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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. Excellent way of putting it.
  2. I've always been a star gazer. Wish I knew more about astrology than I do. Growing up we were the one's that were laying on the hood of cars or roof tops, just looking around. Like, cool, man. Use to see the northern lights (aurora borealis) all the time when I lived in N. MI. Living in S. IL. now we have seen them, but it's very rare.
  3. Some people, especially newbies, are just shy or even nervous about making a comment or remark. It's not fear. But they will either finally get involved or they drop out. Too many times I've seen a person's last post saying they are dropping out because of remarks made, criticism, sometimes vulgarness (which Adm. is excellent at catching), uncalled for rebuttals, and things like that. Yes, some people are "thin skinned". That's just the way they are. You can't put them down for that. And what's the problem with lurkers? So what? Let them lurk. If they want to join in they can. If they don't want to, that's fine too.
  4. Yep, that's what we did. But back then you didn't have home health nurses that made rounds, only specific patients. If one of our legitimate pts. had not been assigned home health or social service visits, then no one would check on them. While we were out, whether checking on pts., getting something to eat, or just away from the station, we just responded from where we were. They would just radio us and we'd go. No problem.
  5. Ya knew it was inevitable. The family would eventually try to sue anyone and everyone even remotely involved.
  6. I'll be the first to admit the private ambulance I worked for from 84-89 was semi-unprofessional. It was a lot like M*A*S*H (the movie). We might have "done our own thing" but when a call came in or we were called to duty we were outstanding. We kept the unprofessionalism at the station.
  7. "It's not exactly rocket surgery..."
  8. "Never Been to Spain" - 3 Dog Night
  9. Wow, the funny had gone out the door a long time ago.
  10. From the mouths of babes. I'd been stuttering too if I had a "Rotty" charging at me. But I stutter anyway.
  11. We did that years ago. But it was just for our regular, legitimate pts. We only used the term "Frequent Flyers" for non-legit callers. Those we didn't check on.
  12. Depending on the FD, the only time a piece of fire apparatus is used to transport a fallen firefighter is when he/she died in the line of duty. If it was not in the LODD, a hearse is used. When my Capt. passed away we were readying an engine just for that, when they said we couldn't because it was not in the line of duty. It should have been deemed in LODD but the Chief was a real.....But that's beside the point. I don't know about EMS. I've been to several EMS funerals, but none of them were LODD. But I do like the idea of covering the light bar and removing the cot lock down for EMS funerals. I don't know of any law in IL preventing an ambulance to transport, as long as it was out of service.
  13. How big of a difference is there in your training Kanton to Kanton, or does the training standardized by the country? What are you trained in more, trauma or medical, and which do you prefer? I'm sorry for all the questions, but you got my interest up.
  14. Like many already said, what I would have said had already been posted. In some rare cases the debates and arguments had gotten ridiculous, especially if it was causing the OP to be hi-jacked. And no, not everyone has an opinion. If you don't care about a certain subject or you don't have anything else to add, why post anymore? I don't know about any others, but I've read topics and saw where the conversation was going and just didn't want to bother with it. And there's been some topics that were so ridiculous, they didn't deserve a reply. There's some topics that even though I had not been doing any posting, I like to monitor and see who had what to say. For the most part, I don't see where fear is an issue of not posting. I remember when I first joined, (which my one year anniversary for being here is coming up on the 31st) there was one guy that had issues with how many people had read his topic, and for how many less replies there were for it. I guess he figured that everyone that read his topic should have replied. He acted like he was insulted I guess. But I can't remember who it was, or what it was about. So I doubt if that person is still around and the topic couldn't have been that important. As far as that goes, right at this time, this topic has been read 159 times, but only 9 of us had anything to say. Go figure.
  15. Just from what I heard on the news, and know how it would be prior to EMS, I didn't need to see the camera action to know what it was probably like. In one of those "First Aid" kits they got all those gloves out of, surely there would have been a mouth to mask device or face shield of some sort to do ventilations. I thought that as Managers or security officers (rent-a-cop or not) would have been CPR trained enough to do compressions more near correct than they were. All in all, it was just a bad incident. It was unexcusable for those shoppers to be so eager to get in. There's no sales that would justify that type of barbarism, and that's what it was.
  16. What was the "Spies Like Us" designation, something like GIG 20 or something like that? But I wonder what Interpol has for their "above the law" groups.
  17. I know it may have been mentioned, but I'm too lazy too go look, but, what is the cost. Or at least the potential costs if it hits the market?
  18. "When in doubt, do it".
  19. Take, you never know when refreshing A&P will be useful. Leave , complete collection of Grimm bros, stories.
  20. "Hurt" - Johnny Cash
  21. Welcome, Phil. We need more people from Europe.
  22. On a number of occasions, my date would ask if we could "do it' in the back of an ambulance, and one asked about on the hose bed (from the movie "Back Draft". But I never caved in. Because with my bad timing, I just knew there would be a call. And sure enough, a few times a call would come in we'd been caught"with our pans down". (pun intended) I lived at the private ambulance service I worked for. At first in the bunk room, then a couple of years later in an apartment above the the service. One good thing is that when "on the clock" I got to sleep (if there was not too many calls) in my own place. So I guess my answer would be yes. When I'd be called out there were several different responses. Some thought it was sort of humorous and wait until I got back, other times they'd be gone. And a few of those I never heard from again. Go figure. :roll:
  23. "Dark Side of the Moon" - Pink Floyd
  24. And it is oh so messy. :puke: It stains everything it comes in contact with, and it definitely will not come out of clothes. In the ER, the best way they do it is down an NG tube. But so many times they puke it all up within seconds of administrating it. And just getting an NG tube down is hard enough, especially when they are being uncooperative. On more than one occasion I've heard those who did "OD" for attention say, "I'll never do that again." Just the ordeal of having the NG tube placed and the puking and taste of the charcoal was punishment enough to think twice before doing it again. But hopefully it will be a wake up call for them to get help. Surely almost any hospital has psych programs.
  25. Thanks to everyone responding. She does need the other knee done also. But right now she says that after all she had gone through with this one, she might not have the other surgery. I don't know why they didn't do both at the same time. I know this one was really messed up. Perhaps since the one knee was so difficult, they opted out of doing the other. I don't know for sure. I'm still getting info little by little. I'll keep y'all posted. Again, thanks everyone.
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