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  1. Dispatcher`s , like the rest of us , are individual people . Therefore , you will have some better than others . I work with Incognitogirl . I know when she sends me on a call , she is giving me every little bit of important info she has . She does an awesome job at getting the needed info without all the "filling " that we get from some dispatcher`s . She and a hand full of other people in our Comm. center are top notch and very well trained . Everyone at our base feels safe with her as our dispatcher and it makes my day to hear her on the radio . She and the group I mentioned go way beyond just dispatching . They are not only concerned with gathering all the info we need - often from several sources but they are concerned with our safety as well . Those of you who are fussing about dispatch might want to spend a day in their shoes . It is not easy getting the needed info in a timely manner from a spazzed out caller . I am proud to work with the group we have and feel totally confident every thing humanly possible has been done to obtain the information I need when they call me . As I mentioned earlier , dispatcher`s are like medic`s or any other profession . There are a few that just plain suck . Most , however ,are well trained , do a top notch job and even while you are fussing at them - they are worrying about you and your safety . So-- lighten up . you might even try telling them THANKS once in a while .
  2. Wow , could I go on forever about this . As a flight nurse , I see the very real need for more advanced services in the rural area`s . Although there may not be the large numbers of MVC`s , there are a lot of farm and ranch accidents as well as recreational accidents that are life or limb threatening . It takes a long time to get to these people to start with and then they face a long transport to the hospital . These are the people that need advanced care . That is taking nothing away from the basic services - they do an awesome job and often with less than perfect equipment .
  3. I`m not a pro at this , but , there are many things around us on every call that can be used for splints , traction or whatever is needed . Be open minded and rely on your brain more than your equipment .
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