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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. I'm not saying that it is better in other countries that do execute immediately, just saying that is how it is done. I really don't know of any stats perse, but I wonder how much of a percentage of those that after a very long legal battle that actually proved themselves innocent. I know that DNA results have cleared several. But I have not heard of anyone recently that was proven innocent after they were executed. Guess I'll have to do some reading up.
  2. That's what I was going to initially say. But I was concerned on making a blanket statement knowing someone would try and nit-pick it apart. Thank you.
  3. For me and puke, it wasn't necessarily the smell (depending on what it consisted of), but the sounds related to it. Like splattering and the sounds the pt. makes. We had a near drowning victim in the back. She was resting comfortably, at first. But then she started puking up water. I was OK with it until she heaved hard enough to hit the roof of the cabin. That splattering and then having puke rain down on us was a real challenge in keeping it down ourselves.
  4. We have always been told to make sure a scene is secure. Sometimes you have to settle for a scene being as secure as it can be. You always have the possibility of being at a scene that still has inherent dangers.
  5. That's a complete new one for me. I'll have to keep that in mind.
  6. That happened in a suburb of St. Louis. Wearing a vest under bunker gear is miserable, but sometimes called for.
  7. I'm anti-abortion, but I can't condemn those who have had abortions. And yes, there may be circumstances to consider abortion. Like others have said, rape, incest, medical problems for the mother or child may be those circumstances. Just not wanting another kid is not one of them. I'm pro-death penalty. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. If you don't want to be put to death, then don't do a crime that constitutes it. But so many don't care. And most know that you can sit on death row for ten or more years before being executed. I know in other countries that if found guilty they execute you on the same day of your final court hearing. As far as euthanasia, I'm really not sure where I stand. Part of me thinks it might be immoral, but another part of me feels for the pt. and the pt's. family that can't bear to think of a loved one suffering in pain or not having any quality of life.
  8. It's not a problem in making a BLS run. But if you are the last available unit for emergencies, then you have a responsiblity to be available for ALS. I think that's what the question was dealing with. Plus the wait time. During that wait time get another crew together and have them either take the BLS call or if they equipt for ALS , then have them respond to emergencies.
  9. That is a legit problem that many in EMS has. I would say that over time you get use to it. But that's not always the case. My weakness is spit for somereason. I can usually handle the puke and poop and all those smells, but for some reason there is sputum involved I'm gagging and wrenching. Even as a kid, smells didn't bother me all the much. But I've always said that "I don't smell too good." Don't let it discourage ya. You'll do fine.
  10. There were five, but only four were ever accounted for. :wink:
  11. Like TKO or KVO. You say tomato and you say toma'-to.
  12. I'm not going to get into the pro's and con's of carrying a weapon on an ambulance. I'm just going to ask the poll (another one) question. Yes, in the very early '80's we had a .38 in a small compartment. We did have training with it and was allowed to have it on board by the Sheriff's Dept. Luckily it was never used. We only had it there for about three years. Any time there was a drug bust or a stand-off with police, we were on stand-by. The gun was kept at hand in case someone approached us and tried to car jack the ambulance. We also wore vests during these incidents. Crothch, do you think you can ask a question without making it a poll?
  13. You said that you had to wait 35 mins. for the nurses to get done, plenty of time for a BLS transfer crew to get there. Or tell them you had to get back in service and to call back when they were done. Did the nurses or a doc order her to go? Or was it just her or her husband's idea? Either way, you just can't stand around waiting. If no one liked the fact that you had to be available for true emergencies, which this does not sound like one, than tough. But that's just me.
  14. You know some of us just had to click on that link. :wink: Too tempting not to. Seems like a good time was had by all. It's just that that kind of a good time has it's draw backs and pay backs. Even though their 999 system was probably stretched to it's limits, it looks like there were adequate police in some of the pics. I wonder how many of them caused some of the bloodied up party goers.
  15. I know certain mosses, mustard greens, turnips, and other plants have been used for centuries for numerous illness's. I just can't remember which one's though. I wish I listened to my great-grandmother more. She was raised in the back hills of Arkansas. When she passed away she was just shy of 103. So she must have done something right.
  16. If you're wanting the Dallas area, there are many places in the Metro-plex. Arlington, The Colony, Irving, plus others are all included. I use to have connections down there, but not anymore. Sorry.
  17. Nobody left me anything to say. :? I can only repeat that you do clamp and cut the cord if wrapped around the head/neck after attempting to remove it. You just don't automatically cut the cord just because it is wrapped.
  18. That's about what I was saying, just couldn't word it as well as you did, Curse. Thanx.
  19. Did they not consider building a new bay at their own ambulance building? Or is that not an option?
  20. Isn't that basically how what's his name (I hate it when my mind goes blank) found PCN? There was a piece of bread that molded overnight on his kitchen table. And that gave him the idea for it.
  21. "Money" - Pink Floyd
  22. Maybe it was the lost mini-sub of Japan's from Pearl Harbor. It may have just now showed up after being around the world a few times since 1941. Or check with Dr. Bob Ballard at NOAA to see if one of his is missing.
  23. Ooh, That would be hateful. :shock:
  24. I guess there will always be certain terms of endearment for the profession. :wink:
  25. I've heard about it being drank, but I never did. I imagine it's probably aweful tasting, but most oral meds are.
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