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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. I've done the same. As an Instructor myself, if I get some guys that I work day in and day out with and have ran numerours "codes" with them, I'd just sign them off basically. The time that we are required to spend on that certain station, we'd just shoot the bull or tell jokes. I'm so ashamed. :oops:
  2. I've worked with a vollie BLS service. And with full time ALS private amb. serv. which within the city limits worked hand and hand with the ALS Fire/Rescue, and if in the county had a BLS Fire/Rescue respond also. I later got on with the City Fire/Rescue as a Paramedic and a FF II. I know it sounds complicated but I'll try and simplify it. When I was with the private amb. service and we had a call in the city, both us and the FD responded with the FD Medic in charge and we assisted and did all the transport. If the call was in the county we responded along with the "District" BLS Fire/Rescue. Our Medic was in charge with the District assisting. And we still did all the transport. Eventually I moved up (some may not agree) but I got on the City FD full time as a FF II. For a couple of years before that I belonged to the city's version of a Fire/Rescue Voluntary. (I kept busy). Once I got on I only had to respond to calls in the city, which was far less than covering the whole county. But all in all, I've had experience in who's who, and who's what. I've seen where Medics didn't want anything to do with the fire service, and firefighters who felt the same way with EMS other than Rescue. Eventually the City FD made it mandatory that all new recruits must become Paramedics. That reduced the number of applicants greatly. So I really can't see an EMS Service heading a Fire based service. You have to take into consideration that Fire Depts. have been around and have been established for many more years than EMS services. If I remember right, Benjamin Franklin was the first Fire Chief in the US and established the first Fire Dept in or around 1787. So for help, the first thing that comes to mind is the Fire Dept., or at least (911). Sorry, so long, didn't mean to get into a history lesson.
  3. We had a round-table talk one time (actually we were playing cards). And one of the main things we talked about was when someone made Medic or were in EMS for let's just say 5 yrs. or more, instead of having to recertify every year for CPR, but have a "Life Time" card or something, or just be exempt from having to recert. How many vets are out there that's been doing CPR in the field, which is rarely like what is done in the classroom, have to go through the time and very boring and redundant class?
  4. I know I'm getting in on this late, but...I wouldn't know where to begin. Just one thing is a pretty wide spectrum that would effect so many other things. I don't think there's just one thing that can be changed without effecting numerous other subjects. It's sort of like the "butterfly effect."
  5. I'm in IL but have no idea on how to directly contact them. Go to your local FD or Police. There's got to be an agency that can lead you in the right direction.
  6. On all the FD depts. I've been on the only time there was any billing was for HazMat response and clean up or if someone requests an engine for stand-by, not an emergency response.
  7. Years ago a nurse I worked with went to work for them. She's now a missionary in Thailand.
  8. I'll leave the little black book (I hate rejection like that) How about a $25 gift card for Red Lobster?
  9. "Can't You See" - Marshall Tucker Band
  10. Nope, no pain. Just embarrassed. There were about 30 women who saw me do it. :oops: I was teased for weeks about it around the station, which is par for the course.
  11. If it's an ALS rig, then ALS services should have been rendered. IMHO
  12. The main one I remember is the yellow top/ striped. I know they are used for blood cultures and such. The red tops can be used for a wide variety of tests so that why we always filled at least one tube.
  13. That's one reason I'm all for a full face helmet. We had one guy that was wearing a helmet that "kissed" the front of a semi. He had a through- and - through laceration from the corner of his mouth to the tracheas of the ear. I mean clean through. I forget how many reconstructive surgeries he had. On top of that he had a flailed chest and multiple fx. The last I know, he was back out riding. Sometimes without a helmet at all. He rode with one of our Lt.s
  14. This is half way a serious question. When time was first being measured, who and why did they select what is now the absolute time table that is accepted world wide?
  15. Had a gal in labor very early in the morning. To alleviate the labor pain she got drunk.
  16. "Go ahead and hate your neighbor, go ahead and cheat a friend"- Coven Theme from "Billy Jack"
  17. Depends on what part of his brain is left. Leave- Two pounds of coffee
  18. "White Rabbit" - Jefferson Airplane
  19. I like that.
  20. Since I was in the Navy, it's just about the way they think.
  21. More truth than fiction. Just kidding ladies.
  22. Talking about sliding glass doors...We were called to a chest pain call. There was a group of ladies sitting around like a tupper ware party or something. The lady with the chest pain was in the back bed room. While I was carrying the drop bag, monitor, and drug box, I guess you could say I walked right into the cleanest sliding glass door you couldn't see. I thought it was opened. Talk about embarrassing.
  23. Sometimes it's just a BLS service.
  24. Yellow/Striped, Green, Purple, and always, always a red top no matter what. We were lucky. Our resource hosp. would usually tell us which to use. But even if not asked for, we usually obtained a red top.
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