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Everything posted by firedoc5

  1. That's one that goes under cute. :blackeye:
  2. firedoc5


    What's so funny about that? They are both better than I am. :D/
  3. Since I live close enough I heard about it when it happened. But saw for the first time on the news this morning. Now back in '88 we had a similar accident. But it was with a snorkel and a coal train. The train didn't stop either. Didn't get any footage of that one.
  4. I don't think we've had it here...or at least not in a long time, but I've been in discussions about these "eating contest". And my biggest question is still...WHY?
  5. With a two-way, you could have VOX that will keep you more hands free. Just don't forget to turn it off.
  6. And don't forget he was a peanut farmer...and his brother Billy. :drunken: Later on he won the Nobel PeacePrize.
  7. The "potential" big deal is, whether you have a pt. on board or not, is just that one fraction of a second that it takes to be distracting, interfere, get in the way of, etc. Unless you are the owner of the ambulance you are in, there can be a lot of damage done to a very expensive piece of equip. And I'd say some insurance companies would have a thing or two to say about it. There's already a lot going on while operating any emergency vehicle. The last thing you need is one more. Now, I'm not on any side, for or against, the use of cell phone technology. I think it's a great tool to be used for communication for dispatch, mercy call in's, etc. But let's use a little common sense too.
  8. Talented...I got to turn the shower off to sing. I can see hands free devices, but could bluetooth be distracting to other radio traffic. I've never used bluetooth. My cell phone still has a dial on it.
  9. "Adagio For Strings" - Traditional
  10. If you could travel at the speed of light, would it be dark?
  11. From what I've done before is call all three references. If any of the three are inconsistent then I would call them back and ask for more info. And sometimes it will intrigue me enough to bring them into an interview, of which I can get a good first impression of them.
  12. You mean they are mostly dead, but not fully dead?
  13. Just don't start singing it in four part harmony, especially if their is family around.
  14. A buddy of mine works a dairy farm north of us. I'll have to run that by him. I just don't know if his biulb is bright enough. But come to think of it, my bulb is a bit dim on this one. It does sound familiar, such as a blood poisoning. Possible from ingesting unpasturized milk? I'm so ashamed of myself. :crybaby: And I don't mean Anthrax
  15. Color of urine? Any neck pain? Any outstanding bug bites recently? Any minor/moderate scrapes or scratches lately that he might not have even noticed? Any unusual vision problems? Even though fatigued, how is his sleeping habits? Last Tetnus shot? ETOH habits? Call doc. IV NS TKO. (don't want to over load this guy if urine output is diminished.)
  16. I was under the impression that an EMT/ Paramedic, working for a municipality or private service is covered under the same law as striking a Police Officer or FF since they are State and / or Nationally Certified. But I could be wrong.
  17. "The Conversation" - Hank, Jr. & Waylon Jennings.
  18. Disco Sucks. Death Before Disco. :headbang: But that's just me.
  19. I think that is a difference from the north and the south. In the north (or at least what I've noticed), if there is an officer blocking traffic he just sits there, in the car, waiting for everybody to pass. But in the south, I've noticed on numerous occasions, that the officer is standing in front of his vehicle at attention and as the hearse goes by he/she salutes, no matter who the funeral is for.
  20. Remember way, way, back we had an in depth discussion of rape. I think we covered every aspect of rape. Everything from women just giving in, letting the guy "finish" and let him be off, to the mention of " a anti-rape device similar to a chastity belt". And the mention of the reason on rape and the psychological devastation of the rape victim. Guess what I'm saying is, I can see this topic easily turning into a repeat of that topic. If people want to fine, go for it. But it does have a different angle to the topic so.... Shall we or shall we not hash it out again? Oh, and to me...I agree with those who think that I would worry more about the victim's lives. As it was discussed before, rape is not a completely sexual drive thing, it's violence driven. And if he's already "jacked up" and then put into a lot of pain, he's just going to become more violent.
  21. I hope she makes it to 100 yrs. + 2 months old. That way she could be able to observe the 100th anniversary of the Titanic sinking. My great-grandmother didn't pass away until she was just short of 103. So it's possible. And I'll repeat myself. It's shameful how she's having to sell her things. Maybe if people started writing the Queen, she'd step in. :-k
  22. I know they say it is rare, normally it is someone that just fainted. But I've had it three times. There was one funeral where the person was very high up in the Mason's organization and they have their own private ceremony. It was during the ceremony, the speaker who was performing it, just collapsed. When we got there the funeral home staff was doing CPR. Later we found out that it is required of them to be certified. I believe, due to that, it was a save. But I don't think he ever recovered from it. The staff their we all knew very well. We did removals and transports for them. A few weeks later while sitting around we were talking about it saying how Charlie, the FH owner was trying to drum up his own business, or saying that the main reason they did CPR on the guy was because their cooler was already full. I know, we were sick.
  23. Whether you are for McCain/ Palin or not, that's just funny. :sign5:
  24. Honesty? Speak for yourself
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