would help with providing a better continuity of care for the patient instead of the action/reaction of "I don't care what you think you did because it was before you got to the hospital". Same way I think my fellow EMT's could be a little less angry at the nurses who often times are overwhelmingly busy with multiple annoying patients while we just had to deal with one. This is not an attempt to start arguments, merely an attempt to encourage better EMS/Nursing relations.
I also don't work for them, but know several of their medics. What kind of info are you looking for? Bet some of us can help you out.
If I could change something about EMS, it would be to require nursing students (particularly RN students) to do several ambulance ride-outs as part of their clinicals. We often have to do several ER and hospital clinicals and that gives us an understanding of what their job entails, but they often don't know anything about what we do. Unless they are EMS trained too. It would never solve the problems everyone runs into in the ER, but maybe if they had to go through some of the things we go through out there, they would at least understand why we are grouchy/wet/covered in blood/or just having a bad day. Maybe if they were on a multi-car pileup and had to do all the work themselves prior to other units getting there, without techs/docs/housekeeping/other nurses to help out, they would be just a little more with it on why we never quite got that laceration all cleaned up. Maybe at the least it would be better than nothing at all.
Made me laugh out loud. Had to show it to everyone else. I love it!
Some one should have sent a very short and sweet letter to the editor the next day that simply said "Sorry, but dead medics can't fix anyone."
Help me convert Ruraltown EMS from volly to paid.
bbbrammer replied to spenac's topic in General EMS Discussion
I would like to throw in that the location sounds familiar. We service about 3000 people, 4 towns (largest town pop. 900 people), 4 highways, 1 turnpike, cover half the county at 320sq mi, average call is two hours long and we have one truck. For this thrilling opportunity we get paid $60/24hr shift EMT-B and $80/24hr shift EMT-P. I will not argue that the pay rate you are going for is too much, on the contrary I wish ours was. But when you average only 30-35 calls a month, the revenue just isn't there. I forgot who it was that made a good point about threatening to not have the service. It wouldn't be to be mean, but it is a reality that they will have to face because your volunteers have to buy food and toilet paper too. You could also consider a subscription program. We have one here that is $45 per year and helps bring in a lot of income for the service. Depending on your population, the odds would be in your favor that you would make money on the program and not lose it. Other than that and what everyone else said about newspapers and the like, I don't have any more ideas. Though I do applaud you for taking up the torch to try to move the service in a more positive direction for the residents and fellow volunteers. Good luck to you! -
You know what freaks my husband out is when I go to bed early because I have a feeling there will be an early call. Happened a couple of days ago. Night before felt there would be a call come in before I got out of bed, around nine am. I was off an hour, call came in at eight am. The fun part is knowing that they are going to come in and actually getting out of bed early so you have time to use the restroom, brush teeth, etc before you have to leave. On the other hand it is not totally foolproof and people do tend to think you are some kind of weird crazy person or just get scared of you. Definitely don't want too many people to know about it.
urban to rural ems, what a difference
bbbrammer replied to medic993's topic in General EMS Discussion
I did my two years of street school in an urban service, and when I finally graduated and got to go to rural where I wanted to be my first thought was "Thank GOD!" When I was in the urban setting I felt like I wasn't doing anything at all, just a quick taxi with an IV. Out here in rural I not only get a chance to do more than just stick them and get a BP, but I actually get the time to do real honest to goodness treatment. Out here the term 'patient care' really takes on new meaning. Cause it isn't just procedures, it is learning about their entire life history and the life history of their kids, grandkids, cousins, and so on. Which if you pay attention can come in handy down the road when you wind up running on them too. You do wind up running on people you know, and it can be hard. Especially the sudden death ones not the 80yr old cardiac, COPD, diabetic, CHF....pt. But the reality of it is even if someone you know died, up to that moment everyone else you know is still alive, so the odds aren't bad. Little joke. But I really do love it out here and I don't think you could talk me into urban EMS no matter what you threw at me. God bless the medics who work urban, glad someone will do it. -
She definately isn't interested in having grandkids or anything.
Running a scenerio in class once my partner was lead medic and during the assesment asked what the heart rate was. When the instructor told him it was 214 my partner looked up at everyone with panic on his face and replied, "Oh Sh*t! Now what do I do?" The class broke up laughing and everyone got a humorous lesson in what you do and do not say in front of patients.
Is "Love your enemies" part of CPR training?
bbbrammer replied to Michael's topic in General EMS Discussion
A big round of applause to Nurse Osborne for not letting her compassion for humanity become twisted and tormented by the ever present onslaught of immoral degradation found on the front page and 10o'clock news of our society. The rising onslaught of selfishness that makes it okay to say "screw you because you made me mad" is thankfully not evident in all manner of people on this earth. Hip-hip-hooray for those who are willing to choose to be outside the present societal standards of self-appreciating enthrallment. =D> =D> =D> =D> -
What do you own that is EMS/fire related?
bbbrammer replied to ladyemt51_2000's topic in Funny Stuff
I have several EMS-type shirts that my hubby insists on buying for me every chance he gets, along with all manner of hot wheel or remote controlled ambulances. I think he gets more of a kick out of the stuff than I do. Aside from a comprahensive first aid kit, I think that is about all I have at my house. -
Even though you know he probably won't have a butt left when they find him, it is still a really cute story.
You could try a custom mat found here: http://www.emtcatalog.com/product.html?t_q=50736 I also found some nice glassware and really nice star of life coasters. There are also clocks, throws, jewelry, and tons of other assorted things at www.emtcatalog.com. Try looking around there also.
Protocols aside, how about debating a theory. IV medications are pushed through an IV directly into a vein. No brainer. Then why is it not considered to be a possibility to push IV meds directly into a vein using a needle/syringe combination without having an actual catheder placed? Say you have a pt. that for some reason has veins that blow everytime you try to cannulate, but not when you stick. Say you can't get an catheder to cannulate, but you do have a vein that you could use if you were just going to draw blood. Theoretically, could you not draw the med up in a syringe, do a venipunture, then administer the med? Disclaimer: This is a theoretical discussion only. I have NO intentions what-so-ever of trying this, and absolutely DO NOT recommend anyone else trying it.
Oh, I definately have to send this on to some of my 'southern' friends. Which translates to-everyone I know.
I am wondering what the community here at large feels about potential employers checking personal websites pre-employment. I can understand the background checks to see if you have a problem with the law, and I can even understand wanting to look at personal websites, but I don't agree with them requiring it. I personally don't have a myspace page or anything like that mostly because I don't get the whole 'this is my diary lets show it to the world' kind of thing, but I really just don't have a use for it. I know a lot of people do, and that is their choice, but I don't think that employers should be able to go into those sites to look around for 'dirt' pre-employment. Some people say that if you don't have anything to hide it shouldn't be a problem, and it is true, but I feel that what is on your webpages that you use between friends really shouldn't have applications to work. It would be the same if they asked for copies of your phone conversations between friends and family. Or copies of your emails or letters. Generally if you don't have anything incriminating on there then there isn't anything to worry about, but what if you like to just "shoot the shit" with friends, or you talk about that time you got drunk last year and an employer says "well, they talked about these things or they did this, so they are not mature or responsible enough for this job". My personal life and professional life are separate, so I don't believe that the fight I had with someone last week should be available to people everywhere as a consideration of whether or not I am employable. Course these are just my personal opinions and I would like to hear from some of you on what you think.