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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. "Take the Long Way Home" - Supertramp
  2. When I was in the Navy, to take a shower you had shower shoes. They were a real pain, literally. They really hurt your feet. But it was better than athlete's foot or whatever. And if a guy got caught peeing in the shower, they got thrown out.
  3. The most known question: "To be or not to, that is the question..." -Wm. Shakespear
  4. Remember that not all Paramedics become that way. All Paramedics started out as EMT's, like was said earlier. A good down to earth Paramedic will still do the basics. Doing vitals is not "under you" when you become a Medic. Don't ask an EMT or someone else to do something that you wouldn't do yourself. Like nobody likes to clean up puke, but sometimes you have to. Don't leave it for someone else to do because you are the Paramedic and think you shouldn't have to. When you get that kind of attitude, it's time to put on the brakes. If a Medic treats you badly while you are an EMT doesn't mean you can treat EMT's badly after you become a Medic. I learned that from the mistakes of others. You can be proud of your accomplishments, just don't let that pride become a priority in your life or your mind. Also, never think you are the best at anything. There is always someone out there that is smarter and better than you.
  5. Packaged is when the patient had a Cervical Collar (C-Collar) on to protect the neck in case of injury to the Cervical Spine, which is the top of the spinal cord. The patient is also placed on a Full Spine Board to protect the rest of the spine and also the lower extremities. Also around the head there would be "blocks" or cushions of some sort to further help immobilize the neck. These could be "blocks" of firm foam, sand bags, or a number of different devices. The patient is also strapped down to the full spine board and the spine board can be strapped down to the cot. That's pretty much a basic idea of what being "Packaged" is. I'm sure there are others that can explain it better than I can right now. My coffee pot went out a couple of weeks ago and I haven't been the same since. I'm just waiting for delivery on my new one. If you are wanting it to appear as though she is being treated for a head injury, she will have oxygen ( O2 ) being delivered to her either by a "nasal canula" or by a type of oxygen mask. One called a Non-Rebreather (NRM). I think for the rest, I'll leave it up to those who can explain better and is still in the field. But still ask questions anytime. Anyone of us will answer.
  6. firedoc5


    I use to leave the house to get away from the phone. Now I have to carry one.
  7. "Down with hot pants, up with mini-skirts" - unk.
  8. "Don't Fear the Reaper" - Blue Oyster Cult
  9. My choice is: 1. Take her to the local community hospital ED that is less than ten minutes away. They have no OB capability, no NICU/PICU. Even though they have no OB capabilities in the facility, they are still an ED, which includes ANY emergencies. And it's more than an OB case. It's a full arrest. If the facility frowns upon it anyway, too bad. They can lump it. You could also coordinate a chopper to already been enroute to that ED, to which when the ED doc does the Cesarian, they can immediately air-lift the baby to an "OB friendly" hospital.
  10. For local calls we didn't bother with humidified O2. But we did have it available for our long distance inter-facility transfers.
  11. You beat me to that info, Julian. :wink: I wasn't on the call, but one of my best friend's ex-husband hung himself. At first they didn't know if it was suicide or trying to get the effects of the 16 yr. old in the scenario. With him they said he could still touch his toes, enough to let pressure off the neck at least. But they did deem it an "accidental suicide", but it must have been slow. And yes, C-2 was fx. They think he did try to stand on his toes, maybe hoping he could hold out until someone found him and "saved him". But he couldn't hold out and probably snapped his neck while trying to struggle to get free. There was evidence of trying to get his fingers under the rope around his neck, but the rope was already too tight and probably by that time asphyxiation would have made him too weak. But I have been on several other hangings, and we always used C-spine immobilization. Almost anything involving the neck, C-spine precautions should be made.
  12. I was thinking astronomy, and was even trying to make sure sure I didn't type astrology. But guess what? I got in a hurry again and did it anyway. It's like you keep telling yourself over and over again not to make a mistake, and when the time comes, you make that same mistake. I'm so ashamed., again.
  13. firedoc5


    Right now we have Alltel, but supposedly Verizon bought them out, at least for our area. But I don't know if it's true or not. There's been no changes and there are still two stores in the strip mall. You'd think that if one had taken over the other, they would have consolidated or closed one of the stores. With Alltel here is sort of mediocre. It really depends on exactly where you are to keep a signal. But it is better than what we use to have, which I don't even remember who that was.
  14. Never thought of it like that, I like that term.
  15. One could only dream....
  16. Ooooops, I stand corrected. "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all" -Usually Archie Campbell or Gordy Taft with guest on 'Hee Haw'
  17. "White Rabbit" - Jefferson Airplane
  18. I think the point of the lesson could have been made without binding anyone up. That is all.
  19. I can see your point VM. When it comes down to it we do have to be professionals. But this is just for our own little forum that the main stream community does not see. Sure there may be some lurkers, but I don't think on a whole, what is said here is going to effect the general population. If the same poll, meant to be funny, was posted like in a corporate forum, it too will not be squeaky clean. So don't fret about it. We all work in different work places. We all work different hours. Some may have the opportunity more often than others while on duty. If those consenting "adults" used common sense they would have respect of when and where. And there are differences between 'making love' and just 'having sex'. But no matter how you interpret it, it's going to happen eventually. We could go on and on, back and forth, on all these issues. It's not funny anymore, so let's just drop it. Unless someone else just wants to give a yes or no answer.
  20. A question was asked and was answered. Why argue with answers? More issues and questions came up were commented on and answered. Why argue what was said? People gave their answer along with comments and opinions and their stories, why argue with that? When you ask a question, especially a poll, you don't argue with the answers and/or results. They are what they are. So, some have had sexual encounters while on duty. There were yes and no answers. And for this to be the "Funny Stuff" it quickly became unfunny somewhere. Crotchity, did you post this poll to get humorous answers and/ or for kick's & giggles, or did you know that this type of question would get people riled up. Is that fun or funny for you? Because not too many people are laughing. There seems to be a lot of posters that didn't have an answer, only comments and opinions. If you didn't have a yes or no question, why post? I'll jump off my little soap box again. I'm sure there will be some kind of rebuttal.
  21. "But, sir, they looked like buffalo from a distance" - A Scout for Gen. George Custard. "Profanity just shows your ignorance of the english language". - My Grandmother to me as a small child.
  22. Ah, Audrey Hepburn... :love4:
  23. It was not the job of the Paramedic to diagnose Acid Reflux or an MI. If c/c is chest pain, you treat it as a possible MI. Why would the Medics push their opinion of Acid Reflux or GURD over an MI? It was just a bad call made by all concerned.
  24. How about good old fashion "common courtesy". We didn't check vitals or anything. Whether the weather being extreme, hot or cold, especially when they put out a heat or cold advisory is when we go to those we knew were at a higher risk of not having any sources for relief. You just check that they have some source of heat when it's cold And that they would at least have a fan when it's hot.. If they didn't have these things, then you contact social service or any other agency. The Red Cross was very good at taking care of those people that needed anything. Most are thinking too deep into the matter. Worrying about legalities, and what if's, and such. It's almost a paranoia. Lighten up. You just see if they are OK and have the basics, that's all.
  25. You'll fit right in here.
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