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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. Before I had to retire from the field, one thing I was really burned out on was that it seemed like I was always either taking a class or teaching a class or both. I taught several refresher classes that I was counted as getting credit for attending. It just seemed to never stop.
  2. The only restriction I know of, at least in IL, is that you have to be 18 to be state certified. At one time it was being discussed that to become an actual Paramedic you had to be 21, due to administering drugs and having to make more definitive decisions. One point was made that by the time someone meets all the requirements to become a Paramedic, even if they started at 18, they would have already became 21. So I don't know if that was formally decided or not.
  3. "The Night They Drove Ole Dixie Down" - The Band/ Joan Baez/Allman Bros./ Big Brother
  4. I've always said I'm allergic to work, and allergic to pain. But nobody believes me. :dontknow:
  5. On my day off I went to my folks for the weekend. At that time my father was coordinator of the local vol. serv. Called out on a call of car on top of someone. Nineteen yr. old took two six by four boards and placed them over a ditch. He drove his car onto the boards and laid under it in the ditch for more room to work on it from underneath. The boards held until he got under it. When we got there only his legs were sticking out. Looked underneath and had obvious crushed chest and head injuries. Just knew it was a DOA. But found a weak radial pulse. Thought "CRAP". Used two hydraulic jacks to lift the car. Once lifted patient still had a pulse but much weaker. After two minutes lost the pulse. Evidently lost the tamponade. Started CPR. Unfortunately it was a BLS unit, no IV, no monitor. Used MAST device. We continued CPR, knowing we could only keep him viable for organ donation. Had a carotid pulse twice enroute but for a very short time. They did harvest almost everything but the heart. Later on we found out that instead of calling EMS they called around to find someone with a tractor or something to lift the car for about 20-30 minutes. They didn't think the ambulance would have something to lift the car. I don't think that would have changed the outcome. But it's amazing how little educated some of the general public are.
  6. "Hot, Hot, Hot" -Buster Poindexter aka: David Johannson
  7. I had several Lupus patients over the years. Mostly inter-hospital transfers to St. Louis. I think it was either at St.Louis Univ. or Barnes-Jewish where they had a Lupus study going on. But most of what I know of Lupus it's self was from when I was being tested for it. If I remember right 85% of Lupus patients were women. And for the most part it's still a mystery disease. I did test negative for it, but I'm suppose to be tested every two years. So it's about time to do it again. I'm also suppose to be re-tested for ALS (Lou Gehrig Disease).
  8. I knew what you meant. I didn't take offense. When I wrote the first post I thought that would sufficiently cover the other professions other than nursing. When I first posted the topic I didn't realize things would get so deep. It just started ballooning quickly. It's not a problem that it did, but I was just surprised. Guess I opened a can of worms. :?
  9. I believe the first sentence of the first post covers that. :study: Quote: "Has anyone ever had difficulty with a nurse or other medical staff?"
  10. Oh yea, I've been there. And I found it to be worse being around some family members even, especially my brother. I've always said that even when growing up the only thing we had in common was our last name. At one point I noted when being around some friends were that it seemed like we ran out of things to talk about. If you did start talking about EMS or something they just didn't relate to it. I really don't think it's burn out though.
  11. As a kid I use to have to take allergy shots until I was about 16. Some as often as five shots every other day. Even though the seasonal allergies and the pet allergies don't bother me so much now, but when it comes to certain types of perfumes, colognes, etc., they nail me. I do carry a Combavent inhaler all the time now. Growing up we raised horses. Even though I was allergic to them, as long as I kept my face away from them or kept my hands away from my face, especially after grooming them, I was OK. It was that way with most pets too.
  12. If I remember right, that's the same position "Baby Jessica" in TX was in when she fell down that well shaft.
  13. I have to admit that I agree with you on that point, Fluff. I've worked with and taught guys, and gals, that were "over-aged adolescents". Even though age-wise they were adults, they acted and thought as pre-teens (or younger) and had no business in a profession that demands maturity, good common sense, and a good head on their shoulders. But no matter someone's age, some just are not cut out to have a career in EMS.
  14. Hey! I resemble that remark. :laughing6:
  15. I hope it's not like Richard Simmon's "Sweatin' to the Oldies".
  16. It's not the age, but the mileage. :walk: Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill. :evil2:
  17. I would think that would really burn. :violent3: Alcohol being introduced to the body like that. Perhaps they could get that desperate to risk that kind of discomfort?
  18. I had family come from Australia to the US. Actually they were Scotland, and were "placed" there, if you know what I mean. But they were innocent I tell you, innocent... :confused3:
  19. I was just curious, but is there a lot of responses in the outback where there's a lot of opened land? And if so, is it primarily flight response? My father, while in college did a thesis on the Aborigines and how they could live so far away from the more populated areas. If communication was available, do they utilize EMS? I know it might seem naive for me to ask, but like I said, I'm just curious. :-k
  20. I completely agree on both counts. While I was with a private serv. We had a guy start that was a retired St.Louis police officer and was a Deputy Sheriff for awhile. At first we were a little leary of him. I believe he was 49, and he looked a little gruff. But he did good. He worked up from EMT-A to Paramedic and even went on to be an RN. Last I knew he was working ICU in St. Louis Barnes-Jewish Hospital. But that was a few years ago. And we had a few older ladies that seemed to work out quite well. Perhaps it comes with maturity, but they seemed to have an apparent greater level of common sense. And some seemed to be able to grasp some skills more quickly than some of the younger students.
  21. We've discussed young, teenage students in length. What about older students. Like housewives that just had their youngest child go off to college or move out and is bored from "empty nest syndrome"? Or the guy who just retired after 25yrs. of his job looking for something to do?
  22. Nope, it's "Sharp Dressed Man" 8)
  23. For us or the lady? Just kidding. At that time MS was all that we carried. We did debate about valium but decided not to due to her age and low body weight.
  24. "City of New Orleans" - Arlo Gutherie
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