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4kids started following queensland paramedic
LMAO, I'll take it it'll keep 5th quiet for awhile..... I'm leaving my old orange plastic jump kit
eww leave them....... my paperhole punched mail left by my 4 lovely children, you can have them too
leave it....I don't want it...... a kit kat candy bar
take it......I need something swwet.......a can of diet coke
should we do away with EMT certification
4kids replied to Just Plain Ruff's topic in General EMS Discussion
I can totally agree with that. Alot of the towns around us. Mostly the smaller low budget towns with very small pops. have the first responder services with the basics. They use them as nothing but first responders to stabilize while their contracted paramedic ambulance service is enroute to the scene. But the basics do not transport. Its cheaper for the towns to do it that way than to buy their own ambulance. There's just not enough education given in the basic course. I was very fortunate when I took mine and recieved more than what DOT outlined as the standard when I took the class we had 12 White Cross exchange students in the class with us so we actually did alot of A&P, it was not the standard basic class. I think thats what's made me want more. Now I'm not saying this about all basics, because now not all of them are as dumb as a rock. Some of them choose to continue to open books and learn. But because of the lack of A&P in the basic class most the basic don't understand that alot of injuries that may appear minor, may not be what they appear. You need to look at the big picture. And when you don't understand A&P because you weren't taught it and you respond to a 19 month old falling five and a half feet head first onto concrete, yep you beomce more concered about a little head lac and decide to make it a no transport. Probably should have been more concerned about what may have been going on inside that childs head instead. Yes you have the NREMT standards, but then you can go from one state to the next and each state sets their own standards too. What I learn in my state may not be what you learn in yours. Part of it is the state, part of it is the difference in the instructor/instructors. There really is no set in stone national standard. -
should we do away with EMT certification
4kids replied to Just Plain Ruff's topic in General EMS Discussion
Para, I think you may be incorrect in part of one of your posts when you stated that private ambulance companies, including AMR, where not allowed in NJ. It appears AMR is already in NJ and has been for awhile. I just pulled this off from AMR's career posting board for NJ listing's. http://www.amr.net/careers/search.asp and http://www.amr.net/careers/search.asp -
should we do away with EMT certification
4kids replied to Just Plain Ruff's topic in General EMS Discussion
First I guess it only fair to start by saying that I'm a basic in Maine, and have been for 16 years. I would have liked to have moved up in licensure but to due having kids and health issues haevn't been able to due that as of yet. I was supposed to be start the I-99 this past spring but had to post pone to a health issue. My ultimate goal is to start the 2 year paramedic program once my youngest starts school next year. Right now my commitment is to be with her as she's a special needs child. Ok, so now how do you differentiate between what is BLS and what is ALS? So para if what I'm understandly correctly from that past several pages of posts is that a sprained ankle would be considered a BLS call. Can we safely assume that? However, until we know the circumstances on how they've sprained their ankle do we dispatch just a BLS crew, ALS crew or BLS crew with ALS on standby? Because how did they sprain their ankle? Alot things are not always what they appear or what they are even dipatched. I myself have personally been on some of the simpliest little calls, that started as nothinhg more than a simple sprained ankle/sprained wrist, etc, etc, etc. And that pt has had an anxiety attack and that call has now turned into an ALS and I've had to call for backup enroute to the hospital. Now some of these calls I've been on to begin with had started with a paramedic telling me it was a basic call and have transfered care over to me a basic in order to keep ALS coverage in town. Two things could have prevented this from happening: 1 the paramedic not clearing 2 me not being a basic take your pick Now I'm not saying I think I made the worst mistake becoming a basic. It was a stepping stone up from being a CNA. It gave me a chance to see if this was something I wanted to do. I'm still utterly amazed at the fact that I only needed 10 hours of clinical time for my class when I needed 80 hours of clinicals to be a CNA. But I've learned that this is not the level I want to stay at. I want more. Reading books and taking extra mini classes and grilling my paramedic husbands brain is not enough for me. I need and want more. Unfortunately my wanting more runs second when it comes to my kids. I don't have a big issue with basic's as I am one, but if given the chance to help restructure the license levels would I say totally get rid of basic level. Nope why? Admit it guys. Come on. We do make good band aid placers, we do make good first aiders at the fairs, we do put on a good open house, we do decent routine transfers. And I'm sure this will more than likely infuriate a few basic's I'm sorry if it does but like I said I've been a basic for 16 years, been there done that. I also know what our license level allows us to do and honestly other than 02 we're really nothing more than CNA's with an EMS license. -
Okay I might be grasping her boe, but he's a driver so alot sitting. I'm thinking possibly DVT, the clot moved and became a pulmonary embolism.
Your right Richard sometimes they do. But the point I was trying to get across was that you can't just read an article and assume that those are all the facts. The media has proven themselves to be wrong in the past, you know it, I know it and others know it. And there is always 2 sides to every story. And take out of the picture where this person works, people are trying him before he even gets a fair trial.
Very true letmesleep. First I will defend AMR that I know for a fact that they have yearly HIPPA training. It is mandatory and if you do not take it you are placed on administrative leave. But thats not the point I wanted to make here. Anyway, everyone needs to think about this. The whole thing never should have happened to begin with. Just take a look even at ourselves on this site even. How many people have posted even on this site about a call they've been on and explained specifics of a pt's problems and what they've given for treatments. how hard is it to look up that user's name and figure out where that person is located at. Not real hard. And from there google is endless on what you can get for info because 911 calls are public information. Even its a private service. If a private serive is contracted by a municipality its public information. So how many people on this site have also broken HIPPA rules? SO who are we to call the kettle black? Perhaps people shouldn't tunnel vision on one case that has made the media and should be more concerned about what you do yourself. Right now its this other paramedic's butt on the line, are you positive that it couldn't be yours next?
I'll be surprised if they nail him for a HIPPA violation when the judge has already granted a summary judgement in favor of AMR. I'll bet chances are it gets thrown out of court. http://www.citmedialaw.org/threats/doe-v-green And here is a copy of the court docket of what was actually said on the blog, doesn't look like he actually stated any desciptive info about her or actually where she lived. http://www.citmedialaw.org/sites/citmedial...20Complaint.pdf
Alright I usually don't say a heck of a lot because I hate to make waves and stir a stink pot but..... here it comes..... watch out... might make myself look stupid. First why are we discussing something that took place back in April of 2007? Isn't it August 2008 now? Now I'm not taking AMR's side here. Yes my husband works for them and yes they pay decent but they are not the greatest company in the world to work for. Not the brightest crayon in the pack. And I can't say anything about the victim, don't know her, but she got a crappy deal. And as far as the paramedic he crapped out his brain cells when he used the toilet that morning. But why are we taking a news report as gospel? Do any of us really know exactly what was posted on this fool's myspace page? If you really read the news article its nothing but he said she said. Nothing is in black and white proof. And how do we not know if the victim herself didn't have a friend or her own myspace page and it was talked about that way. And I know around here all our newscrews have their precious little scanners, they listen to everything, ever wonder how sometimes they manage to get to scenes before you do. But lets go ahead and just believe that this article is 100% correct because we ALL know that news reports are always 100% accurate and the reporters get their facts straight.
list of companies who bundle spyware in their programs
4kids replied to Just Plain Ruff's topic in Archives
Unfortunately Norton anti-virus doesn't take care of spyware and adware issues. Besides the fact that if you don't pay for the yearly subscription to Norton you don't get the new updates to the virus bank either. So I swear by my freebie programs and run Spybot S&D, Ad-Aware 2008 and AVG Anti-Virus along with Zone Alarm for a fire wall. -
Just adding my two cents. Good parenting or bad parenting isn't the problem. What on earth was she thinking taking 4 kids on a flight? Dang I have 4 kids all aged 10 and under and now I would feel fine taking them on a flight alone. Two years ago would have been a different story. My youngest has acquired apraxia/dyspraxia. Two years ago it would have been us being thrown off a plane. Thats why I made the choice to drive from Maine to South Carolina instead of flying. At least her screaming from not being able to express herself was only disrupting us in our own personal vehicle and not god know's how many people on a plane. Some people just don't have enough brains to think about how their own situation will effect others. Its not like a grocery store where you can just up and leave, kinda hard to up and leave at 30,000 feet.
4kids replied to checkersfire's topic in General EMS Discussion
Your right they didn't strike, they made it as far as picketing. But Northeast division is more than Mass., there are other states further north than there too. Mass got what they wanted but the Maine and New Hampshire stations got screwed. I'd like to know where that, they got everything they wanted and more. We now have crappier health insurance than we did before. A cut in hours and a 2% raise. Yeah that helps with filling up the fuel tank and paying the bills. I don't personally work for them, but my husband does. When they voted on a new union they have to go with whatever Mass decides because they have majority vote. Almost everyone up this way voted no union and even opted out of the union when the union was pushing for a strike. Union's are nothing but empty promises.