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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. Hmmm :-k Interesting theory. :confused4:
  2. Hopefully not in his face. That would be as messy as the video. You have to have a particular sense of humor to appreciate that video. My brother-in-law and I have that kind of sense of humor. Whatever happened to the "Twisted Christmas Carols" that use to be out? Haven't seen any of them yet.
  3. I would just tell her to land and I'd drive her the rest of the way.
  4. Wow! How long did it take her to eat that one sandwich, and get pregnant?
  5. Have you seen that new show on Discovery, "Time Warp"? It's KEWL and interesting. It's where they high speed photograph something then play it back at normal speed, slowing the motion down to a crawl like in these videos.
  6. Or "Lights & Sirens Of Our Lives"?
  7. firedoc5

    Dear Walter

    I like it! :sign5:
  8. Heck, we sent cards like those out all time. You couldn't keep up with who was sleeping with whom's wife, mother, both wife & mother, without a score card And actually, my favorite :roll: Chief had married his own foster mother. And there were couples that had affairs, divorced and married each other's wives. AND after a little healing time they could all still work together and even go out on the town together. How's that for keeping things interesting? Soap Opera's had nothing on us, I mean them.
  9. "California Dreamin'" - Mama's & Papa's
  10. Earlier this morning: "Colder than a witch's t!t in a brass bra!"
  11. Yes I did. I'm a history nut and interested in WWII and the Holocaust. I know of one true story of a young Jewish woman who, after the war, was sent on a blind date. And her date use to be one of the guards at the camp she was at. I believe it was Ravensbruck.
  12. Happy Birthday & Turkey Day, Ruff. My parents birthdays are on the 22nd and the 23rd, so they take turns being turkeys too.
  13. I'm just still thankful that my son wasn't hurt at all when he totaled my truck a few weeks back.
  14. On the 25th Kaisu PM'd me. Don't worry, she's got her reasons to not post on this subject right now. I won't divulge anything we talked about, but they are good reasons.
  15. Not some of the "projects" I use to work. :twisted:
  16. Howdy A-Kat. Sounds like your from where the men are men and the moose are nervous. Welcome to our show.
  17. As a writer of short stories, may I make a suggestion? Instead of her going in and out of consciousness so often (which rarely happens unless on a long ambulance ride) and answering questions, have her "packaged" and the same treatments being done as the other's have mentioned. And have it seen through her eyes, blurred tunnel vision, and when she does have her "eyes opened" she can look up and see the Medics and hear all the background talk, heart monitor, siren, ambulance engine revved up, etc. And contrary to popular beliefs, those things don't ride like Cadillacs. One reason it would be a good reason for her to see things through her own eyes is that if they ever make it a movie she'd be practically naked, especially from the waist up. :director2: :director: But what do I know, I've never been published. Check with your local EMS and see if you could do some ride-a-longs. And I'm sure there are some Medics in your area that can help with the other elements for your story. That'll be $100.00 for the creative input....each. :evil3: (Just kidding) But I want a signed first addition copy. :read2:
  18. I lived in an apartment complex with five buildings. And of course everyone new I was a Paramedic. I'd get knocks on my door at all times before calling 911. And one lady I was her first contact if she pushed her little button. Did I mind? No. It got old after awhile, but I still didn't mind.
  19. Yea, they got him in protective custody. Couldn't find one with hand cuffs. :sad1:
  20. It's true they start to act child like. But maybe they want to run to "mama" first. :wink:
  21. We were required to carry both Epicac and Act.Charcoal. There were times on OD's that while talking to Medical Control you could swear you heard the doc in the back ground giggling when giving the order. What the doc didn't sometimes know was how close we were, no longer than three min. ETA. So if you gave Epicac, if they didn't puke immediately. Or "We couldn't get the NG tube down in a moving amb. So usually the ER got the best of both worlds. But we did have one gal that took the Epicac and told her to just sit there and relax. No sooner did she lay back and it came up. And I swear it splattered on the ceiling, projectile vomiting. I'll admit I've made some funny noises, turn my head and concentrated to not join them, but not once did I puke from a pt.
  22. If your ventilations pushes the obstruction down into the lung(s), it's easier to take care of the infection and pneumonia than having a pt. that won't survive at all is what my very first Instructor told us.
  23. I concur. Now if poss. hip fx. non-displaced you could go with a KED upside down. But that's old school.
  24. Possible alias' : Bob Smith Terry Jones Jim Beam Bud Wiser Mohamad O'Brien
  25. My sister got me hooked (no pun intended) on watching "Deadliest Catch". They were doing it all wrong I guess.
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