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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. I've not been here for a while so I may have answered this in an earlier post, but.... When I started in the early 80's in our system, you had to have been active in the field as an EMT -A (Basic) for at least three years. Some companies only sent those that were selected and "nominated' to take the class. Not just anyone could get in. You had to take written test that was on the Basic level but had a few questions that were more advanced to see what they may have picked up in the field. And don't forget the National or State tests Then. depending on what ALS system you worked out of, you had to have so many particular new skills and be "signed off" by a superior within a certain amount of time, usually between three and nine months. After being a "certified' EMT-I for at least one year, it all begins again. The nominating, tests (written & practicals) just to get into the Paramedic class. And believe me, they were picky. Then to become certified, it was pretty much the same as the probationary period as an EMT-I, but you had up to one year. If you don't get your skills, required monthly clinical time (forgot to mention that in the EMT-I curriculum) Then you really don't have to re-take the class, but they have you "audit' the class. I knew several that happened to and they came back and aced the test. I know how different other systems are and like I said, it was back in what I considered EMS as in the M*A*S*H stage. The advancements have been like leaps and bounds and I'm proud of you all that are still active in both the field and the class room. Believe me, if there was a way to help advance EMS, I would in a heart beat. Even though I tutor some and get several questions is all I feel like is my little contribution (very small) It's you young one's, students, basic EMT's, that are the future. And we are counting on you. Sorry, didn't mean to get on a roll.
  2. For those intereested, things are OK. I've just not been here for awhile. Too many people to do and things to see. I'm getting ready for a trip to La. on the 4th, can't wait. If anyone wants to know more of what's been going on just Message me. To spare those who don't care, I'll save the time and effort to explain it all here now. But I promise I'll be around more often.
  3. Published: May 28, 2009 10:53 pm Explosion destroys area home By KANDACE MCCOY kandace.mccoy@register-news.com MT. VERNON — A local couple barely escaped with their lives after their home exploded early Thursday morning. Jason and Amanda Shehorn, of the 19900 block of North Miller Lake Lane, awoke shortly after 4 a.m. after their house exploded, which officials say was the result of a propane leak under the house. The couple received minor injuries and were treated and released from an area hospital after seeking treatment. “Everyone thought it was thunder,” said Jason’s father Butch, who lives behind the couple. “I didn’t hear it, but the neighbors said they heard it and people up at Field School said they heard it, too.” Butch said that his daughter-in-law stated she woke up at midnight and told Jason that she thought she smelled gas. Jason could not detect any odors, Butch said, and the couple went back to sleep. “It blew the walls out,” Butch said. “It’s a miracle they’re alive.” Jason and Amanda’s bedroom is located on the north side of the home. When the explosion occurred, a dresser fell near the couple’s bed, blocking the remainder of the roof from collapsing onto them, Butch explained. According to Jefferson Fire Protection District Chief Mike Huntman, the way the home exploded and burned is typical of a propane gas explosion. Huntman explained propane gas is heavier than air and will go low to the ground, as opposed to natural gas which is lighter than air and will settle higher. When propane gas explodes, it blows from a low point in the structure, which results in a “low burn pattern.” In addition to JFPD, the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office and Illinois Fire Marshall also responded to the scene. Huntman said the state fire marshall suspects the explosion came from the propane gas leak. “We can always get another house,” Butch Shehorn said. “If they had been in another part of the house, they would have been done for.” He added “hundreds” of people have been by his son’s house offering assistance with cleanup. However, he said until the insurance adjuster assesses the damage, cleanup will have to wait. The house, Huntman said, was a total loss. I hope the pic turns out. I'm still a novice at that. I'm sorry if it's not there, but REALLY sorry if it comes up more than once
  4. Congrats. More power to ya.
  5. "Shine on You Crazy Diamond" - Pink Floyd
  6. One thing we always argued when it came to the bi-yearly eligibility test was, what's harder, quarter mile shuttle or a fifteen minute mile run? It seemed like they alternated the two when the test was given. I did the shuttle. Running a certain distance, stop, pick up a object, and run it back the same distance equaling a quarter mile. I too have ran a mile but not as a test. But I know guys that can do that at a fast pace and never break stride. But I do have it on good authority that now some groups are testing two mile runs. I don't know about that. I've always been a sprinter and not a distance runner, when I ran.
  7. firedoc5

    physical test

    Hated doing that with a passion, who wouldn't? We had to do it yearly. But believe it or not, if you had 15 yrs. in it didn't matter if you failed or passed. You just had to do it.
  8. "Simple Man". - Lynyrd Skynyrd- In honor of Ean Evans RIP
  9. this has been a wonder to me too.
  10. It's a grace period before "becoming one" with another.
  11. "Rocky Mountain High" - John Denver
  12. That's good. Sounds like my Aunt Marie, without all the stuff on the car. Serves her right.
  13. Congrats. But I have just one question, Why? And don't say it's because you love him or that you just can't live without him. (Just kidding. I always ask that when someone get's engaged or married)
  14. 'Dream On" - Aerosmith
  15. Why did his guy take the use of the "F'' word so much of an issue? After 20 yrs on the street and/ or behind a dispatcher's desk I'm sure he's heard before and probably said it himself occasionally. And when a girl, or anyone, calls using the "F" word, that should have thrown up a red flag that there was something going on that was not all that common. It should have got his attention and not his ire. To me he was very unprofessional One punishment that was not mention was to take one of his stripes away, with a drop in pay grade. My grandmother told me when I very young that profanity just shows your ignorance of the english language. Keep in mind she was a true southern belle. But I've heard her mutter a word or two, usually along the lines of "damn yankees".
  16. "Pearl Necklace" - ZZTop
  17. The Troggs "Sunday Morning Coming Down" - Johnny Cash
  18. "Sleeping Bag" - ZZTop
  19. I hope she does have the talent to sing other songs just as well. I've seen where someone could belt out a tune that gave you chills. But ask them to sing another song or another type of song and they couldn't do it worth a lick.
  20. Congrats. Maybe you'll have a Tiger Woods in the future.
  21. Now that's a good one.
  22. "Yellow Submarine" - The Beatles
  23. Congrats. My birthday is Sept. 20th, so shoot for then. She's gonna have a lot of "aunts" and "uncles".
  24. Hate to sound nit-picky, but pharmaceuticals have three names. The third is the chemical name. Good jokes though.
  25. "The Night the Lights Went Out in Ga." - Vicki Lawrence / Reba
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