I don't have a problem with having a "designated driver". IMHO, in a perfect world there would always be two in the back and a driver. Even though the driver wouldn't be medically trained, but could be an extra set of hands and a "gopher". But there is the requirement that you must have at least two EMT signatures. A lot of places do just run two EMT's, one to drive and one in the back. So that means you are having to hire a third person to drive, which costs more.
But I do have a problem of hiring someone off the street to drive. Anyone on an ambulance crew must have some kind of emergency training, which takes time and money. It might not have to be medical training but they do need instruction in some form. Whether it be for extrication, emergency driving, various rescue techniques, etc.
All in all, an EMT-A/B (Basic) would be the best suited. Preferably one who is wanting to become a Medic eventually. They get experience working with Medics and can gradually work their way up. So getting rid of basic EMT's is counterproductive.
I more than agree with DD of a professional driver, especially one with a CDL, will require more money. Even a professional limoseine driver makes more than an EMT.
And I'm sorry, but opening up posistions for EMS drivers won't effect the jobless rate one bit. That idea is just kind of reaching.
Hopping off my little box now.