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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. Empty O2 tanks and not restocking supplies get's me every time. Especially when they say that they purposely left it for me to do. The only thing worse is when they don't tell me about it at all and I find out for myself.
  2. "Buning Down the House" - Talking Heads
  3. Saw they took it down the next day. The Central Government ordered it removed. Now it'll be something else that is martyred. :roll:
  4. Lowering standards is not acceptable.
  5. Howdy from Illinois, the other Iceland (for now) :wink:
  6. A very personal loss to me is the loss of Billy Powell of Lynyrd Skynyrd. He passed away yesterday of an apparent MI. He was the keyboard player and one of the original members. He survived the plane crash in 1977 that killed four of the band members plus the two pilots. So, Godspeed my brother. You will not be forgotten.
  7. I'm in IL. Unless it's changed in the last 12 yrs or so, it's always been required to have two EMT signitures of at least EMT-A or higher.
  8. Wow, only three??? Lynyrd Skynyrd - "Greatest Hits" (too hard to pick just one Skynryd album influencial in my life) ZZTop - "Eliminator" Pink Floyd - "Delicate Sound of Thunder" (also very hard to pick just one album) In a day or two I might answer this with something else.
  9. "Dark Side of the Moon" - Pink Floyd 8)
  10. I think the guy has too much time on his hands and needs to take up a hobby. And be put on Zoloft or something, along with some valium.
  11. I saw that on the news this morning. I thought, Give me a break.
  12. I don't have a problem with having a "designated driver". IMHO, in a perfect world there would always be two in the back and a driver. Even though the driver wouldn't be medically trained, but could be an extra set of hands and a "gopher". But there is the requirement that you must have at least two EMT signatures. A lot of places do just run two EMT's, one to drive and one in the back. So that means you are having to hire a third person to drive, which costs more. But I do have a problem of hiring someone off the street to drive. Anyone on an ambulance crew must have some kind of emergency training, which takes time and money. It might not have to be medical training but they do need instruction in some form. Whether it be for extrication, emergency driving, various rescue techniques, etc. All in all, an EMT-A/B (Basic) would be the best suited. Preferably one who is wanting to become a Medic eventually. They get experience working with Medics and can gradually work their way up. So getting rid of basic EMT's is counterproductive. I more than agree with DD of a professional driver, especially one with a CDL, will require more money. Even a professional limoseine driver makes more than an EMT. And I'm sorry, but opening up posistions for EMS drivers won't effect the jobless rate one bit. That idea is just kind of reaching. Hopping off my little box now.
  13. Last I knew for IL you just had to have a license consistent with the weight requirements of the vehicles you are to drive. Nothing specific for just ambulance or other emergency vehicles. It's not required but they do have classes in Emergency and Defensive driving, which is pretty much an EVOC class can be taken. For LA you have to have a chauffer's license.
  14. My grandfather was bed ridden for 17 yrs at home and that's about the same thing he had. Between that and being turned every four hours around the clock, not once did he have a bed sore. The cost of the Sleep Number Bed was about the same cost as the air mattress beds. As for being concerned, yes I'm very concerned about his overall health not just pressure shores. Between me and another neighbor who is an EMT we're helping with turning him and pulling him up in bed when needed. That's the least we can do for them.
  15. "Tube Snake Boogie" - ZZTop
  16. I know one movie called "My Step-mom Is An Alien".
  17. Our neighbors are elderly and I've known them since I was little. But he's not doing well. He had two straight years of chemo. and now having cardiac and renal trouble. He is at home now. They brought him a hospital bed that turns out to be a Sleep Number Bed. The medical company said how many are switching to it from the air beds that alternate pressure points to prevent bed sores. I might be wrong, but to me a Sleep Number Bed just adjusts for firmness, not really relieving pressure. Jack does turn on his own somewhat and his is regularly pulled up in bed, so it's not a real big issue with him. But I'm still concerned when he sleeps 14+ hrs. a day. And I know Betty won't disturb him so he can move during that time. My question is, should I be concerned and mention it to them or not?
  18. "It's the over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder..." - Cheech & Chong
  19. "Joy to the World" - Three Dog Night
  20. Seen a few. aka: Undoubtably Flipped Out. :wink:
  21. I never thought the Bahamas as a third world country.
  22. There for a while we had a rash of peds arrest/SIDS calls. By the time we had our third in five days it was wearing on us all. When I got off duty I went to the house of my god-daughter's grandparents which I did on a regular basis. No one was home at first so I just sat and watched TV. When they got home I met them at the car and took Alyson who was about 5 months old at the time. At first I didn't think anything about it. But as soon as I got my arms wrapped around her I started to lose it. Before that I never dreamed it would effect me like that so quickly. I wasn't dwelling on the arrest calls, at least not consciously. Even though those three calls were by far not my first, they were something that stood out. But now I look back and think that was the best therapy, at least for me. I'm not saying to go find a baby to hold and snuggle, but that little girl was a big help. Now she will be 24 this year, and in college. But to me she'll always be a comfort. There's no need whatsoever for an apology. It's not a weakness, it's a strength. :wink:
  23. "World Comes to An End at 3:38 p.m. EST, film at 11"
  24. When playing cards we would refer to women dressed like that as having a "full house". I commented once that "I loved what she wasn't wearing".
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