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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. firedoc5


    We had some family friends from Nova Scotia. They all spoke English (quite well), German, and Dutch. Go figure.
  2. "Tush" - ZZTop
  3. Sorry, force of habit. :oops:
  4. Like my old grandpappy said, "It ain't the age, but the mileage".
  5. :glasses5: :laughing6: :glasses4:
  6. Versed and Valium was my two standbys, Once in awhile we would find Ketamine in a drug box, but for some reason it wasn't stocked regularly. I guess it depended on the pharmacist who did the "reload".
  7. If all this data is accurate, and IMHO test results become quicker with newer technology, it could be as useful as a Glucose meter. BUT should not eliminate the EKG, at least 3 lead. It would be a remarkable breakthrough. But I was just wondering, how long after the MI occurs that the saliva starts to show those properties? Is it immediate or takes a specific time range? Oh, and the Scrubs video...you know that show hit's home on so many different levels. I could be a writer for them.
  8. I love those old silent movies. In our main station we still had the loft where hay for the horses was thrown down. Our brass pole came to us in 1888 from a station that was being torn down for some reason in PA. But even back then, it seemed like they were more organized. But since it was a "made" movie it was probably choreographed. We had a Dalmatian too. But she was literally untrainable. They say that 1:10 Dalmatians are "retarded" and 1:4 are born deaf. She was retired after about five years.
  9. Hey, I resemble that remark. :banghead:
  10. "Honkey Tonk Girl" - Loretta Lynn
  11. Nine times out of ten, our first engine in was only two man, usually a Fireman and an Officer. The Fireman drove. When arrived the Fireman would grab the first line and hopefully the Officer would charge it. If not the Fireman would have to run back (100-150 ft. depending what pumper you are in) and charge the line. We had the governors pre-set so all you had to do was spin the throttle and you were at 100 psi at the nozzle. Hopefully the next units would be coming in and hopefully someone would become the "Engineer". That's why everyone was trained to be an Engineer. No wonder our burn-out issues were a little higher than normal. But like in another post, I was in the middle of the change-over from the old to the new ways. Now when I visit one of the stations, they have many more men on duty full time. A fourth station fully manned 24hrs. In my day, it was not unusual to have four stations. Two men at two of them and one man at the third (airport) station, and the fourth station was used just for maintenance and storage. We rarely operated out of there, and more rarely for more than just a few hours a day. So that was five guys on duty for a town of a little less than 20,000. Luckily nothing serious happened, and that Chief retired, that the city council approved the new men, trucks, and the fourth station to be manned.
  12. Ouch :violent1: Come to think of it, I really can't say much. When running with my first vollie service I was made Crew Chief within the first seven months. I started the day before my 18th birthday (the State gave me the one day). But of course at the time I covered 3/4 of the schedule, and was always the one to rely on when someone couldn't be on call when scheduled. And I can honestly say that I saw a lot in those seven months for a one unit station.
  13. A North Carolina sheriff's official has apologized for plunging a funeral into chaos when undercover agents tried to arrest the dead man's son... I guess the terms undercover and agents threw me off, DD. Sorry. But they still should have waited.
  14. I wasn't going to say anything, but...Cynical, I'm cynical by nature. Just ask almost anyone I worked for or with. But to me it seems like you put forth an effort to be cynical just so you can appear cynical. Clear as mud???
  15. I don't know the actual numbers, but I can guess-timate that at one time our highest number of Paramedics would have been in the 22-35 age range when I worked for a private amb. service. When I got on the FD it was probably 24-30, with only a small few a little older (45-50)
  16. With us, if the pt. doesn't want to lay on a board, then document "pt. refused a flat lay". Of course, especially if they are rubbing their back or neck or complaining of pain we'd do everything in our power to encourage them to lay flat and allow a c-collar, immobilize -type of thing. We had that one night. Single car MVA. A guy and a gal (not each other's spouse), big time ETOH. We had her all immobilized and I believe the ETOH was keeping him from feeling much pain (always take that into consideration). He just complained of neck stiffness He just wanted to sit on the bench. But after about ten minutes, or as long as it took for the Trooper to get some info, he decided his neck was really starting to hurt and his mid-lumbar. Said "it felt like his head was falling off." We did finally get him fully packaged. To shorten the story, he had two c-spine fx. (C2-complex almost detached and C-5) and compression fx. L-4-L7. Just think if we gave in and just let him sit on the squad bench? As for CPR. If in the city we had a max of three minutes to either hospital no matter where we were. But being such good guys, we'd help in the cardiac room mainly doing compressions and whatever needed to be done. Besides, we got clinical time for it. But if you really want to bulk up those abs, 30-45 mins. of compressions is one way of doing it.
  17. "Bungle in the Jungle" - Jethro Tull
  18. I think I've been to that bar.
  19. Now that's hateful, funny, but hateful.
  20. Socrates, "I drank what??"
  21. I was sent this last night by a friend of mine's mother. I'm already hooked.
  22. There's a few there I'd argue with my Social Sciences teacher in high school. He was good at giving you extra credit if you gave a good debate, even if you were wrong. My weak points were the economical questions, but I still got a 78, I think. I'm so ashamed. :oops:
  23. It's just sad for all this to happen at all.
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