As a writer of short stories, may I make a suggestion? Instead of her going in and out of consciousness so often (which rarely happens unless on a long ambulance ride) and answering questions, have her "packaged" and the same treatments being done as the other's have mentioned. And have it seen through her eyes, blurred tunnel vision, and when she does have her "eyes opened" she can look up and see the Medics and hear all the background talk, heart monitor, siren, ambulance engine revved up, etc. And contrary to popular beliefs, those things don't ride like Cadillacs.
One reason it would be a good reason for her to see things through her own eyes is that if they ever make it a movie she'd be practically naked, especially from the waist up. :director2: :director:
But what do I know, I've never been published.
Check with your local EMS and see if you could do some ride-a-longs. And I'm sure there are some Medics in your area that can help with the other elements for your story.
That'll be $100.00 for the creative input....each. :evil3: (Just kidding) But I want a signed first addition copy. :read2: