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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. That's just too good. With all that squeeking, they must have not been lubed.
  2. "If they can't take a foke, juck them." - Quote from my youth
  3. Eh, that's their problem. Some people just don't have a sense of humor. Send them our way and we'll teach them, whether they want to or not.
  4. "Whiskey River" - Willie Nelson
  5. What these people were trying to do sickens me. What makes them think they have a right to do that? My coffee hasn't hit yet so that's about all I'm going to say...for now.
  6. "Ohio" - Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young
  7. I saw that episode the other night. I loved when they kept calling for a medic. Medic??? Just call for a mortician.
  8. I have heard both. But during my Paramedic class Dr. Wiley instructed to attempt to push it back in. Be as sterile as possible as you do it though.
  9. The first thing I thought of was monk's robes, especially the maroon.
  10. More truth than fiction. :wink:
  11. "Aqualung" - Jethro Tull
  12. They do the same thing here occasionally. They usually get the city officials. I have a niece with cystic fibrosis and they've also done it, but they are always looking for new ways of fund raising. Good luck. Make sure any donations are more than $1, or you'll be in there for a loooong time.
  13. To keep in the spirit of sci-fi... "Resistance is futile..." - The Borg, Star Trek Next Generation
  14. I like that song. 8) "Ramblin' Man" - Allman Bros. / Dicky Betts
  15. I completely understand when it seems like an RN / MICN on the radio can be somewhat unprofessional by giving a Medic a hard time. We had one ER nurse that would tell us that she would prove a Medic wrong even if they weren't. Because of her attitude we would just be even more proficient to not give her any reason to complain. Most of the time that she did it would back-fire and she would look like the idiot. Most of us were determined to not let her have the satisfaction. There were some others that would tend to be that way at times, but she was the worse. If MICN's or anyone at your Medical Control is making it a personal situation then it needs to be reported to a higher-up. And if that doesn't help, go higher. It is totally uncalled for and unprofessional. Also a danger to your patient. The longer it takes to address the situation, the harder it may become to get it corrected.
  16. "Wish You Were Here" - Pink Floyd
  17. "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" - Apocolypse Now
  18. At 22, is there a reason that she's still a virgin? I'm sure to some this may border line on prostitution. This entire subject just screams for a rather crude, but humorous and outrageous comments. :oops:
  19. Outstanding performance by the pilot and crew. I came across the news break when channel surfing. For the first minute when they said a plane went down in the river the first thing that went through my mind was how the FAA had just stated that in the last two years there were no deaths in commercial flights, and that now their streak had been broken. But when they first said all were well I breathed a sigh of relief. The actions taken by all were done as they were suppose to in that kind of situation. The pilot, crew, rescuers, were done better than the text book. And it was great how the civilian ferries responded too.
  20. We always had to report to Medical Control. Very early in my career there was a problem, as stated in an earlier post, that whoever picked up on the other end may or may not have been qualified to give orders. It might have been an LPN that happened to be helping in the ER. Of course there was no way a Medic was going to take orders from an LPN. In that case it was mostly letting them know what we were bringing in and usually a doc was in listening distance to give any additional questions or orders. Eventually on qualified RN's or in rare circumstances the doc may were able to respond. MICN's came more frequently. But I found that most of the time, if the Medic was proficient enough, the nurse would just take the report and would not have to give additional orders. I always strived to give enough info that they would not have to ask more questions. But this is not always the case. There are those who may not have given sufficient treatment or relayed enough info, so the nurse may have to give additional orders or have questions to know more about the pt. and what they were bringing in. So it's not always the case of betting orders, but to let the receiving hospital notification of what is being brought to them so that they can prepare if need be. I don't see where eliminating contacting medical control and/ or communication with a receiving hospital. I never had a problem with being given additional orders or questions. And sometimes you may have to ask what the doctor on duty may prefer you to do. I think the biggest issue is that whether or not the person, RN or MICN, on the receiving end is qualified to give a Medic orders. And you have to consider other services that may not be ALS and rely on medical control for appropriate treatment, especially those that may not have personnel as experienced as some others. As far as MICN's in our area, it was not a title given to an RN that worked the ER. But rather they worked in the field and had experience working along side Medics. They are required so many hours of ride time a month. It may be different in other areas but that's how it was here. Sorry if I rambled, been a rough morning. :?
  21. Or you can try Jenny's number, 867-5309 :D/
  22. "Heard It In A Love Song" - Marshall Tucker Band
  23. "Renagade" - Styx
  24. "Into the Great Wide Open" - Tom Petty
  25. Man, I've been looking for that movie. 8)
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