Welcome to the Nursing home side of EMS, Some of these LPNs are morons and some but not many of the RNs are dumb.
We have a nursing home that we are contracted with the likes to call us for "respiratory difficulties" all the time, most of these patients have trachs in, mind you im only BLS. I go into the room, the first thing I check is ABC's, the nurse is like "his o2 sats are 70% on 2 litres of nasal cannula" Anyone see a problem with that? LOL. Then I Inspect the trach a little more and low and behold its a mucus plug, grab the suction, suction the trach out with a yankur, remove the plug, apply o2 by peds mask to the trach area at about 10-15 lpm to get him back off on the right start again get his sats up and hes breathing well now. They still want him to go for an eval.
This is the ridicolus shit us "transfer techs" deal with on a day in day out basis. Mind you when Im on duty at the FD we get called to nursing homes to, and I couldnt begin to tell you, there.....