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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. Excellent point. :-k
  2. One problem I had was that IL has their own registry, or you could be cert with NREMT. But when I went to LA, they didn't have a state registry. They were only NREMT. This had been about 11 yrs. ago so it might have changed since then. At that time I was only state certified and there was no reciprocity between IL and LA. And I was facing having to take the entire class again if I wanted to be cert. in LA. Unfortunately I didn't stay in LA long enough to pursue it any further. A couple of years later I did move back to LA but didn't try to get certified. It was a three ring circus. At one time, prior to '83 I think, if you were IL certified, you were automatically nationally certified. So it does depend on what state you are dealing with.
  3. Have you ever noticed that you don't have to have weird sense of humor to be in EMS, but it helps. :tongue3:
  4. I just hate it when that happens.
  5. That would be cool. Way back when...I was in FFA and the national convention was held centrally in Kansas City, MO. But in recent years they've had it in Indianapolis, which is now considered centrally. But personally, St.Louis would be ideal for me. But I'm just one person. :dontknow:
  6. OOOOooo. I better heed the warning on this one. :sad1:
  7. I'm just about an hour from Evansville. I know Evansville quite well. Actually I spent the night in a hospital over there a couple of weeks ago for chest pain. All the cardiac tests came back negative, so they are blaming it on a neuro-muscular problem I have. But with possibly going to be that close, it's a small world after all. :thumbleft:
  8. You may want to see if you can find a class through your last instructor to be able to audit a class that is finishing up and getting ready to test for their first time. Is there a time limit between failing a test and being able to re-test? I know some states that if there is too much time between testing you might have to repeat the class. You may want to be sure you haven't gone over a time-table if it was last spring that you had your problem.
  9. KEWL, I'm right next door in IL. Where at in IN? I'll give my old service a call, they should be able to tell me something, if they hadn't forgotten about me. :confused4:
  10. I hate cell phones. I use to leave the house to get away from the phone. Now I've got one all the time. My wife requires it. And yes, I'm whipped. :confused3:
  11. It would depend on what state you will be in when you get your license. I'm not sure how nationality works with getting a license. But once you do, and make sure you get the right classification, there shouldn't be any problems. I don't know of any state or insurance agency that takes in consideration with how long you have had a license especially if you are over 21. That's something that I'll try and look up.
  12. I've been told that no matter where you live, always have earthquake and flood insurance.
  13. That is just too KEWL. :headbang:
  14. We responded to a full arrest one morning. Did all the usual ACLS protocols. Initial quick look showed a rhythm but not clear. No pulse. PEA (or old school EMD). Finally placed leads. Got a better look at the rhythm. It was actually showing a 2nd degree block mobits one (winkebach), still no pulse. Never seen or heard of that, and neither did the ER staff. Sent a strip and the doc on the radio confirmed it. Followed protocol for PEA. During transport went into fine v-fib. Defib x3. No conversion. If it wasn't for sending a strip and documenting on paper no one would have believed us.
  15. SOLD. When my rich uncle get's out of the poor house I'll let you know what I can do. But for right now I can just cheer everyone on. :wav:
  16. Let's see, I want a limo at the airport with a female driver. If limo not available I'll take a helo. I'd like to stay at either the Belagio or Lexor. And could you get me into a Tex. Hold. poker game, and if all possible play in my room? 8) And if you have to change the city to Reno, I'd appreciate it if you could get me a few games at the National Bowling Center.
  17. I'm hoping to cut back and switch to the liquid window tint. :shaking:
  18. Actually the EMT class overlapped about three weeks into the new school year. And since I was quite 17 when I passed the state test I had to wait a couple more weeks before I could actually function. Made my first official run the day before my 18th birthday. The state gave me the one day. Is the EMT classes being offered at the high school?
  19. And it was written in sanskrit. :read2:
  20. Hey, congrats. :occasion7: Man, if only we had the internet when I was doing my EMS schoolin'... :offtheair:
  21. The down side is the make up homework. :homework: As long as I kept up grades and got all my assignments done it was no problem with me running. But I knew that if I let any of them drop everyone concerned would have pulled me off duty. Actually I think I made better grades because I wanted to be sure I'd keep running.
  22. I concur, spenac. :-k I thought this topic was going to be about having to work fairs. Usually hot, dusty, sometimes rainy, just miserable especially if you're in uniform and can't wear t-shirts. And circus' are worse. The only fun time is if you are doing crash/fire/rescue in the track infield. Or covering a concert. It can still be miserable, but you just don't care as much. :)/
  23. If I have a female bleeding excessively or bleeding when not her period, she gets checked. __________________________________________________ Had one of our regular, let's say GOMER, one night. vaginal bleeding, not menstruating, no pregnancy, no recent intercourse. At first she denied any foreign object that may have caused any trauma. Between her and her friend's information they gave us something didn't jive. And we asked them all a few times. Their stories were inconsistent each time which caused even more confusion. Got her to the ER and doc did a pelvic. She had a moderate torn uterus. Of course when the ER staff asked she came right out and gave a whole new story. Something about a dare, coke bottle, and broom stick. (I'm not kidding) But the doc asked me why I didn't give the same information as she did. (And I hate it when that happens :cussing: I just explained that I had to go with what she and her friends said and I pointed out that we don't do pelvics in the field. I think he understood the break down of communication.
  24. I'm sorry, I was meaning to say that whether it was hydrochlorate or Rohypnol or anything unkown, we'd always give it. If it works, then great. But if it doesn't, it won't hurt anything. Sort of like covering all your bases. Clear as mud?
  25. Wow, progressive high school. When I did take my first EMT class over the summer it helped that the high school principal was in the same class. And the school superintendent was in the previous class. It was a BLAST :blob7: taking it at the same time as him. We even occasionally went on calls together during class. And we would be put on call in the evenings. But all in all, not all the teachers were too hip on me getting called out of school, even when the principal was with me. :dontknow:
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