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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. Thankfully the way Don and I explained how we had worked has/is changing. You're right. Every time we rolled out we were flirtin' with disaster, literally. Like I said, it is only by the grace of God that something had not happened to me or any of the one's I was working with at the time. I can't decide if we did it because we didn't know better, didn't care, or were just plain adrenaline/trauma junkies, or all the above. Change takes time. I can tell you are eager to change things. Just learn all you can, which will take time, and I'm not just meaning schoolin' learning, it's also experience. Good old fashion common sense helps. And remember, you can't change everything by yourself.
  2. "What is usually heard, just before the call to 9-1-1 is made? "Hold my beer and watch me do this!" I know about what you were saying about time, I just had one similar to the one you started with. That's all. Time drags, Time flies, There's got to be a happy medium sometime.
  3. Ah, I miss read you. :oops:
  4. Candy corn and peanuts. Tastes just like a Payday candy bar.
  5. Sorry, these long threads can confuse you. I was just too lazy to see who the OP was. I agree about the difference between a "light weight" who went over board and a "power drinker" that other than his breath you couldn't tell if he/she had anything that night. So that's why I think we do see it more with younger people, especially under aged. Under aged, no tolerance. They'll either ride to the hosp. with you or the police. Either way, they wind up at the PD. I lived in a large college town and saw way, way too many youngsters guzzling down their beer or whatever, act like idiots, big shots, and some just get real quiet, etc. But I am guilty of taking advantage of that. A buddy of mine and myself would hook up with some of the youn'guns (NOT under aged) and start to play pool. We'd play for drinks, or whatever. We'd sluff off, let them win two or three and buy them their beers. Then we would start to play. I'd take the Beam & Coke, and Johnny would take the Crown either straight or with cola. Those cost more than the little old beers. BUT if we saw them getting too plowed we'd make sure they were cut off. We knew the owner and all the gals that worked there very well. Man, some would get p!ssed. If there were any under agers, they were strictly off limits. They might not have known it, but one could tell. It was a college town so it was sort of a gray area legally to let them in. Plus they had a large dance hall adjoined to the main bar. There were five or six of us that when we knew they were under aged, they might have had half a beer, and we'd escort them out. If they came with someone who was of age, we'd find them and make them take them home, if they weren't too drunk. Sometimes the cops would be called especially if they had a fake ID or had someone buy it for them and give it to them. I look back now and would have done things a lot different. For one thing, not drank at all. (divorce can drive you to a lot of things) And second, not buy for anybody, unless they were a buddy. :occasion5: I'm so ashamed. :oops: Now that I've got a 17 yr. old, it's a whole new perspective on underaged drinking.
  6. So you're talking about "inebriated" pts. Those who present 'past' just being drunk.
  7. That's sort of what I thought. We'd run all day, and if it was a good night we'd only have 3-5 calls with getting an average of 45min. to an hour sleep at a time. That's why I stayed up for as long as I could, so I wouldn't be woke up that often.
  8. Since I'm sort of an alum from U of IL I'll cheer them on...but, don't know about this year.
  9. There's so many birthdays and belated birthdays, I don't have the energy today to respond to them all. So, :occasion7: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EACH AND EVERYONE :occasion9: Just remember, you're not as young as you were last year. :-({|=
  10. Thanx everyone. The more I look at it, the more actual damage I see. Like how the grill is shoved in. It's a 1995 Dodge (the one year they bulked up the 1500). The grill and everything under the hood is completely even with the front wheels. Now that's a hit. With out belt and airbag he would have been so mucked up. He's still got a little bruise under his chin. What's funny though, he still hasn't apologized to me yet. He probably thinks he has or he mumbled it so low I couldn't hear him. One question. Should I take the Reese Hitch off or leave it on? I might even be able to sell everything in the cabin piece by piece. Like I said, the front end took the entire shock.
  11. A few GE's but mostly Motorola. When they were putting in the brand new base radio equipment, the guys doing the installing wanted the old Motorola base for their museum display. They said it was the oldest one they had ever seen that was still working.
  12. If that person walked off from you, you could have called me. I'd be glad to work with you. And if you mishandled a sharp, I'd only slap you on the back of the hand.
  13. You beat me to it. Mike. :oops:
  14. Headache, puking, tired, partied = Trying to play too hard while hung over may have been the start to something. I agree with LR, D50 when available. Narcan, why not? Check BLC often. What was the rhythm again..."fix it's self"? like Brady with occasional PVC's with PVC's become less as heart rate goes up? Any pitting edema anywhere in extremities? Did he take a blow to the abd., flank, mid-lumbar areas? Also re-confirm no hit to the head.
  15. One good point you made, Doug. "normal" compared to most of the population - but those might be abnormal for the patient. " We had a businessman have a syncopal episode during a business meeting. He would only respond with loud or painful stimuli. He was brady @ 50. I can't remember BP but it was normal and his resp. 15. We did notice he was muscular. To make a long story short, that was all normal for him. He was a tri-athlete. His syncope was due to hypoglycemia. One amp DA50 and he was ready to run a marathon. So take into consideration the possible physical conditioning. Ask a lot of questions to anyone around him or who knows him. If he's a world class athlete, his "normal" won't be our normal.
  16. Love the witness to a full arrest when they say "I pounded him on the chest just like they do on TV."
  17. I found out the hard way....when a girl says, "Oh, I can't get pregnant right not." DON'T believe it. She's either wrong and doesn't know how to count or she's lying. JoAnna May Decker: 8/3/83. Now she's had a baby Kaitlynn Allen: 3/21/07
  18. But bragging, "ME did that!", just doesn't sound right.
  19. Amen, bro. I lived that life style too long and I know it's only by the grace of God I was not one of those who dozed off. I believe it might even have something with me now having migraines.
  20. The last thing a cajun says, " Awww, that gator ain't that big, I can get him in the in piroue (boat)."
  21. I've got to remember that one. My High School class moto: "Apathy lives, who cares?" Really...it was.
  22. So you might be a little pregnant. Man, how many times have I heard that from young gals?
  23. This could be a loooong subject. Had a call of a gal with a spider bite. When we got there a girl, 21 or so, said she thought she was bitten by a black widow spider. She had a string wrapped very tightly around one finger. She said, "See, it's turning black and blue and I can't feel nothing in it. She thought the string was a good tourniquet to "slow" the poison. Took me forever to get her to take the string off. When I finally did and her finger started to turn back to normal she said that I just killed her because the venom was now in her whole body. BTW: No spider found, anywhere. But I'm not the one that looked "anywhere".
  24. "Rainy Days and Mondays" - The Carpenters
  25. Or a canary. That's what the old coal miners used.
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